

This was published 3 years ago

What happened after Amy Shark forgot to thank Sony boss Denis Handlin at the ARIAs

By Nathanael Cooper

When Amy Shark took out the coveted Album of the Year award for her debut effort Love Monster at the 2018 ARIA awards at The Star in Pyrmont, it should have been the night of her life.

The award, her fourth that year, was the culmination of more than a decade of trying to crack the notoriously difficult Australian music scene.

When Shark’s name was read out, the third time that evening, she turned to kiss her husband, Shane Billings, then embraced Sony Music boss Denis Handlin who was in the row behind, and hugged her team of managers who sat beside her.

Ousted Sony Australia chairman Denis Handlin with chart-topping Australian artist Amy Shark. Handlin has gone amid a probe into a culture of harassment at the company.

Ousted Sony Australia chairman Denis Handlin with chart-topping Australian artist Amy Shark. Handlin has gone amid a probe into a culture of harassment at the company.Credit: Facebook

On stage, she thanked the people who helped make her album. Her producers, her management and the fans. But she didn’t thank Handlin, or the Sony label.

Although Shark had thanked Handlin in earlier acceptance speeches that night, he was furious she hadn’t thanked him or Sony in her speech for the major award, according to those around him on the night who spoke to The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age on the condition of anonymity.

For music industry veterans with long memories, Handlin’s reaction wouldn’t come as a surprise. In the late ’90s he was stood down from his position as Sony Music Australia CEO after a group of executives complained to head office in New York about his behaviour.

One of the executives who complained said Handlin would call them in the early hours of the morning to accuse them of not doing their jobs properly, required them to attend meetings and take phone calls on their holidays, and demanded his promotions staff ensure artists thanked him at awards ceremonies and manufacture standing ovations.

Sony Music’s president of international Bob Bowlin wanted Handlin to stay in the top job. A new code of management conduct was developed and Handlin remained at Sony for another 23 years – until last Monday.


Backstage at the ARIAs in November 2018, Shark’s team let her know that Handlin wasn’t happy about her acceptance speech oversight. Later at Sony’s official awards afterparty at Pier One overlooking Sydney Harbour, guests noted that the Gold Coast pop sensation seemed subdued given her impressive awards haul.

“If Amy didn’t seem herself, it was because of fear, she was scared how Denis was going to react,” one source close to Shark told The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age on condition of anonymity. “It was very obvious she had been crying, everyone could tell.”

Later Shark and her husband were seen locked in a tense discussion with Handlin in a special area of the after-party cordoned off for VIPs, an area staff joke is where people are taken to “kiss the ring” of the chief executive.

During the evening Shark was told by senior managers at Sony Music that she would be required to be in the office early the next morning to publicly apologise for failing to thank Handlin and Sony in her album of the year speech.

“She was broken,” recalls one Sony staffer who witnessed the public apology but asked to remain anonymous due to fear of retaliation from Sony. “It was so humiliating for her, and it was so obvious [she had been made to apologise] to teach her a lesson.”

Amy Shark did not respond to a request for comment. Handlin told The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age that the majority of the allegations were untrue. It is understood he denies ever abusing Amy Shark or making her cry, and he insists the singer attended Sony Music’s offices the day after the ARIA awards of her own volition.

Top of the pops

Until last Monday Handlin was the enigmatic CEO and chairman of Sony Music Australia, the second largest record label in the country. He was also the chair of the Australian Recording Industry Association which oversees everything from the weekly charts to the annual ARIA awards, making him arguably the most powerful man in music in Australia, responsible for making – and breaking – the careers of many aspiring artists.

Handlin started working at Sony half a century ago, jagging a job in the company’s mailroom in Brisbane in 1970. He worked his way up to become CEO in 1984 and has shepherded the careers of some of the nation’s most legendary acts like Silverchair, John Farnham, Delta Goodrem and Guy Sebastian and more recently globally successful artists like Tones and I and The Kid Laroi.

He has received the ARIA Icon award, and twice been honoured by the Queen, first as a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2005 and an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in 2017.

But on Monday Handlin was sacked “effective immediately”, bringing to an abrupt end his 50-year-career at Sony.

“It is time for a change in leadership,” Sony Music Group chairman Rob Stringer wrote in an internal email to staff, before going on to thank Handlin for his “extraordinary contribution” to the company and its artists.

In a statement to The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age on Saturday Handlin said: “I am proud of what my teams and I have achieved for Australian music, Australian artists and young Australians in need in over 50 years in the industry . . . Australian music has been my passion and my life.”

Sony Music’s US head office had just begun an internal investigation into the workplace culture at its Australian outfit when Handlin was dismissed. The Sun-Herald does not suggest any of the allegations being investigated involve Handlin.

Led by Sony’s global head of human resources Andrew Davis, the inquiry was sparked by a complaint from a staffer who worked in the Sydney office.

Last week The Sun-Herald reported Sony had brought in external counsel Stephen Woodbury from law firm Ashurst to run the investigation. Mr Davis encouraged staff to report their complaints to an anonymous hotline.

“We take seriously and look into all allegations brought to us and have been looking into recent complaints,” Mr Davis wrote in an email to Australian Sony staff.

“That said, we are committed to ensuring your workplace is safe and free from unacceptable behaviour.”

Asked about the workplace investigation a spokesperson for Sony Music told the Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age “These claims only recently came to light and we are examining them expeditiously.”

The revolt against the workplace culture at Sony Music Australia comes amid a global reckoning against inappropriate behaviour in the music industry.

The movement began in New Zealand where Warner Music executive Scott MacLachlan, who is credited with discovering Lorde, was sacked in January after admitting to years of harassing behaviour.

Since then the treatment of music industry employees has been under intense scrutiny. The anonymous Instagram account @beneaththeglassceiling has been documenting numerous allegations of poor behaviour.

Until last week Handlin was lauded as an industry leader by many in the music business and inside Sony Music itself. Other staff have described him to the Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age as a “tyrant king” who dominates his artists, staff and the Australian music scene.

Beyonce performing during her 2007 Australian tour.

Beyonce performing during her 2007 Australian tour. Credit: Robin Harper

When Beyonce’s world tour came to Australia in 2007, a small number of Sony executives were invited to meet the superstar backstage. The fairly relaxed affair came with one condition – no one was to kiss Beyonce because the singer was protecting her voice and didn’t want to risk catching an illness.

The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age has been told that Handlin ignored the instruction and kissed Beyonce anyway. He boasted of it during a staff meeting the next day, according to a source who was there, saying he wouldn’t be told what he can and can’t do in his territory.

A former staffer, who asked to remain anonymous as she still works in the industry and fears retaliation for speaking out, said she experienced Handlin’s wrath over a minor mistake – not providing him with an artist’s interview schedule. Her manager told her Handlin wanted her fired.

“Denis threatens you and he punishes you, but he never does it to your face,” the staffer said. “He does it via all these guys who come up to you and tell you he is angry and disappointed and he wants you out and you are a traitor to the company.”

Holding onto power

The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age can reveal that Sony Music’s head office has been aware of Handlin’s behaviour – and the toxic culture within the Australian business – for decades.

In the late ’90s, a group of Sony Music Australia executives complained to US head office about Handlin’s behaviour.

A senior US Sony executive got in touch with one of the executives to establish what the workplace culture was like at the company’s Sydney office.

Until Monday, Denis Handlin was the most powerful person in music in Australia.

Until Monday, Denis Handlin was the most powerful person in music in Australia. Credit: Sasha Woolley

“He called me and asked ‘What’s it like working for Denis Handlin?’ and I replied ‘Utterly miserable’,” the former executive who received the call and asked to remain anonymous because they fear reprisals recalls.

He said after Handlin was appointed CEO in 1984 he had become more confident and powerful.

“His behaviour worsened year by year . . . there were times you were straight out persecuted,” the former executive said.

Handlin was stood down in the winter of 1998 and ten executives were flown to New York for one-on-one meetings to discuss their complaints. Three executives who reported to Handlin at the time told The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age they were assured he wouldn’t return to the company.

But a short time later they were summoned to the Crowne Plaza Terrigal on the NSW Central Coast for a conference. There, Sony’s global head of HR and an external consultant who specialises in organisational psychology, according to an internal memo from the time seen by The Sun-Herald, tried to convince the executives to continue working under Handlin.

Over the course of the weekend the executives outlined their concerns and eventually developed a code of management conduct called ‘Sony Leadership Code Australia’. The code, which The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age have seen a copy of, included rules such as “Have respect for each individual”, “Select and promote based on ability and performance not gender or race” and “Behave ethically, have personal integrity”.

At the end of the conference, two of the executives resigned immediately. Within four years, none of the ten executives who complained about Handlin still worked for Sony Music Australia.

In a statement, Sony Music Entertainment said: “We are not in a position to comment further on allegations concerning matters which occurred over 20 years ago particularly given that the persons involved at that time are no longer at the company. To the extent these matters have been raised, Sony Music will be reviewing them.”

A widespread problem

The issues at Sony Music Australia extend beyond the chief executive’s office.

In April The Sun-Herald revealed that Sony Music Australia had dismissed the company’s vice president of commercial music Tony Glover after an internal investigation found he had bullied and harassed a number of staff members. Mr Glover denied any wrongdoing and said at the time he had never been disciplined prior to his dismissal.

“There’s me and there’s the complainants and I guess the amount of complainants outweighed my word,” he said at the time.

Former Sony Music Australia executive Tony Glover has been sacked after an investigation found he had bullied and harassed staff.

Former Sony Music Australia executive Tony Glover has been sacked after an investigation found he had bullied and harassed staff.Credit: Facebook

“I had never been sanctioned before, [the investigation] was a complete surprise. I think I am a decent person, a loyal person.”

Since then The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age have spoken to 24 former and current Sony Australia staff members about the culture of bullying and harassment they claim exists at the company. The allegations range from low level bullying and gaslighting through to assault.

Many spoke on the condition of anonymity, primarily because they were afraid of the impact it would have on their careers in the notoriously small Australian music industry. Others signed non-disclosure agreements when they resigned from Sony or were made redundant.

“They’ll stop at nothing to protect their reputation,” says one senior music industry executive, who is familiar with the culture at Sony.

Some said their time at the label left them with post-traumatic stress disorder. “Even talking to you now I am shaking,” one former staff member says.

Sony is renowned for throwing some of the best parties in the local music scene, from private backstage events after gigs to the annual ARIA Awards afterparty held at some of Sydney’s fanciest locations like the Museum of Contemporary Art. The parties are among the hottest tickets in town for the occasional attendee. For staff who are required to attend these events, and often several a week, it can be a different story.

One former employee, who asked to remain anonymous, says the drinking culture at Sony turned her into an alcoholic.

“I wasn’t much of a drinker when I started working there, but you are expected to attend events for the company. Not encouraged: expected,” the former staffer recalls. “You are at these gigs, you are drinking, and if you’re not drinking you’re not a team player. I left in the February and I was in Alcoholics Anonymous in the May.”

A woman who worked at a now defunct music chain also experienced the hard partying ways of Sony. “When we would go out with record labels Sony was the only one who would try to take us to strip clubs. Our relationships with other [labels] just weren’t like that.”

Unorthodox human resources practices at the company aren’t limited to turning a blind eye to heavy drinking at work events. The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age have been told of multiple instances where people have been made redundant at Sony, only for their roles to be re-named and then filled by someone new.

One former staff member, who started at Sony on a maternity leave contract, says the role she was covering for was made redundant and the new mother was told her position was no longer available. The maternity leave replacement was then offered a job with the same responsibilities as the new mother’s job, only with a slightly different title.

Sony Music Australia’s Sydney Office.

Sony Music Australia’s Sydney Office.Credit: Rhett Wyman

“I had the same job with the same duties and the same salary – there was just a new word in my title,” she recalls.

One woman who spoke on the condition of anonymity says in her experience at Sony senior men were allowed to prey on junior women and get away with it. She says she had consensual sex with a senior Sony executive and was later chastised by Human Resources for “upsetting” the man.

“I think I probably had an expectation that it [sex] would happen again,” she explains.

“I was obviously drunk at a function and talked to him more than he wanted to be talked to by someone as junior as me. Shortly after I had a formal sit down with Human Resources who told me to leave [the senior executive] alone because I was upsetting him.

“She basically told me it will get too hot for me if I didn’t back off.”

After The Sun-Herald revealed the dismissal of Tony Glover, several female staff at Sony were at pains to point out the culture had changed in recent times.

The company has promoted at least eight female staff members in the last twelve months including two women into senior roles: Kate Bonano who now heads up the local publicity team looking after Australian artists, and Sophie McArthur who holds a vice president role. The recent poaching of Sophie Patterson from Spotify has also boosted senior female representation at the company.

The investigation into the workplace culture that began nearly a month ago is ongoing with former and current staff still contacting the anonymous tipline.

Attention now turns to who will replace Handlin at Sony, one of the most powerful jobs in Australian music. Two front runners have emerged: former Sony Music Australia executive Tim Pithouse and Kim Boshier, the managing director of Sony New Zealand.

Pithouse moved to New York in 2018 to head up The Orchard, a subsidiary of Sony Music which specialises in distribution, marketing and sales. He has long been considered Handlin’s heir apparent at Sony Music Australia and The Orchard role formed part of his apprenticeship.

Meanwhile Boshier is seen within Sony as a steady hand with impeccable taste in music and a management style that could heal the fractures within the Australian office.

But as one long term music industry executive said last week: “who would want it now?”

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An earlier version of this report gave an incorrect year for Beyonce’s tour of Australia. 

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