This was published 3 years ago
Music identities to meet with Qld government to push new crowds campaign
By Tony Moore
Queensland’s cash-hemorrhaging music industry will meet on Wednesday with the state government to push for relaxed live music crowd restrictions – or provide financial help.
Ironing out inconsistent Australian border restrictions that are frustrating Australian touring bands is an extremely high priority.
Opening night crowd at the Fortitude Music Hall in 2019.Credit: Tony Moore
In one example, The Tivoli in Fortitude Valley recently lost $75,000 in weekend revenue when Queensland Health refused entry into the state to a member of band Holy Holy who lived 95 kilometres from a recent Melbourne CBD hotspot, forcing the cancellation of four sold-out shows.
Despite emails to Queensland’s Chief Health Officer, Arts Minister Leeanne Enoch and local MP Grace Grace detailing isolation steps the band would take, the answer was a “blanket no”, Tivoli co-owner Dave Sleswick said.
“Because of that ‘no’, that band had to renegotiate $140,000 worth of tickets they had sold and we lost four shows. That one weekend alone we would have lost about $75,000.”
The music industry – like tourism – will be badly impacted if JobKeeper is removed on Sunday.
More than 3500 musicians have signed a petition to the federal government pleading JobKeeper be extended after March 28.
John Collins (right) with Fortitude Music Hall partner Scott Hutchinson say venue operators took the medicine and big economic hit in 2020. Now they want help from the Queensland Government. to lift crowd restrictions.Credit: Tony Moore
John Collins, Powderfinger’s former bassist and now co-owner of The Triffid and the Fortitude Music Hall, QMusic chief executive Angie Samut and Live Music Australia Business Council executive general manager Craig Spann will meet with COVID-19 recovery assistant minister Bart Mellish on Wednesday.
“What I am saying to the government is that if you can’t increase the (venue) capacity, you are going to have to come and financially help us out,” Mr Collins said.
Mr Collins leads Australian music’s Play Fair campaign tackling the double whammy about to hit Australia’s live music industry: ongoing crowd restrictions and job losses linked to the windback of JobKeeper.
In most venues fans are asked to remain seated, although dancing is now allowed.
Limited standing is allowed, but the overall restrictions mean live music venues run at about one-third capacity, seriously eroding their profitability.
The latest COVID-19 community transmission case in Brisbane on Friday may impede the plans, but musicians argue their case is crucial.
Mr Collins said all live music venues had obeyed Queensland government health warnings during the COVID-19 pandemic last year, “took the medicine” and “took a large economic hit”.
“It was a health issue last year, but I really think it’s not a health issue now; it’s an economic crisis for the venues,” he said.
“And with JobKeeper ending, it is going to be a massive hassle.”
Dave Sleswick, creative director at The Tivoli night club in Spring Hill.Credit: Tony Moore
Mr Sleswick said people had the wrong perception venues were operating at full capacity.
“Essentially we [The Tivoli] are operating at under 50 per cent capacity. The losses here are substantial,” Mr Sleswick said.
“Whilst it seems there are still music events starting to pop up now, there is this public perception that things are back to normal,” he said.
“And it couldn’t be further from the truth really.”
Mr Sleswick asked for:
- a industry-specific COVID-19 recovery strategy;
- relaxed crowd capacity restrictions;
- improved inconsistencies in border restrictions
How restrictions are impacting major Queensland venues
The Triffid at Newstead.
- Normally has capacity of 800 people
- Now operating at 260 to 270 people
- 60 per cent of wages are subsidised by JobSeeker
- All casual staff wages covered by JobKeeper
- “There is just no revenue at this level,” John Collins
The Fortitude Music Hall, Fortitude Valley
- The Fortitude Music Hall opened in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley in July 2019, eight months before COVID-19 shut down the live music industry, says John Collins
- It has a maximum capacity of 3300 people when fans can stand
- With current restrictions it has a capacity of 1100 fans
- “This venue was not designed for 1100 people. It was designed for 3000 people and all our building and economic figures were designed around having that many people in the room.”
- “The losses here are now substantial.”
The Tivoli at Spring Hill
- Maximum crowd allowing standing 1560
- Now crowds are 690 to 700, either seated or standing
- Recently lost $70,000 in revenue sales in one weekend when Queensland Health denied a Melbourne musician entry to the state, forcing four sold out gigs to be cancelled
- 28 of 38 Tivoli staff - mix of casual and permanent jobs - are subsidised by JobKeeper
The federal government on Thursday announced arts businesses and organisations could apply for grants totalling $125 million to help run festivals, concerts, tours, productions and events.
What the Queensland government says
It is unlikely the Queensland government would be able to offer financial assistance to Queensland venues, a premier’s department spokesman said.
“No, not yet. We are trying to accomodate JC and we understand his problem, but we still have to deal with the pandemic and takle the CHO’s advice,” a Premier’s Department spokesman said.
Health Minister Yvette D’Ath said the plans was to “phase in” reduced restrictions.
“The reality is the risks from COVID are not over yet. The risk of community transmission remains real, as recent events at the PA Hospital, the Hotel Grand Chancellor and North Brisbane on Friday show,” she said.