

This was published 4 years ago

Russell Crowe on iso life, the media and new film Unhinged

By Stephanie Bunbury

Russell gets the funny side. Who wouldn't? Russell Crowe, whose ready temper has provided material for so many gossip columns, is starring in a film about road rage called Unhinged. Crowe plays a character simply called the Man who, after an altercation at a stoplight, tells the woman who tooted him that she is about to learn that actions have consequences; he then pursues her and her family for the rest of the film.

It's scary because he's Russell Crowe who, as we all know, is a great actor. It's also funny because he's Russell Crowe, thrower of phones. Tell anyone that Russell Crowe's new film is about road rage and you will get a hoot of knowing laughter in reply.

Russell Crowe is simply know as The Man in his new film about road rage, Unhinged.

Russell Crowe is simply know as The Man in his new film about road rage, Unhinged.

Of course, he knew that going in. "I actually saw that as kind of amusing. This is the cliche that has been built around who I am," he says. "But in reality if you look at my work life, I go from one set to another set, I do the work that I want to do. That cliched description that is applied to me isn't any level of my truth."

When you acquire a certain critical mass of fame, he says, you lose control over what is said about you. "You have just become an asset to the media as a broader phenomenon. So it's the truth of the asset-builders, but it is funny to me to play a character like this because those asset-builders actually created the market for this character. The character could work!" He snorts with laughter.

Crowe is speaking to me from his property in Nana Glen in northern NSW, where he has been spending lockdown with his aged parents. Most of the things he does – making movies, performing music, presiding over the South Sydney Rabbitohs rugby league club – involve dealing with a lot of people. On the farm, he gets to talk to his Angus cattle.

"I understand a lot of people have had a shitload worse time than me," he says. "But in reality, the reason I bought this land in the bush in the first place is that I've been self-isolating on and off for the past three decades – and it turns out I'm rather good at it." It's the longest he has got to spend in the bush, he says, since he was married and had small children. His older son is now 16.

"So there is one side of it that for me has been quite beneficial. A less frenetic life. A life with fewer flights and responsibilities in other places. To have time at home has allowed me to get a lot of stuff organised." There are scripts to write or read – "here on my desk, there are nine principal projects and another half dozen on top of that" – dialogue to loop in his home studio, mowing and planting to do on the farm. His sons have just arrived for the school holidays.

He keeps a farmer's routine: up early, early to bed, Sundays with his parents in the chapel he built on his property. Originally, it was a place to meditate; he then extended it for his wedding in 2003, two years after he won his Oscar for Gladiator. "Because, at the time, it was very difficult to make any plans anywhere in the world without them being invaded". The current Sunday routine isn't necessarily religious, he says; he makes up a playlist of songs and tries to get his father to sing along.


At first sight, Unhinged seems a surprising choice for an actor as conspicuously serious as Crowe. Ostensibly, it's a straight-up genre film that asks one question: will Rachel, the scatty single mother played by Caren Pistorius, eventually get away? All you know about the Man – and indeed, all you need to know – is that he is very, very angry. It doesn't seem much of a stretch for an actor who has made a career out of simmering complexity.

Crowe says he initially thought the same thing. He had agreed on a trip to Los Angeles to meet the director Derrick Borte, but was intending to tell him 'no'. "When I first read it - and this is becoming a more and more regular thing for me – I didn't see what I could do with it," he says.

Naomi Watts as Gretchen Carlson and Russell Crowe as Roger Ailes in The Loudest Voice.

Naomi Watts as Gretchen Carlson and Russell Crowe as Roger Ailes in The Loudest Voice.Credit: SHOWTIME

Everyone he told about the script, however, said it sounded great. "So it made me sort of start to think about it, because with each telling, you naturally start to distil it. And I started to realise that what I was being negative about was a certain type of fear." It frightened him, he says, because he felt it was true.

"What I was reading was not a device for a genre film, but a comment on the place we're in where, in cycles of time that are getting closer and closer together, someone stands up and enacts this type of rage. Whether they're taking a firearm into a school or shooting in a Las Vegas nightclub, whatever it happens to be, we're seeing this situation where a certain type of person is becoming bereft of humanity and empathy and taking this path."

It's not that the Man's rampage can be excused or justified; while the script drops a few details about a lost job and a busted marriage, Crowe says Borte agreed with him this was not a man who had his reasons. "Because in reality, his life is the same as everybody else's. We all have peaks; we all have valleys. Divorce is a punishing thing; it's difficult for everybody, but it's one of life's travails. There are other things in play that strip this guy of his humanity - and it's not just his individual experience. There's a thousand things at the moment that undercut what a guy of his age may have grown up believing."

Crowe is 56. He says he grew up believing we all shared the same ground rules. "Growing up, I always felt – and I'm not sure if you felt the same way – that there was a commonly understood truth, you know, regardless of what part of the political spectrum you were on and regardless of where you stood on a number of issues," he says. Now, he thinks, society is cleaved into two sides that can't even argue. "We don't seem able to have conversations from different perspectives with any level of politeness and it's getting worse and worse. Obviously a road rage response is an extreme situation, but we're getting more and more of this from a societal perspective."

Ryan Corr (left) as Art and Russell Crowe as Joshua Connor in The Water Diviner, which Crowe directed.

Ryan Corr (left) as Art and Russell Crowe as Joshua Connor in The Water Diviner, which Crowe directed.

Last month, the Crowe cliche again made headlines when he refused to join a chat show discussion about The Loudest Voice, in which he gives a phenomenally committed performance as the late Roger Ailes, founder and director of Fox News, after the host introduced the segment with a tirade describing Fox as "mental poison" and Ailes as a "sick person". It was reported Crowe "went into a meltdown", although he and the AOL producers denied it. "I wasn't angry," he says. "I just decided there is no place here for me in this conversation. You have taken it upon yourself in the introduction to colour anything I might say."

It's interesting, he says, how people don't recognise their own bias "That's probably what the exploration of The Loudest Voice is, at the end of the day. It's what constitutes bias when you are in a situation where truth is just one option, it doesn't necessarily drive what you're doing."

I speculate the Man is probably a Fox News watcher. There is a brief silence, during which I listen hopefully for the sounds of cattle lowing. "There's no commentary in the movie at all that puts him on one side of political discourse or the other," he says eventually. "The fact you've said that, that you have put that in as a symbol: now we are talking about your bias."

We swing into a discussion of the vitriol of discussion on social media, which he doesn't see as worse than any other media. "The language of human discourse, wanting to shout your opinion in social media is a direct descendant of lurid tabloid headlines, which have have become the norm of how we get our news," he says. And broadsheets are the same. He doesn't like my tribe much, which I guess is not surprising; he says he has been in this business since he was six, which means he has had 50 years to become disenchanted with being a media asset.


But he certainly doesn't feel that way about making films; when he talks about directing, his excitement is palpable, even over the phone. He never felt more alive, he says, than when he was working on The Water Diviner, the World War I drama he directed in 2014. And while it may be difficult to get adult dramas made in this age of comic-strip tentpoles, he is working on it.

"It is the greatest job in the world, Stephanie, seriously. The greatest job in the world! It combines every artistic pursuit, you know, from composition painting, writing obviously, music: it is just everything. I've lived my entire life pursuing art, you know. And then to find out that this directing job is all art." Not that acting has lost any of its lustre. "Every day I am walking towards a set for a day of work I know I'm in the right place," says Crowe. "Because this is the job I'm supposed to do."

Unhinged opens on July 30.

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