

This was published 8 months ago

‘I got this email out of the blue...’: Jacqueline McKenzie on The Dry and her enduring success

The Sydney-born actor is based in Los Angeles but her latest project sees her back on Aussie soil, this time in the Victorian bush alongside Eric Bana in The Dry 2.

By Lorna Gray

Jacqueline McKenzie wears Bianca Spender dress. Dinosaur Designs jewellery.

Jacqueline McKenzie wears Bianca Spender dress. Dinosaur Designs jewellery. Credit: Corrie Bond

This story is part of the January 28 edition of Sunday Life.See all 12 stories.

Jacqueline McKenzie is quietly one of Australia’s most accomplished actors, her extensive credentials spanning feature films, television and stage performances, including on Broadway. She established herself with breakout roles in Romper Stomper (1992) and Angel Baby (1995) and has worked solidly since, often alongside Hollywood royalty. Despite this, the 56-year-old remains delightfully warm and humble, still lighting up with an infectious zest when she talks about her work.

The Sydney-born star is based in Los Angeles but has increasingly found herself back in Australia in recent years, having taken on TV projects that include Savage River, Safe Harbour and Bloom.

Her latest film, Force of Nature: The Dry 2, also sees her back on Aussie soil, this time in the Victorian bush. McKenzie plays Federal Agent Carmen Cooper alongside Eric Bana as Federal Agent Aaron Falk as they head deep into the mountains in search of an informant who has disappeared. It’s the second instalment in the trilogy based on Jane Harper’s bestselling novels and boasts a cast including Deborra-Lee Furness, Anna Torv, Richard Roxburgh and Sisi Stringer.

McKenzie had already worked with some of the cast members – multiple times in the case of Roxburgh and Furness – but says she took the role immediately because it was offered to her by director Robert Connolly. The pair met in 1989, when they were studying at NIDA, and struck up a friendship while Connolly was working at the front-of-house bar. Ever since, McKenzie says, she’s “celebrated his work from afar”.

“I got this email out of the blue,” says McKenzie. “This is how your life can change. You can be sitting there knitting one moment and this gorgeous letter appears from Robert asking me to play Carmen. The minute I told my friends I was doing it … you have no idea how many people have read that book and how many people are Eric Bana fans!”

Perhaps surprisingly, she had never worked with Bana, who is also a producer on the film, bar one memorable experience in the ’90s.

“A long time ago – and I reminded him of this – I was on The Eric Bana Show Live in Melbourne. I was very young and promoting a few films. He had another guest on who’d gained a level of celebrity because his wife had severed his penis – his name was John Wayne Bobbitt. It was absolutely nuts.


“I’ll never forget being on the show. I’m sitting there and Eric is asking me questions, then all of a sudden he’s running across the other side of the studio, changing costumes to become another character, shooting a hilarious segment before ripping the costume off and racing back over to pick up the questions again. I’d never seen anything like it.

Zimmermann leather jacket. Henne dress. Alias Mae boots. Dinosaur Designs jewellery.

Zimmermann leather jacket. Henne dress. Alias Mae boots. Dinosaur Designs jewellery.Credit: Corrie Bond

“I later watched him in Chopper and the rest is history. He’s so beautiful and decent and compassionate. And he’s hardcore, too. If you’re on time, you’re five minutes late. Which I now try on my daughter to get her to school. I say, ‘Eric Bana says you’re five minutes late.’ She just looks at me like, ‘What?’”

“Hardcore” is a running theme of the production on Force of Nature. Jane Harper’s novels encapsulate the various extremities of the Australian landscape, with the second story focusing on luscious mountain rainforest and the perils of being lost in the wilderness.

The cinematic result is breathtaking. Shot in freezing temperatures in remote locations in Victoria during winter, McKenzie still bears battle scars from filming.

“We had to hike 15 minutes to one of the spots in the Otway Ranges. I had two wetsuits on, so everything was airtight, but look, I have leech scars on my knuckles,” she says, holding up her hands.

“I remember showing the camera guys and they all went, ‘Me too!’ We shoved our knuckles together and had the same scars. They were the only parts of our bodies exposed, besides our faces.


“The make-up department had to come up with ways to kill them without alerting actors to the fact they had a massive, engorged slug behind their ear because they numb your skin before they bite, so you don’t know they’re there until you see the blood. Robert Connolly had one the size of a thumb up his nose at one point.

Zimmermann faux fur coat, Bianca Spender dress, Alias Mae boots.

Zimmermann faux fur coat, Bianca Spender dress, Alias Mae boots.Credit: Corrie Bond

“I took a shower after filming once and looked down to see all these leeches swirling down [the drain]. I have a thing about them after that.”

McKenzie says she kept making the steep trek back to civilisation between takes to go to the bathroom, even when she didn’t need to, as the emergency alternative was using a female urinating device or Shewee. “It looks like an oxygen mask, but rather than put it on your face, it goes ‘down there’,” she explains.


While city-bred McKenzie admits she has limited experience of the bush, she recently enjoyed a camping trip with her 14-year-old daughter, Roxy. “My daughter is a member of the Girl Guides,” she explains. “I was never a member; I was deeply suspicious of all those places. But her best friend from school joined, so she did too. They had a mother-daughter camping trip and I thought, ‘We’re doing it.’ I’ve got a little motto: You’ve got to live to tell the tale.

“I said, ‘Rox, whatever happens, it’s either going to be horrific but we will have such tales, or it’ll be fabulous, and we’ll still have tales.’ It was gale force winds when we were out on canoes on a lake and we all ended up in mangroves, but we’re all still talking about it.”


The pair have a permanent base in Los Angeles, but Roxy goes to school in Australia. McKenzie says Roxy has inherited her passion for musical theatre. “She’s a natural. She loves singing and loves musicals, which is hilarious because I love them too. I started out singing and I always wanted to be in musicals.

Scanlan Theodore shirt and trousers, Dinosaur Designs jewellery.

Scanlan Theodore shirt and trousers, Dinosaur Designs jewellery.Credit: Corrie Bond

“The only thing I’d love to do that I haven’t done is a musical. That’s what I’m doing at the moment – developing a couple of ideas.”

This isn’t counting her first forays into acting, with McKenzie playing Nancy in Oliver! when she was still at high school. She was also in Brigadoon with a young Hugh Jackman playing the male lead when they were at Sydney’s Pymble Ladies’ College and Knox Grammar respectively.

McKenzie laughs about going on to work with his future wife, Deborra-Lee Furness. Recalling their first meeting in 1993 during rehearsals for Ben Elton’s TV series Stark, she says, “I was a bit nervous because she was this famous actress who’d done Shame.

“The door smashed open and sunlight blasted the room and that was meeting Deborra-Lee. She is like a sunlight that enters your life. Funny, down to earth, self-deprecating, talented and not remotely anti-women. I got to know Deb, we were close and then suddenly she and Hugh were working together. I remember thinking ‘That’s so funny, he was in Brigadoon.’”

With an illustrious career under her belt, McKenzie remains philosophical about the roles she takes. “You don’t get what you want in life, you get what you need. That’s how I feel about roles. I obviously get what I need, and I go for it. I’ve been so fortunate and worked with amazing people.


“It’s more about what story I want to be in than what medium. And more and more, it’s about who I want to tell that story with. I want to work with people who embrace everyone on the journey.”

“You don’t get what you want in life, you get what you need. That’s how I feel about roles. I obviously get what I need, and I go for it.”


This is overwhelmingly apparent in her praise of those she worked with on Force of Nature. McKenzie has an enduring love for her craft and every facet of the process, excitedly gushing about the wardrobe and make-up teams, the producers and the unit crew who she says would have “walked on hot coals” for Robert Connolly.

McKenzie remains humble about the longevity of her career, crediting her love of acting and working with excellent directors as the keys to her success.

“I love being directed – I don’t want to do it on my own,” she says. “When you’re coming out of acting school, you believe you can do it all, but I don’t believe that now. I do believe that I’ll give anything a red-hot f---ing go.”

Force of Nature: The Dry 2 is in cinemas February 8.


Fashion editor, Penny McCarthy; Hair, Darren Summors; Make-up, Claire Thomson; Fashion assistant, Emmerson Conrad.

Photographed on location at Golden Age Cinema and Bar, Sydney.

STOCKISTS Alias Mae; Bianca Spender; Dinosaur Designs; Henne; Zimmermann

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