

This was published 9 months ago

A ‘pitch-perfect sequel’? The fine line between fan fiction and an ugly lawsuit

By Michael Idato

Like many “fan fiction” writers, Lord of the Rings fan Demetrious Polychron indulged in the creation of stories set in the fantasy world of author J.R.R. Tolkien. Such light incursions into the realm of copyright violation are usually tolerated because they fuel fandoms that generate billions in book, film ticket and TV streaming subscription revenue.

In the Polychron case, however, the author’s error was to sue the Tolkien estate and Amazon, who produced the Lord of the Rings spin-off The Rings of Power, for copyright infringement. He not only lost, but the judge ruled Polychron was the actual infringer, ordered all copies of the book destroyed, banned it from further distribution and threw in legal costs of $US134,000.

Armed for battle: fandom vs The Lord of the Rings.

Armed for battle: fandom vs The Lord of the Rings.Credit: Prime Video

It’s a very modern malaise; Polychron, and other fans, have come a long way from selling stapled booklets at conventions; they now have easy access to digital publishing tools. Similarly, Star Wars and Star Trek fans have access to high-quality digital editing and special effects apps that make replicating TV-equivalent production values in fan-produced films relatively easy.

What is clear too is that the line between amateur and professional writing is sometimes difficult to see. 50 Shades of Grey went from fan fiction to $US1.2 billion film franchise in the blink of an eye. And Polychron’s Lord of the Rings fan work, which he had described ambitiously as a “pitch perfect” sequel to Tolkien’s trilogy, was intended as the first of seven books.

The Lord of the Rings case, and a recent decision by Paramount CBS to lay creative boundaries on Star Trek fan filmmakers, reveal a growing discomfort around the policing of IP ownership. Co-incidentally, these developments come as two of Disney’s most iconic characters, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, drift out of copyright protection and enter the public domain on January 1.

Fan fiction is exactly what it says on the label: sometimes romantic stories featuring fictional characters written by fans. More overt sexually themed fan fiction is referred to as slash fiction, because of the slash punctuation mark used to identify the pairings, such as K/S, which stands for Kirk/Spock. (K/S fiction, largely written by female Star Trek fans, was one of the first genres of slash fiction to emerge in the 1970s.)

Spock (Brandon Stacy), Kirk (Brian Gross) and McCoy (John M. Kelley) in Star Trek: The New Voyages, a fan-produced online series.

Spock (Brandon Stacy), Kirk (Brian Gross) and McCoy (John M. Kelley) in Star Trek: The New Voyages, a fan-produced online series.

Riverdale screenwriter Britta Lundin, who wrote the fan fiction-themed novel Ship It, says fan fiction has contributed to diversity in Hollywood storytelling. “There’s more of an awareness of fan culture in Hollywood now [and] there’s a lot of talent in fan fiction,” Lundin told The Hollywood Reporter. “I don’t want to see fan fiction get commercialised [but] there’s so much great queer storytelling happening in fan fiction.”

Real-person fiction (RPF) is another more ethically complex subgenre of fan fiction; it typically features real-life celebrities. In 2003, lawyers for American baseballer Andy Pettitte asked a fan site to take down a sexually themed fan fiction story; in 2008 the author of pornographic fiction about the band Girls Aloud was arrested and charged under the Obscene Publications Act. He was found not guilty.


In the realm of fan films, one of the earliest examples was the 1978 Star Wars satire Hardware Wars, which parodies the story and replicates the film’s battle sequences using household appliances. Another fan favourite, Troops (1997) is a COPS-style do-over focusing on the stormtroopers working on the planet Tatooine.


Broadly, Star Wars owner Lucasfilm is tolerant of Star Wars-themed fan films, though one Australian film, 1999’s The Dark Redemption, flew close to the flame by featuring Lucasafilm-owned characters including Mara Jade, Zev Senesca and Boba Fett. Australian actor Peter Sumner also reprised his character, Pol Treidum, from the original 1977 Star Wars.

In another case, music rights owner Warner/Chappell asserted a claim over the music used in the fan film Vader Episode I: Shards of the Past, which effectively forced YouTube to run ads and pay the company money. Fan outcry prompted Lucasfilm to step in, shut down the copyright claim and restore it to a non-revenue earning fan film.

Star Trek fan groups have walked a more complicated line. Several have produced online television series set in the era of the 1960s Star Trek: The Original Series, whose relatively simple sets and special effects are easy to duplicate. They include Star Trek: New Voyages and Star Trek Continues; both made near TV production-grade episodes with fan casts and guest appearances from professional Star Trek actors.

But in 2014, a group of fans crowdfunded a feature film, Star Trek: Axanar, which attracted a lawsuit from Paramount CBS asserting the production had made use of “innumerable copyrighted elements of Star Trek, including its settings, characters, species, and themes.”

As a result of that case, Paramount CBS released stricter fan film guidelines requiring films be no longer than 15 minutes, and have no more than two continuous parts, and no additional seasons, episodes, parts, sequels or remakes. They must play on YouTube without commercials; they cannot sell merchandise, and must contain no profanity, nudity or depictions of drugs or alcohol use. The studio does permit limited fundraising, but caps it at $US50,000 per film.


The company statement at the time said the rules were intended to “bring fan films back to their roots”. One fan responded by describing the guidelines as “written by a group of over-caffeinated lawyers and licensing employees with little to no understanding of the concept of Star Trek fandom”.

Paramount is more tolerant with written fan fiction; the Penguin Random House-owned Bantam Books has published several books of fan-written stories under the title Star Trek: The New Voyages.

The Tolkien estate’s lawyer, Steven Maier, described the win for The Lord of the Rings as “an important success for the Tolkien estate, which will not permit unauthorised authors and publishers to monetise J.R.R Tolkien’s much-loved works.”

Maier said the case was “a serious infringement of The Lord of the Rings copyright, undertaken on a commercial basis, and the estate hopes that the award of a permanent injunction and attorneys’ fees will be sufficient to dissuade others who may have similar intentions.”

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