

This was published 3 years ago

Scandals and scoops: How gossip columns have changed our city

By Andrew Hornery

Early on in my career I learnt that for many, ahem, supposedly serious newspaper journalists, the term “gossip” is something of a dirty word.

And yet just about every cracking scoop – from politics to football – usually starts with loose lips spilling the beans on something salacious and newsworthy that someone, somewhere is trying to hide.

Gossip fodder: James Packer and his first fiancee, the former model Kate Fischer, were together for five years.

Gossip fodder: James Packer and his first fiancee, the former model Kate Fischer, were together for five years.Credit: Vince Caligiuri

And gossips, along with whistleblowers, snitches, moles, insiders, “well-placed sources” or whatever else you want to call them, have played a critical role in how thousands of stories have made it onto The Sydney Morning Herald’s pages. But the advent of the gossip column such as Private Sydney is a relatively recent development in this masthead’s long and distinguished history, with the paper marking its 190th anniversary this week.

PS is but a babe in the woods at just 16 years old – though it is part of a rich and long history of Herald reporters and columns, including CBD, Column 8, Short Black and Title Deeds, all devoted to eking out titbits (there are few press releases on this beat) regarding the travails of names and faces that make up the great human tapestry of Sydney’s social, cultural, celebrity, fashion, political, sporting, hospitality and business landscapes.

Over the years the Herald has also featured equally colourful columns such as Spike, Kookaburra, Stay In Touch, Today’s People and Sauce, written by a long line of distinguished journalists from Kate McClymont to David Dale.

It was Anthony Dennis during his days on Today’s People who ordained Kylie Minogue “the Singing Budgie” in the 1980s, while John Laws was dubbed “Golden Tonsils” and Derryn Hinch “the Human Headline”.

The Minogues: Sisters Dannii and Kylie.

The Minogues: Sisters Dannii and Kylie. Credit: TV Week

There has long been a place in the Herald’s pages for the not-so-hard news; a city as brash as Sydney provides rich hunting grounds for a gossip columnist. Throw in fabled parties like the hedonistic Cointreau Balls and the scene is certainly set. All those over-inflated egos deserve the ink.

From Woolloomooloo’s “Prince” Lorenzo Montesini’s ill-fated Venice wedding in 1990 to society heiress Primrose “Pitty Pat” Dunlop – which ended in tears when the groom left the bride at the altar to run off with the best man – to billionaire cardboard king Richard Pratt, his secret mistress Shari-Lea Hitchcock and their love-child Paula in Watsons Bay, our town has always delivered on the scandal front.

Lorenzo Montesini and his ill-fated bride Primrose “Pitty Pat” Dunlop.

Lorenzo Montesini and his ill-fated bride Primrose “Pitty Pat” Dunlop.

In PS’s lifetime alone a cavalcade of names have been caught up in all manner of stories. Think Sydney gossip stories and some names leap out; Harry M. Miller, Lady McMahon, the Murdochs, Charlotte Dawson, the Packers, John Singleton, Maggie Tabberer, Napoleon Perdis, the Keatings, Elle Macpherson, Matthew Newton, the Waterhouses, Gina Rinehart, Mark McInnes, Lara Bingle, Salim Mehajer, Skye Leckie, Jodi Gordon, the Stokes, Jennifer Hawkins, Baz Luhrmann, Peter Foster, Collette Dinnigan, Cate Blanchett, Rodney Adler, Justin Hemmes, Ita Buttrose, Richard Buttrose, Joh Bailey, Kerri-Anne Kennerley, Rene Rivkin, Karl Stefanovic, Eileen Bond, John Ibrahim, Nene King, Maria Venuti, Alan Jones, Ray Hadley, Bernard King, Graham Richardson, Susan Renouf, Nicole Kidman, Russell Crowe, Kyle Sandilands and, albeit for a brief few months, Mariah Carey. Goodness knows what our forebears would make of them, or the stories they were the subject of.

Page for women

The Herald started a weekly feature, A Page for Women, in September 1905. Theodosia Britton was appointed editor. The first issue contained jottings on fashion, gardening, table decoration, shopping in Paris, Australians in England and women artists in Sydney, and advice by Ethel Turner on suitable literature for young girls.

In 1914 Florence Baverstock joined the Herald to run the women’s section. Although restricted by the bounds of what were regarded as subjects of interest to women, she included articles on general topics as well as her music and drama reviews.

The late David McNicoll, one of Australian journalism’s luminaries of the 20th century, began his career in 1933 when he joined the Herald as a cadet. He has since been described as the paper’s first gossip columnist. But similar purple prose had been appearing in the Herald for many years before, and not just in the classified section under lonely hearts ads or death notices.


McNicoll’s early years were devoted to writing light, mainly social paragraphs, often with a slight barb, but never under his own name. He used the pseudonym “Jack Meander”, though that byline disappeared once World War II broke out.

In the same year Jack Meander went into print, the Herald’s proprietors, the all-powerful Fairfax family, responded to the rival Packer family’s launch of The Australian Women’s Weekly in 1933 by publishing a 24-page weekly insert “women’s supplement” every Thursday.

Teams of predominantly female journalists were charged with filling the pages. They were accomplished reporters in their own right, but in an era when journalism was dominated by men – often in senior roles with little regard to their actual ability – women reporters were actively dissuaded from covering “hard news” rounds. Thankfully, times have changed.

For decades women worked in entirely separate offices to their male colleagues, mastering the art of describing jewels and chiffon ball gowns in minute detail. Regardless of how superficial the subject matter, they took the work seriously.

One of the early women’s editors was Connie “Sweetheart” Robertson, a daughter of A. G. Stephens, the former literary critic and editor of The Bulletin’s Red Page. Robertson became something of an institution, staying at the Herald for 28 years until her retirement in 1962 when she left as one of the paper’s most respected editors, even among her male peers.

Herald journalist Connie Roberts in sunglasses and white coat during World War II.

Herald journalist Connie Roberts in sunglasses and white coat during World War II.Credit: Fairfax Archives

According to her biographer, former Herald journalist Valerie Lawson, Robertson would famously “stand at the top of the stairs at Romano’s looking down on the crowd, tapping her teeth with her pencil, and choosing the favoured ones for portraits”.

Romano’s, along with Prince’s and the Australia Hotel, were Sydney’s social hotspots at the time. The women covering the comings and goings would often be found in a back room phoning in their copy, fuelled by cups of tea and sandwiches.

Among the guests at the 1973 Opera House Ball at Fairwater was Imelda Marcos, wife of Philippines president Ferdinand, pictured with Sir Warwick.

Among the guests at the 1973 Opera House Ball at Fairwater was Imelda Marcos, wife of Philippines president Ferdinand, pictured with Sir Warwick.Credit: Fairfax Archives

But it wasn’t all smart hats and gloves. During the war years Robertson lobbied the Herald’s management for her writers to be given more serious rounds, and encouraged her female reporters to “pivot” to cover the war effort.

Sydney’s grand families

Rather than the likes of Roxy Jacenko or the latest Married at First Sight stars, it was Sydney’s great families that were regularly feted in the Herald, including the Alberts, the Waltons, the Ashtons, the Horderns, the Packers, the Lloyd-Joneses and of course, the Fairfaxes, with the third wife of Sir Warwick Fairfax, the socially ambitious Mary, taking a particular interest in how such matters were covered in “her paper”.

From her house parties featuring Imelda Marcos and Liberace at the Fairfax estate Fairwater on Sydney Harbour, even Lady Mary’s famous kangaroo ice sculpture – its pouch overflowing with caviar – would be described in detail in the Herald’s “social” pages.

But it should also be noted the Herald reported with particular glee rival newspaper proprietor Sir Frank Packer’s boys, Clyde and Kerry, starring in bloody street brawls.

Years later in 1987 a photo of a 14-year-old James Murdoch asleep during a work experience stint as a budding photographer proved too irresistible for the Herald to ignore.

A 14-year-old James Murdoch having a snooze during his 1987 work experience stint in Sydney.

A 14-year-old James Murdoch having a snooze during his 1987 work experience stint in Sydney.Credit: Sydney Morning Herald

Six decades after those Packer brawls, and years since the last Fairfax had left the Herald building, I found myself standing at James Packer’s Bondi Beach driveway reporting on Sir Frank’s grandson’s now infamous biffo with his former best mate David Gyngell. Among the first to visit a bruised Packer was Lachlan Murdoch. History repeats.

In the modern era, the tone of the Herald’s “social” coverage has taken on a healthier cynicism, often delivered with a dose of good humour, irony and perhaps just a hint of sarcasm. Who didn’t love Brynne Edelsten’s “frock” that stopped a nation at the 2010 Melbourne Cup?

Geoffrey Edelsten with his then wife Brynne on Melbourne Cup Day.

Geoffrey Edelsten with his then wife Brynne on Melbourne Cup Day.

Today, columns like Private Sydney exist in a multicultural world flush with new money. A place where smartphones have given rise to the viral spread of social media “influencers”.

And everyone is allegedly a celebrity regardless of their social pedigree or definable skill set.

But such technology and the public’s ever- diminishing attention span means 21st century celebrity, notoriety and infamy are more fleeting than ever before.

Twenty years ago a Big Brother housemate could expect to make a living off their reality TV appearance for quite a few years. Some even went on to forge lasting media careers.

These days it’s a matter of weeks until the next bright, Botoxed, shiny thing rolls off the fame production line. And rather than grand parties in family estates, the modern social whirl is dictated by product launches.

Yes, I have covered the opening of a fridge.

In the end PS holds a mirror to our town and country, attempting to peel back the layers of society and its various social tribes to see what is at its core. To find how we tick.

Not everyone likes what they see looking back at them. Others can’t look away. And some seem to be constantly auditioning for a part.

While the reflection is always changing, one thing remains constant: the people who make up these pages are just as intriguing today as they were 190 years ago.

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