

This was published 4 years ago

How Douglas Coupland predicted Gen X and the future

By David Astle

Have you heard of historical overdosing? That’s when you live in a time when too much is happening. "Symptoms include addiction to newspapers, magazines and TV news broadcasts." Add social media to that list and there’s 2020 in a nutshell. The coinage hails from 1991, a panic defined by writer Douglas Coupland.

Coupland has a Nostradamus knack for trend-spotting, his insights almost voodoo. Consider the likes of Consensus Terrorism or Option Paralysis, among the many omens in the Canadian’s debut novel, Generation X – Tales for an Accelerated Culture (St Martins Press, 1991). More a cultural biopsy, the book foreshadows where this world has ended up.

Douglas Coupland

Douglas CouplandCredit: Keith Beaty/Getty

Me-ism, say, highlights the inbuilt lens of self. Instead of relying on churchy-church, me-ism snubs deism for a tailored set of beliefs. Just as Conspicuous Minimalism (a lifestyle tactic aimed at flaunting moral superiority) paved the way for death cleaning, back when Kondo was at kindie.

I’ve known about Coupland’s work forever, a zeitgeist novel that’s long been part of the ether. Call it Option Paralysis, but I’d drifted towards other authors, different tangents. Yet any book whose title joins the language you have to respect. Or fear. Or read at least. And 29 years later, I’ve managed to whittle my bucket list.

There is a narrative, sorta. A raffish set of McJobbers – Andy, Dag and Claire – exhibits 101-ism as a hobby: "the tendency to pick apart all aspects of life using half-understood pop psychology". They yoyo from road trip to party circuit, from Seattle to Japan, sharing stories in a stoner Decameron. Footnoting these yarns are the neologisms, from Metaphasia (inability to perceive metaphor) to Mental Ground Zero (where you see yourself when the world ends – typically a shopping mall).

The Oxford Dictionary, in fact, credits German-Israeli sociologist Amitai Etzioni as coining McJob five years before Generation X appeared. Be that as it may, Coupland adds its special sauce, defining the label as "a low-pay, low-prestige, low-dignity, low-benefit, no-future job in the service sector, frequently considered a satisfying career choice by people who have never held one".

Hipster glimpses sparkle too, a cult that Coupland imagines as Obscurism (lacing your talk with esoteric references to showcase contempt for mass culture) and Musical-Hairsplitting (classifying music into picayune genres such as neo-alt-folk).

And for every generation there’s naturally a gap, manifesting into Boomer Envy and Clique Maintenance ("the need of one generation to see the next as deficient in order to bolster its own collective ego"). Indeed, in his own Emotional Ketchup Burst, the character of Dag resents his elders for "grabbing the best piece of cake first and then putting a barbed-wire fence around the rest". This same inheritance itch prompts the stone-cold mantra: Pull-The-Plug, Slice-The-Pie.

Took me a while, but I’m glad I finally toured Coup-Land, a place where word-flair is as sharp as the soothsaying. What other book can deliver Conversational-Slumming (enjoying a chat for its lack of intellectual rigour), or Personality Tithe (the price paid by an individual for being part of a couple)? And should you be a restless adult, doing risky things in your 40s to compensate for your diligent youth, perhaps that’s not a midlife crisis but Rebellion Postponement.


Eerily, not only did I spot funfair distortions of myself, but also 2020. It’s there in the Cult of Aloneness, in Celebrity Schadenfreude, plus your Air Family ("the false sense of community experienced among coworkers"). And whose heart here has not been panged by "Ultra Short-Term Nostalgia: homesickness for the extremely recent past?"

As Coupland adds, in something of a 2020 presentiment: "God things seemed so much better in the world last week."

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