Full disclosure from the outset. Working as a journalist, I had a peripheral involvement with an ABC Four Corners/The Age & Sydney Morning Herald investigation into China in 2017, an episode that historian David Brophy singles out several times in his book China Panic as a leading example of the media driving Australia’s “Sinophobia”.
And in an earlier career, I worked in intelligence as an analyst reading secrets gathered by Australia’s spies and eavesdroppers – among that same community of nameless officials that David Brophy criticises the media for too often treating with “credulity”.
Before that, I had jobs in universities, which Brophy laments can “cave in on issues involving China” when overly sensitive administrators fear funding cuts, although he also rightly points to the unheralded success of free academic debates “not as newsworthy as those that get disrupted”.
Now I work in an international relations think-tank, a sector Brophy regularly depicts throughout his book as entwined in a “national security world”.
But I don’t declare these interests to be defensive. Instead, the reason for explaining my background is that when reading Brophy’s compelling dissection of Australia’s recent China debates, I kept thinking he appears too defensive, rushing to the barricades of an imagined conflict, marking territory against a “foreign policy establishment”.
From my perch, it seems the practice of journalism, politics and policy-making is more muddle than method. People readily assume detailed planning or ingrained views drive outcomes. Yet ideas are often stitched together reflexively and opportunistically, shaped by individual personalities in response to events and ever-changing perspectives.
Labels can be convenient intellectually, but they can also be misleading. Because what is curious, when collecting several of the titles in recent books about Australia’s challenges with China, is the different ways the same ground is traversed.
Brophy rails against the influence of national security elites over Australian foreign policy. Age and Herald journalist and commentator Peter Hartcher gives voice to these elites through interviews with recent prime ministers, former spy chiefs and – yes – anonymous officials in Red Zone.
Yet ironically Hartcher also devotes considerable energy to decry the influence of “elites” over Australia’s attitudes towards China, fostering what he calls a “great complacency” against a growing danger from Beijing. He fights imagined conflicts of his own, also appearing defensive in response to those he sees as influenced by “Beijing’s talking points”.
Hartcher’s sorrow is not merely confined to the political class or the business lobby, which he portrays as having been blinded by the lure of economic riches in China’s massive market. He also blames a self-flagellating media culture, too willing to reach for a headline declaring China’s “anger” and conditioning Australia to cringe. He presents standing up against China as a national awakening.
So, who is right? Frustratingly, I think both can be.
There was for a long time a liberal fatalism that as China’s citizens grew wealthy the country’s rulers would eventually, inevitably, take a democratic turn. There is now a potent consensus in powerful circles in Canberra that people in China will never again smile under communist repression.
There are also important lessons in Brophy’s scepticism about the power of the state, both in Australia and China, as well as from Hartcher’s relentless certainty about the threat the Chinese Communist Party poses to Australia.
And if Hartcher underplays the beneficial wealth generated for the Australian public from the China boom, Brophy overstates the democratic deficit in local politics. Each has a useful lens through which to interpret abuse of Uighurs in China’s northwest Xinjiang region or the danger of racism in Australia.
The way Australia will reconcile the approach to China is first to accept that like any relationship, this amounts to an endless project. What works one year might not the next. Governments of all political colours talk of “national interests”, a phrase intoned as if fixed and unrelenting. But there is no stone tablet inscribed with a permanent set of commandments to guide the way.
“Values” equally depend on a practical definition – and there will always be examples of hypocrisy where principals are betrayed for expediency.
Besides, Australia obsesses too much over forecasting the future. It is common, especially in foreign-policy debates, to mistake efforts to anticipate the shape of the world power in decades to come as more important work than dealing with the here and now.
So, deciding what to do about China will involve constant debate and adaptation. Michael Smith, in The Last Correspondent, captures the challenge neatly with his rueful observation that “as a China correspondent or commentator you can never win”.
Smith’s story, along with Bill Birtles’ in The Truth About China, is illustrative of what will be the most immediate and pressing test for Australians: understanding a China from which it is increasingly cut off.
China last year kicked out Smith, from The Australian Financial Review, and Birtles, with the ABC, from Shanghai and Beijing respectively, robbing the Australian media of its last correspondents in the country.
The two books tell of the sudden and intimidating end to their posting, but also chart the deterioration in Australia-China relations through South China Sea controversies, Hong Kong protests, arbitrary detention of Australians, and the COVID-19 pandemic.
But what audiences in Australia will miss by their absence in China is the relentless curiosity that good correspondents also bring.
Smith, for example, persisting to win an interview with China’s mercurial tech magnate Jack Ma or adventuring in the region bordering North Korea. Birtles telling of a boy who lived in Beijing on a rubbish dump or discovering a beer festival mid-pandemic.
As Birtles notes, these stories don’t generate the biggest headlines, they help most with understanding. Even before they were deported already the coverage tightened. “The constant focus on politics and strategic rivalry painted a very narrow picture, far removed from the daily lives of people,” Birtles explains. “It meant when awful things happened to people in China, audiences struggled to feel empathy towards citizens of a country so often seen through a political and economic lens.”
That rift is a consequence of a communist party-state paranoid about control. It is exacerbated by the firewalled separation of technology.
Australians should not be guided to equate the people of world’s most populous nation with the actions of their rulers. Smith captures this sentiment with a gentle quote from one man he interviewed: “Like many people in China, in the last 40 years I have experienced a big change in my life. Not just from wealth but in psychology. While I was a child, life was very simple. Now it is very complicated.”
One factor none of the authors really grapples with is a media industry landscape at home straining under its own pressures, of public distrust in information and the rewards via social media for bombastic declarations.
The United States, however, does loom in the background of all four books. Birtles gives a telling insight into China’s President Xi Jinping’s difficulties with then counterpart Donald Trump. Smith tells of the contest Beijing invented with Washington to distract from its own mishandling of the pandemic.
Hartcher offers fascinating detail about the Turnbull government catching the Trump administration somewhat by surprise with its decision to ban China’s Huawei from the 5G network. Brophy presents Australia not as a sheriff following America’s lead but instead determined to entangle the US further in its neighbourhood.
It is reminder that for all the well-warranted attention on China in recent years, Australia’s most enduring and difficult question is how to manage relations with its American ally. Plenty more books could be written.
China Panic: Australia’s Alternative To Paranoia and Pandering, David Brophy, La Trobe University Press, $32.99
Red Zone: China’s Challenge and Australia’s Future, Peter Hartcher, Black Inc., $32.99
The Last Correspondent: Dispatches From The Frontline of Xi’s New China, Michael Smith, Ultimo Press, $34.99
The Truth About China: Propaganda, Patriotism and The Search For Answers, Bill Birtles, Allen & Unwin, $32.99
Daniel Flitton is editor of the Lowy Institute digital magazine, The Interpreter.