

This was published 10 months ago

Betrayal and dirty dealings at East Timor’s new dawn

By Peter Kenneally

The Idealist
Nicholas Jose
Giramondo, $32.95

In July this year Penny Wong spoke about Australia’s relationship with East Timor. “There have been past instances in which Australian governments have acted in ways that the Timorese people, and many Australians, found disappointing,” she said, a year to the day after Attorney General Mark Dreyfus discontinued the shameful prosecution of Bernard Collaery.

Nicholas Jose’s portrayl of Timorese civil society struggling to exist is completely convincing.

Nicholas Jose’s portrayl of Timorese civil society struggling to exist is completely convincing.

There has been plenty of disappointment to go around, from governments of either side, over the years. Nicholas Jose’s new novel is a timely fictional account of the goings-on surrounding the independence referendum in East Timor in 1999 and its aftermath.

We see these events mainly through the eyes of Jake, an Australian army intelligence officer sent clandestinely to Dili to report on the situation there. When he arrives we already know that afterwards he will be found dead in his car, motor running, in a suicide scenario that his wife Anne doesn’t trust, because as the book begins she is seeking advice from their old friend David, an experienced lawyer. She tells him that Jake had been conflicted, bound by duty but unable to accept the cynical manoeuvrings of his own government. She suspects foul play.


These conversations set up the way we are meant to read the book, but the first section also establishes the origins, the social movements, the interactions of the characters. Its depiction of friends moving through a potentially open but still stratified society, gaining influence or seeking patronage, being true or false to their ideals, but always through the prism of friendship, is acute. It reminded me more than a little of the novels of C.P. Snow, because it seems such an old-fashioned undertaking, and it is written in a way that feels of another time.

Jake gets a scholarship to a private school in the Adelaide Hills, where he doesn’t fit in but makes friends who shape his future. There’s David, but more importantly Henry Hunt, whose wealthy old-money family adopt Jake as a kind of pet. Partly because although Henry is destined for great things, he’s no scholar. Jake does his homework for him, both at school and later, when Jake has joined the army and become a defence analyst, and Henry is trying to get into Foreign Affairs and needs coaching for the interview.

So the point of this first section is to construct this semi-feudal relationship between Jake and Henry, and to get Jake to Timor. Henry, in 1999, is Australia’s foreign minister, and sends him there as his private spy. Readers will have to negotiate some cognitive dissonance around this point.

When we get to East Timor none of this matters. Jose’s depiction of the physical environment, Timorese civil society struggling to exist, the feeling of a place about to descend into horror, are completely convincing, in a way that the characters aren’t always. The analysis of the political betrayals and the colliding interests of governments, especially those that are supposed to be allies, is not objective by any means but eye-opening all the same, and as a historical resource, The Idealist is full of interest.


There are some obstacles to this interest, starting with the amount of ventriloquism Jose indulges in to get his characters to give us information. It’s just that bit too noticeable. And there are frequently baffling bits of writing. One character is said to have “a face like a vanilla slice” and then many pages later, “his face was a pink rectangle that would only utter the truth”.

Jake is morally pure, almost innocent, and cannot stand by while the realpolitik of his government betrays the East Timorese: he acts, and risks the consequences. That’s a simple narrative proposition, worth following through, but Jose doesn’t seem to trust that it will stand. So he adds one egg after another to the pudding. Jake’s father was one of the Australian soldiers helped by the Timorese during the war. Jake falls in love with a noble and beautiful fighter for Timorese independence. There’s an overlay of sentimental feeling, and a kind of blankness about him, so that in the end he just seems to slide off the page, leaving you wondering what his ideals really amounted to.

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