

This was published 10 months ago

Can Hobart’s Mona gallery legally keep men out of its Ladies Lounge?

By Gabriella Coslovich

On Tuesday, the high-powered Australian art and legal worlds collided with news of a highly unusual anti-discrimination lawsuit lodged in Tasmania aimed at Hobart’s world-famous Museum of Old and New Art (Mona).

The suit alleged that men were being discriminated against by not being allowed into Mona’s women-only Ladies Lounge. After a day of hearings, a decision has yet to be made, but already, the arts community is rife with speculation over the implications of any potential determination. So, how likely is it that Mona will be forced to close its Ladies Lounge?

The complainant visited Mona last year, only to find that he was denied entry into the Ladies Lounge.

The complainant visited Mona last year, only to find that he was denied entry into the Ladies Lounge.Credit: Mona/Jesse Hunniford

Robin Banks, Tasmania’s former anti-discrimination commissioner, who was in the role between 2010 and 2017 and is now a post-doctoral fellow in the Faculty of Law at the University of Tasmania, said she had no idea which way the case would go, but that it was more interesting than anyone initially suspected.

Jason Lau, from NSW, is the man claiming the disadvantage. He argued his case via video link at the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal on Tuesday, maintaining that he was discriminated against because of his gender and was unable to fully experience Mona after paying his $35 entrance fee. Banks says it’s not the first time someone who is not part of a marginalised group has claimed discrimination, but such cases are uncommon.

“The purpose of discrimination law has always been to challenge when marginalised people are further marginalised,” Banks said. “There have been a few [cases such as Lau’s] over the years, but this is certainly unusual, and it’s unusual because it’s about art.”

Mona doesn’t deny discrimination occurred, but it has defended its position by saying that men do get to experience the artwork – by being excluded from the Ladies Lounge. The museum is relying on an exception in Tasmania’s anti-discrimination law that allows for programs that promote equal opportunity for disadvantaged groups.

Kirsha Kaechele (left) and supporters arrive for Tuesday’s hearing.

Kirsha Kaechele (left) and supporters arrive for Tuesday’s hearing.Credit: Charlotte Vignau

In this case, the disadvantaged group is women, who have suffered historical exclusion from many men-only spaces. But will the argument hold sway? On Tuesday, the tribunal member overseeing the case, deputy president Richard Grueber, said on a couple of occasions that he was “struggling” to see how the operation of the Ladies Lounge addressed gender imbalances and provided equal opportunity.

“There’s certainly still plenty of evidence of disadvantage [of women],” Banks says. “We’ve just had International Women’s Day, when we talk about things like the pay gap, so things like that do exist. The context here is a little unusual because we’re talking about women in art spaces, and you know, I can’t help but think of the Guerrilla Girls who do work as a feminist collective to promote the presence of women’s art in places where they traditionally haven’t been seen.


“So I think there’s still an argument that in art spaces you’re much more likely to see men’s art. You’re much more likely for that art to be purchased by men.”


That the art and the law make uneasy bedfellows was clear at the tribunal hearing on Tuesday.

Kirsha Kaechele, the creator of the Ladies Lounge and wife of Mona’s founder and owner, David Walsh, gave evidence and grappled with questions about the artwork’s evolution and intent. But the playful and imaginative concepts behind the Ladies Lounge sometimes seemed to clash with the specifics of the law.

In keeping with Mona’s iconoclastic spirit, Kaechele is celebrating the artwork being tested by the law.

“It’s my dream come true; I’ve been waiting for this moment,” Kaechele said outside the tribunal. “Now the artwork has come to life. There are so many layers to this Ladies Lounge that can be launched into the world, but this was the one that I really hoped would. I knew men were getting offended. We had gotten letters of complaint. It just feels like a wonderful development of the artwork and exactly what needed to happen.”

The development is also fascinating from a legal perspective. “This is a very interesting case, much more interesting than I suspect anybody thought that it would be,” Banks said.

Banks hoped, too, that the videos Mona took of Kaechele and her female supporters marching out of the tribunal to the sounds of Robert Palmer’s classic 1980s pop song Simply Irresistible, and the courtroom sketches created by artists hired by Mona, would become part of the artwork.

Lau declined to comment. A decision on the case is not expected for several weeks.

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