

This was published 9 years ago

What would Malcolm Turnbull do if he were PM?

The parallels between the Coalition’s woes and Labor are uncanny.

By Mark Kenny

A Labor MP could barely disguise his delight when queuing for morning coffee this week. "Mate, I've got post traumatic stress disorder," he began. "I'm having flashbacks, I can't sleep, it's all flooding back to me".

This kind of irreverent humour is common in Parliament House but, the parallels between disintegration of the Coalition government right now and what happened to Labor are manifest. Obviously, there are the uncanny symmetries - Kevin Rudd's revenge on Julia Gillard after she had first displaced him, and the prospect of Malcolm Turnbull effecting a similar recovery, for one.

But it's the descent that is most sobering. Government MPs had apparently believed their own spin: that they were above the shambolic decision making and consequent disunity which killed two prime ministerships.

Don't be fooled by Labor's good cheer however, because it is skin-deep. Wiser heads know a switch to Malcolm Turnbull could re-set the political equation. Bill Shorten's lead in the polls has an air of unreality about it – especially since he has done so little.

<i>Illustration: John Shakespeare.</i>

Illustration: John Shakespeare.

While some dismiss a Turnbull bounce, arguing that axing a prime minister would inevitably consume the government and raise the unity and legitimacy problems that killed Gillard's leadership, most are worried. Even within the government, opinion is divided on this, and that's before you get to the timing and method of any change-over – both of which are pivotal to its success.

What most Liberals think, though, is that Abbott cannot turn things around with voters even if he does repair relationships within the government itself.

"It's voters, our voters, who've decided they can't stand this prime minister and because it is personal, it won't change – basically, we can't win with Tony and our own people are angry because they think we're handing government back to Labor," said one marginal seat Liberal.

Abbott's leadership does appear to be in terminal decline. This week he pulled the national security lever hard in a bid to galvanise his support base, but few think it will do anything other than harden both camps – those for and against him.

<i>Illustration: Andrew Dyson.</i>

Illustration: Andrew Dyson.

Assuming a change to Turnbull can be effected in a consensual way – heroic given a quarter of the party-room will never embrace his return – and that he enjoys a high level of unity with no Rudd-style disloyalty from Abbott, what would Turnbull do to improve the government's standing?

Here's a few possibilities. First, scrap the GP co-payment or "value signal in health", as it is now described. Turnbull PM could argue the policy was a broken promise, which had brought major political heat on the government for relatively little in fiscal repair. Abbott's half-hearted retreats on the co-payment last year and this, have succeeded only in maintaining the political damage while reinforcing what many voters suspect is the harsh ideology behind the policy.

Turnbull would presumably dump it and do it cleanly – something Abbott has proved incapable of doing.

On the other big negative of university deregulation, he might adopt a different approach such as withdrawing the current legislation, and starting again.

Abbott's leadership does appear to be in terminal decline.

Independent Senator Nick Xenophon has argued for a proper comprehensive review of the sector. While some would see that as simply a delaying tactic, Turnbull would have a solid argument for this course. The government is right to be pursuing reform of tertiary education, but has stuffed up the politics – partly because it is mired in Abbott's "image" problem, and partly because it sought to tie it up in the Budget.

There would not be a sector of the Australian economy more crucial to long-term GDP and the maintenance of Australia's "first-world" living standards. Achieving reform of universities to build competitiveness, protect standards and ensure equal access, is therefore central to economic reform in coming decades.

There is a genuine risk of "Americanisation" if this is rushed even if university vice-chancellors back deregulation. Turnbull could make a sound case for a slow-down to achieve maximum consensus around an immutable principle of universal access.

Welfare reform is the other major imperative. The McClure report into the $150 billion social safety net provides viable reform options but progress will only be possible if the motives of government are regarded as sound. Turnbull could underpin significant changes through staged increments, while guaranteeing current recipients of assistance they will be no worse off – under any circumstances.

And finally, there's the Budget itself, due on May 12. While some say Abbott should be given until the middle of the year to recover – if only to allow voters time to adjust to his removal – others say the risk of another political disaster like the 2014 effort is too great.

In the event of a late change before then (there are just three sitting weeks in March and then a break to the Budget), Turnbull would either have to embrace the direction already adopted by Joe Hockey or change course.

One option might be to delay the Budget until later – perhaps even August. It's a radical suggestion but a possibility. Liberals in favour of a change acknowledge the government currently has a "motive" problem with voters.

The point about the change would be to convince voters that our intentions are sound, and are not ideological, says one insider. Perhaps the combination of a new leader, with less dud policy baggage, would facilitate that message.

Now that really would keep Labor MPs awake at night.

Mark Kenny is Fairfax Media's chief political correspondent.

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