

This was published 7 years ago

We shouldn't airbrush Margaret Court or anyone else from our history

It's uncomfortable but necessary to remember what colossal fools we have been.

By Julia Baird

We are a mad, shortsighted, often awful and contradictory species.

Margaret Court has provided ample evidence of that this week, with bizarre and ignorant remarks as she attempted to explain her boycotting of Qantas because of its support of same sex-marriage. When she swung from biblical arguments about the definition of marriage, to musing on whether there was a devil-led, Nazi-like attempt to brainwash little children occurring, and implying lesbian tennis players groom young women, she lost her credibility.

Her words ignited hate and incited a fierce response from a much picked on, maligned minority. Then, into the mire waded Cate McGregor, a member of the Australian Defence Force, a transgender woman and a Christian, in an extraordinary monologue on ABC's The Drum. It was a lament for respect, grace and understanding.

"We face enormous ridicule, discrimination," she said. "No one wants to be transgender, we don't choose it, we're born like it. Everyone of us grapples to deal with an authentic, decent life.

The famous tennis venue, Margaret Court Arena, in Melbourne.

The famous tennis venue, Margaret Court Arena, in Melbourne.Credit: Pat Scala

"I happen to be a believer, to think that I arrived at my life decision without a process of agonising discernment is ... a gratuitously offensive thing to say ... I went to bed last night not having made the life of any other Australian miserable. This woman has to look at her conscience and live with her remarks and ask herself as a Christian ... has she dealt with us lovingly?"

But McGregor firmly opposed changing the name of Margaret Court Arena.

"I respect this woman for her achievements, I oppose efforts to boycott the Australian Open or to rename that arena because it smacks of Stalinist airbrushing of someone's history and that's making them an unperson and that's wrong," she said.

She's right. It's not surprising that sometimes we want to scrub ugliness out of our history and embarrassing names off our buildings. It's uncomfortable to remember what colossal fools we have been, in a history stained with misogyny, racism, eugenics, hate.

If Court applied the literalism with which she reads Genesis to the whole of the Bible, she'd find herself in hot water.

If Court applied the literalism with which she reads Genesis to the whole of the Bible, she'd find herself in hot water.Credit: AP

In recent months, students around the world have been trying to wrest the names of racists and rapists off plaques and buildings and university halls.

A statue of apartheid architect Cecil Rhodes was pulled down at the University of Cape Town. The name of racist anthropologist Stanley Porteus was removed from a hall at Hawaii University, of white supremacist John C Calhoun from a college at Yale, of two slave dealers from buildings at Georgetown University, of a Ku Klux Klan leader from a residence hall at the University of Texas, and the family crest of a vicious slaveholder – who once burned 77 Africans alive – was removed from the seal of Harvard Law School.

Fair enough, too. Why honour such disgrace? But the dilemma is this: by continually rebranding history we risk obscuring history and erasing our shame – a shame that forces us to tell the truth about our past, and understand that this past still shapes our present.

And secondly, where does it end?

If we were to paint over the names of all icons with dark thoughts or bigoted views in our history, malls would be covered in graffiti, as would bookstores and streets, parliaments and public thoroughfares.

Think of those tarred with anti-Semitism whom we read, wear and admire. Walt Disney. Fyodor Dostoevsky. Richard Wagner. Coco Chanel was a Nazi numbered agent. Jean Cocteau and Edith Piaf were also collaborators. Ezra Pound and Henry Ford blamed the Jews for sparking world wars. Even Winston Churchill said Jews were "partly responsible" for their persecution. And even the mighty Roald Dahl, said in an interview in 1983: "There is a trait in the Jewish character that does provoke animosity ... I mean, there's always a reason why anti-anything crops up anywhere; even a stinker like Hitler didn't just pick on them for no reason. I mean, if you and I were in a line moving towards what we knew were gas chambers, I'd rather have a go at taking one of the guards with me; but they [the Jews] were always submissive."

Madness. Stupidity.

I understand the moves to erase Bill Cosby's name from university campuses – and why the band called Cosby Sweater suddenly became Turbo Suit.

And it would be hard to disagree with Melbourne University's decision to rename the Richard Berry building for Maths and Statistics, knowing that Berry lobbied for "sterilisation, segregation and the lethal chamber" for Indigenous people, as well as homosexuals, poor people and sex workers. What a champ! He even stole Aboriginal corpses from graves for experiments then hid them.

But we must also understand biographies are built on the clay feet of their subjects. Gandhi has been slammed as a misogynist who slapped his wife and believed "menstruation was a manifestation of the distortion of a woman's soul by her sexuality". Mother Teresa doubted God's existence. John F. Kennedy was a serial cheat. Queen Victoria thought suffragettes deserved a good spanking. The next generation may well tear the name of climate deniers off buildings.

It's Tennis Australia's call whether they consider Margaret Court's athletic greatness overrides the incompatibility of her ramblings about LGBTI people with their stated values of inclusiveness and equality. But if they do change the name of the arena, they must put up a large plaque explaining why.

If I went there with my kids, I'd talk to them about Margaret Court, about a great champion with enormous ability who harboured some small and dark thoughts. I'd tell them people can be like that; blinkered and bold, pitiable and admirable all at once. That even heroes fail and disappoint. That they need to fight and expose ways of thinking that diminish, bully and hurt people. That no matter what letters sit rusting at the tops of stadiums, that this is a fight that never ceases; that vigilance can never stop.


And that every single one of us grapples with how to live an authentic, decent life.

Julia Baird hosts The Drum on ABC TV.

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