

This was published 8 years ago

View from the Street: Can we maybe be a little smarter about our protests?

And maybe we should work out whether or not foreign investment is a good thing or not. Your news of the weekend, reduced to a snarky rant.

By Andrew P Street

Maybe the good fight needs less actual fighting

Much as it hurts to admit it, there is an outside chance that View from the Street is not in fact the definitive text by which all Australians determine their conduct in their day-to-day lives. So there's a possibility that the central tenet that hides under all the snark has been missed, which is: we're so much better off working together than fighting one another, and we could be doing a lot better at that goal.

Dude, really? Isn't standing on the monument pretty darn disrespectful? And doing so in thongs is an OH&S issue waiting to happen.

Dude, really? Isn't standing on the monument pretty darn disrespectful? And doing so in thongs is an OH&S issue waiting to happen.Credit: Chris Hopkins

However, when getting along to the No To Racism Not To Islamophobia rally in Sydney's Martin Place on Sunday, that seemed to be the vibe. Indeed, for the most part, it was downright pleasant: lots of very happy looking people sharing a message of inclusion and compassion. Y'know, good messages. Let's get along. That sort of thing.

And then there was an attempt to get a march going, which the police were not about to permit. And things could have gotten ugly - not helped by the fact that police weren't letting people leave the area before things escalated. That's not a good way to make people feel like they're safe and secure - and, predictably, the footage of increasingly angry protesters is what's going to be in whatever news coverage is used.

And it would be unkind - if not inaccurate - to suggest that the police's tactics served to inflame passions; and it would be equally unkind - if also not inaccurate - to suggest that there was an element of the crowd itching for an excuse to perform some civil disobedience rather than make a peaceful point.

Similarly, the bit that's getting traction in the coverage of the Melbourne protests was that capsicum spray was used on protesters, and a number of arrests - plus Antifa activists and Reclaim members getting physical with one another.

And passions are understandably high, given the events of recent times.

However, friends, this is just stupid.

The numbers game


First up, the estimates of numbers at the Sydney Reclaim rally were about 100 (which is more than double the pitiful turnout we saw when we walked past the several-hundred-strong anti-racist rally, but maybe they were running as late as us). Either way, that's not exactly a mighty groundswell of support. So it's fair to say that we who oppose bigotry and division have both the numbers and the facts on our side.

So can we maybe be a bit more gracious about it?

We're the side with the fun, smart, compassionate people with the clever signs and the more interesting speakers. We don't need to be jerks. And it's not helpful to give reasons for people to go "oh, both sides are as bad as each other" either - especially when it's over an important issue like the treatment of Muslim Australians. This has actual effects on people's lives.

Name calling is easy - and fun! - but it does nothing but make people angry, and there's already plenty of that going on. Anyone can be loud and ignorant and achieve nothing, and that seems like a lousy model for change. As this column has pointed out before, it's not actually possible to fight fire with fire - you just end up with more fire.

Alternatively, we can be smart, respectful and kind. That's what changes hearts, minds and policy. And, as luck would have it, it's also the best - indeed, only - way to move us to a better, safer, more peaceful society.

And just from a strategic point of view, looking like a pack of shouty, pushy jerks really isn't a great way to convince folks of the rightness of one's cause. There's enough us-versus-them going on already, thanks. Let's do something different.

Buying in

The government has been excitingly indecisive with regards how much overseas money - specifically, Chinese money - Australia would like to bring in at the moment.

In the past few days the government has made clear that it will not be permitting Chinese investors to buy property here - as evidenced when Treasurer Scott Morrison trumpeted his forced sales of $9.7 million worth of property, and then cancelled the proposed sale of the giant S Kidman & Co ranch to a Chinese firm.

Meanwhile, it's busily contradicting that message by spending $10 million trumpeting the benefits of our trade deal with China and selling the Port of Darwin to China's Landbridge Group.

The argument around blocking the Kidman sale included that the property was close to the Woomera testing range and therefore raised potential security and military issues - which, for some reason, apparently doesn't apply to our largest northern port despite it regularly rotating the "hundreds of Marines" stationed at the Darwin RAAF base, and about which the US government is not entirely comfortable given the current state of Sino-American relations.

Trade Minister Andrew Robb appeared to be a little critical of the decision of his government to block the sale, arguing that agriculture has "always depended on foreign investment for agriculture, because no bugger here will put money into the sector… You can't get an Australian investor to put money into agriculture for love nor money. Even sophisticated Australian investors won't put money into it. Agriculture is too long term for them, even though it's our great strength."

Pity he doesn't know anyone in the government to whom he could have mentioned that, of course. Maybe the PM should hold some sort of ministerial drinks so that Robb and Morrison can finally meet.

The cocktail hour: rejoice, Australians all!

And once again, let's be upstanding and celebrate V from the S's alternative national anthem.

Look, if Reclaim are going to hilariously try to use John Williamson's True Blue and Redgum's I Was Only 19 (seriously, right wingers: Redgum?), then the progressive cause can rally around this powerful call to reduce our national pressure.

Turn it up loud, friends, and meet back here tomorrow.

Andrew P Street will be in conversation with SBS's Marc Fennell regarding The Short and Excruciatingly Embarrassing Reign of Captain Abbott at Gleebooks, Glebe, on Tuesday, December 1. You can book tickets here, if you like!

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