

This was published 10 years ago

Tony Burke likely to be next Labor PM

By Paul Sheehan

I'd like to be Man of the Year, even if it is no more than an award from a Herald reader, Lyn McGrath, of Bilambil Heights, and even if she has set the bar very low. Having revealed that I make my wife breakfast in bed and acquired pro-feminist credentials, Ms McGrath wrote to the Herald last week saying that all I have to do to be in the running for her award is to say one positive word about the ALP.

I accept the challenge. I offer two positive words: Tony Burke.



Tony Burke will be the next Labor prime minister. He is authentic, a crucial advantage in politics, and pragmatic, intelligent and decent. (I'm way over my quota here Lyn.)

However, I also point out he is, like most Labor MPs, yet another former union official and has thus not spent a day of his career in a wealth-creating business. The bulk of his career has been at public expense.

After graduating from Sydney University in arts and law Burke went to work for the Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees' Association where he spent six years as an organiser before being elected to the NSW Legislative Council at the age of 33. After less than a year in State Parliament he won the red-ribbon federal seat of Watson in western Sydney. In 2007, just three years after entering Parliament, he became a federal minister.

At 44, he is still youthful in political terms but has plenty of experience. He served in the ministry for the entire six years of the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd governments. Though Burke supported Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd declined to accept his resignation after Gillard was deposed and kept him in the ministry, a telling detail.

Burke has been among the best performers for the opposition in the new Parliament, perhaps the best. He offers a significant upgrade in tone as leader of opposition business in the house compared with Anthony Albanese, who was leader of government business in the house for the Gillard and Rudd governments. Burke was wise to be patient and sit out the post-election leadership contest, which made Bill Shorten, who is just two years older, opposition leader.

Shorten manages to exude inauthenticity. He has been underwhelming in Parliament. He served under two Labor prime ministers and knifed both, conspicuously. Shorten is not helped by having Tanya Plibersek as his deputy. While Julia Gillard was sharp and witty before becoming prime minister, Plibersek has had no such period of grace. I discount both Shorten and Plibersek compared with Burke's potential appeal to the electorate.

Should anything happen to Tony Abbott - and there is a legion of fundamentalists who want him dead politically no matter what he does or achieves in the job - I don't think Shorten would be the primary beneficiary. Given the nature of the past 10 years of politics, I think it would be Joseph Benedict Hockey. He has excelled in Parliament and he has the make-or-break role in the Abbott government. He has to deliver a fierce budget in May.


Just as Peter Costello had to resist the vote-buying of John Howard, Hockey has to provide the budgetary steel of this government, together with his fellow hawk, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann.

Had Hockey's father, an Armenian-Palestinian Christian, not changed his family name after he migrated to Australia he would be Joe Hokeidonian. Not exactly traditional North Shore Liberal.

Like Burke and Abbott, Hockey is a graduate of Sydney University and, like Burke, a graduate in arts and law. Abbott, Hockey, Burke, Shorten and Cormann were all educated at Catholic schools, and Abbott, Shorten and Hockey went to elite Jesuit schools. This is not a good time for anti-Catholics.

This is also not a good time for complacency. Australia is encountering the end of the minerals boom plus the legacy of debt, deficit and unfunded liabilities driven by Kevin Rudd's monumental ego and managerial dysfunction.

The list of his anti-legacies is headed by the uncosted, undisciplined national broadband network project, the dismantled border protection regime and subsequent financial and legal black hole, the gold-plated school halls building frenzy, the pink batts debacle and his reckless, pointless, aimless cash splash.

The previous Howard government can also share some blame. According to a report by the Grattan Institute this year, the 10-year resources boom netted a windfall of $190 billion in revenue for the Australian government, of which the Howard, Rudd and Gillard governments collectively spent 96 per cent, saving just 4 per cent for future storms.

Both Labor and the Coalition can also share the cumulative blame for the most insidious drag on the Australian economy, the one identified by the non-partisan governor of the Reserve Bank, Glenn Stevens, who says Canberra must remove the burdens placed by government on what he called ''the productivity efforts of the million-plus enterprises that are out there in the economy''.

This is the great challenge of the Abbott government, which it must face through a wall of obstructionism by Labor and the Greens. Abbott and Hockey must also deliver bad news, harsh cuts and scaled-back election promises by the time the budget is delivered.

Shorten and Plibersek will seek to capitalise, but the public is not so stupid as to not recall who spent and borrowed too much on too many low-quality projects.

I'm not sure if this column puts me in the running for Lyn McGrath's Man of the Year award, but given she was so impressed that I make my wife banana boats for breakfast, I am happy to make her one when next she visits Sydney.

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