By Elizabeth Farrelly
"It's only… I have a piano," muses Bathsheba Everdene, having given amarriage proposal her full consideration. "And I have my own farm, and I have no need for a husband."
Bathsheba Everdene – who reportedly inspired The Hunger Games' Katniss Everdeen – is the feminist hero of Thomas Hardy's Far from the Madding Crowd, the surprisingly resonant film which opens in Sydney on Thursday.
David Nicholls' script downplays the sentiment of Hardy's novel and exaggerates the assertiveness, especially regarding marriage. "I don't want a husband," Bathsheba tells her first suitor. "I'd hate to be some man's property. I shouldn't mind being a bride at a wedding if I could be one without getting a husband."
Madding functions prettily as man-candy, with the three main bloke-types (rock, toff and cad) temptingly arrayed. But a serious question underlies Hardy's adroit parsing of gender power relations: what do women need from men, if not financial security?
One-and-a-half centuries on, this question is still unanswered. Indeed, you might argue, we're further from its resolution than ever.
Feminism has been defined by its struggle for progressive freedoms. But any cage is also a potential protection. So as debate rages – this week around women's right to the nude selfie, whether public twerking (waggling your semi-naked bottom at an audience) is a feminist act or its primate opposite, and why young women now binge-drink as determinedly and destructively as young men – the question that cannot be discussed is, which of the old repressions, if any, were in fact liberations?
This is dangerous territory, because precisely such arguments are used to justify (for example) the burqa. Obliterating the face, they say, liberates the wearer from the demands of the street. I don't buy it, since the face is the critical medium of inner-outer connection and public face is both a basic right and a principle duty.
But consider the plight of the contemporary she-teen. From age 11 she knows she's playing to boys whose sexual norms are formed by regular exposure to hardcore porn. In the name of "feminism" she is encouraged to want sex as often and as randomly as boys do.
But this same freedom becomes an expectation; if she declines she's a prude – uncool, un-hot. Then again, if she has sex, even monogamously, she stands to be bullied and "slut-shamed" on social media, followed for years by a cloud of such viciousness and endurance that some kids see no option but suicide.
The hyper-sexualised teen selfie, a la Miley Cyrus, manifests this same peer pressure. (It's different from the issue over nude selfies intra-couples, where I agree with Clementine Ford that sending such photos to your partner is not permission to publish, any more than the miniskirt is permission to rape. Consent is everything.)
The sexualised selfie is inescapably narcissistic. Posting such images on social media hooks your social worth to your "like" count which – since schmaltzy sunsets, food porn, kitten photos and cleavage always get most likes – is wrong to the point of despair.
Equally disturbing, though, is the "do it, don't do it" message to which young women are constantly subjected. No wonder they drink. This double standard is worse than the hypocritical '60s – and worse, I think, than any repression endured by the likes of Bathsheba Everdene.
Even as a pauper, Bathsheba declares herself "too independent" for marriage. As landowner she maintains this stance, boldly repelling all husbands and taking her own place in the all-male corn exchange. Eyebrows are raised and the air is heavy with scorn.
Of course "husband", properly understood, should have allowed this. "Husband" implies the man's marital role should always have been to cultivate the woman, nurturing her potential as a farmer might a field – and not only biologically. But most of history, and most cultures, give the lie to such husbandry. For Bathsheba Everdene, marriage meant forfeiting property, autonomy and public status. No wonder it seemed a tad superfluous.
But this same repressive framework of convention also protected Bathsheba when she flouted it. The male scorn is palpable but unvoiced. She never has to confront the avalanches of hate mail, sexual excoriation and derisory "dickpics" that drenched Clem Ford recently when she called out Channel Seven's Sunrise program for its victim-blaming, "when-will-women-learn" approach to the nude selfie theft.
She is never ridiculed across the airwaves like Gillian Triggs who, for daring to defend abused and voiceless children is publicly undermined by her employer and added to Tim Blair's new "Crown Our Crazy Queen" frightbat list for 2015. (Triggs has knocked me – a "hopeless loser" – from my perch, gaining 6548 votes compared to my pathetic 1367).
She'd never be cartooned naked and publicly humiliated as prime minister Julia Gillard was by anonymous wags, nor routinely vilified by political rivals sniggering on air with shock jocks, as Sarah Hanson-Young was recently by Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Ray Hadley. Guffawing like schoolboys they described the senator as "quite mad," a "halfwit", an "embarrassment", "Australia's dumbest politician" and of habitual confabulism. Why? Simply to discredit her account, later proved true, of being "watched" on Nauru.
This vindictive clowning would have been unthinkable in Hardy's time – seen as crude, shameful and dishonourable. Now, in Australia, such attacks are routine, and generally involve (old white) men targeting bright, publicly articulate women.
Actor Mark Ruffalo, having blogged a passionate feminist cry, then mused, "I didn't know there were any [non-feminists] left in the world." Ruffalo clearly needs a trip Down Under, where the sexual double standard still applies (to women) and the punishment for (women) speaking out in public is a thorough whipping.
Australia seems determined to become a repository of both stagnant climate resistance and angry, diehard misogyny. The abuse we (male and female) cop for fighting this recidivism is an important if accidental compliment. It should spur us on. But on teen self-sexualisation I'm with Annie Lennox. Resist. Twerking is not feminism. Don't meatify yourself on Facebook. Neither Bathsheba nor Katniss would countenance it.