

This was published 9 years ago

The Debate: should NSW's poles and wires be privatised?

The defining debate of the state election campaign is the Liberals’ $20 billion plan to privatise poles and wires and Labor’s opposition to the sale.

By The Debate

Premier Mike Baird is seeking a mandate for the partial privatisation of the power network in this weekend's election, with 49 per cent of the network businesses covered by 99-year leases and the remaining 51 per cent to stay in government hands. Essential Energy (a regional electricity network) would remain wholly state owned, while 50.4 per cent of distributors AusGrid and Endeavour Energy will be leased for 99 years along with 100 per cent of TransGrid (see the graphic below). The sale could generate up to $20 billion, which would be spent on infrastructure for the state, including the WestConnex, a second harbour crossing and other projects.

Luke Foley and Labor are arguing against privatisation of the electricity assets, arguing that they should be kept in public hands because are still profitable for the state, delivering $1.7 billion to state coffers last year, and that power prices would be likely to rise under the plan.

Contentious issue: Poles and wires are front and centre in the state election campaign.

Contentious issue: Poles and wires are front and centre in the state election campaign.Credit: James Alcock

While Baird is on track to win Saturday's election, the poles and wires plan is a tough policy to sell and remains deeply unpopular with the electorate. Here are two arguments for and against the sell-off plan:

The case for privatisation: We need the money for infrastructure

The public debate about leasing the poles and wires is complex, but it boils down to a fundamental choice for NSW. On the one hand, we can choose lower energy bills and $20 billion for substantially better road, public transport and health infrastructure. On the other, we can keep the poles and wires, but we know that our reward will be much higher-than-necessary electricity bills and an ongoing decline in the quality of hospital and transport services.

Under Baird's plan, 49.6 per cent of Ausgrid would be privatised under a 99-year lease.

Under Baird's plan, 49.6 per cent of Ausgrid would be privatised under a 99-year lease.Credit: Louie Douvis

The electricity market is complex, but the choice for NSW is simple. If we want better infrastructure and cheaper power, then the partial lease of the grid must happen this time. And the community should be very sceptical of those who claim that NSW will get much better by doing everything the same as we've done over the past 20 years.

Everyone can see that our public infrastructure and services are struggling under the weight of a growing population. This year, road congestion in Sydney will cost the economy more than $6 billion.

To put that economic cost in a real world context, the average Sydney driver will waste 185 hours sitting in traffic, this year alone. That's means the average Sydneysider will spend more than one full week, 24/7, sitting in traffic.


Sydney's road congestion is not only the worst in Australia/New Zealand; it's bad by global standards. Sydney's traffic congestion is as bad as Los Angeles, a city with a population four times Sydney's.

Alongside completing the gaps in Sydney's motorway network, public transport is the key to easing congestion. But this too will require major investment. Most of Sydney's railway lines are already packed, reaching more than 160 per cent of capacity during the morning peak. The only way to fix this is with a major investment in a new rail crossing of Sydney Harbour – allowing us to boost capacity by 60 per cent across the whole network.

These are just today's challenges – they will get much worse without action. NSW's population is growing by 2,000 people every week. More people means more demand for public transport, roads, freight, electricity, water and hospitals.

While electricity unions and their friends might pretend that we can fix all of these problems with magic, deep down we all know this is untrue. NSW has already borrowed to the limit, meaning that the unions are really arguing for higher taxes, or reductions in front-line services – and want to lock in your already too high electricity bills.

The lease of the poles and wires will give NSW $20 billion for new infrastructure. It will pay for the new rail tunnel beneath the harbour; it will pay for the completion of the motorway network; it will give us $2 billion for new schools and hospitals; and will give long-neglected regional NSW $6 billion for investments in hospitals and roads.

For their part, the unions are deliberately confusing the debate with a well organised, well-funded, and totally dishonest fear campaign in the community. But they are standing alone. We have seen charities, public price regulators and independent, trusted experts each support the lease of the grid, because it's the right thing for NSW.

The reason Labor's respected elders like Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Morris Iemma, Bob Carr and Martin Ferguson support reform of the electricity grid is because it's in the interests of consumers, and the state.

Brendan Lyon is the Chief Executive of Infrastructure Partnerships Australia.

The case against privatisation: We will lose control of essential services

Imagine a homeowner selling off the water pipes in the house and the network of electrical wires, in order to pay for an upgrade of the driveway. Even if the buyer promised that it would not cost them any more over the next five years, wouldn't the owner be worried about how much might be charged after that and how long it would take to make any necessary repairs?

Imagine a nation gaining independence but allowing the nation that colonised it to continue to own its infrastructure, its electricity networks, roads, telecommunications networks and water supply system. The coloniser might claim that it can run these services more efficiently and offer them more cheaply, being more experienced, and that might be true.

Yet what nation would voluntarily cede control of its essential services to a foreign government, even if it were paid to do so? Even if it were just for 99 years?

How different is it to be selling off the state's poles and wires? Does selling only 50.4 per cent of Endeavour Energy and Ausgrid give the government any more control than selling 100 per cent? Can citizens be reassured because it is only a 99 year lease? Can regulation ensure the same level control as public ownership of a government run enterprise?

People might find comfort in the idea of regulation but the federal government has already signed a number of free trade agreements that give foreign corporations the right to sue the government if they can make the case that government regulations interfere with their expectations of future profits.

Investor state dispute settlement provisions were included in the free trade agreements with China, Korea and Japan (and an earlier Hong Kong free trade agreement) and will be included in the Trans Pacific Partnership. Corporations from these nations are likely to bid for NSW's electricity network.

There are three motivations behind the imperative for privatisation of essential services. The first is that private business is able to run services more efficiently than governments. Even if this were true it does not necessarily translate to lower prices in the case of electricity infrastructure.

The second motivation is the reluctance of governments to raise taxes to pay for the expansion of services demanded by the public and the ideological reluctance of governments to borrow money for this purpose. The sale of public assets is a short-term, expensive, short-sighted, substitute source of capital.

And the third driver of privatisation is the surplus capital around the world seeking the safe and profitable investment opportunities that private ownership of essential services generally provide. This has created a powerful lobby for privatisation.

Privatisation of services not only transfers publicly-owned assets into private hands but also into the hands of fewer and fewer companies. The buyers of government assets and services have mainly been large transnational corporations that, over time, have bought up or squeezed out their competition with little interest in the welfare of local citizens.

Privatisation, when combined with the terms of free trade agreements, means that the public has less influence over the development of essential services, the conditions of their provision, the reliability of their supply, their accessibility or their price.

Professor Sharon Beder from the University of Wollongong is the author of Power Play: The Fight for Control of the World's Electricity writes on business-managed democracy at

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