- Letters: Executions show Indonesia holds us in contempt
- Fight to abolish the death penalty must continue
- The role of faith before the firing squad
- Why hope should be the final stage of Australia's grief
Australians awoke on Wednesday to their worst fears, to realise the evil that men do still extends to the apparatus of state.
Indonesia, its government and, in particular, President stand condemned on every criterion for executing eight convicted drug felons.
The process by which Indonesia and President Joko Widodo has pursued these executions has been cruel and inhumane.Credit: Getty Images
Among them were Australians and Andrew Chan, two men who made gross errors of judgment a decade ago but who have done so much since to make amends.
The process by which these sons, brothers and mates were sentenced to death remains replete with doubt. Allegations of bribery remain untested, legal appeals incomplete.
The process by which Indonesia has pursued these executions has been cruel and inhumane.
The process by which Mr has exercised his duties as a national leader has been haphazard and inconsistent. He has shown himself incapable of the most basic human responses: mercy and compassion.
"We want to be present among other nations with honour, dignity and self-esteem," Mr said in his inauguration address on October 20 last year. "We want to be a nation that will be able to build its own civilisation, to become a creative, great nation that will contribute to the greatness of the global civilisation."
On every count, Mr and Indonesia have failed.
These were lives cut short and the potential for good extinguished for no reason.
The justification for killing offenders in the name of deterrence has been exposed as a fraud.
The need to punish for punishment's sake remains a throwback to an-eye-for-an-eye. It has no place in any modern, civilised, democratic nation.
Above all mankind has been diminished by yet another act of barbarism in the cause of political expediency.
Indonesia's culpability in reviving executions for convicted drug criminals and denying the Australian pair clemency is no better nor worse than the policies of China for killing political prisoners or indeed so many states in the US for killing murderers.
It is simply wrong.
The thoughts of Australians everywhere are with the families of all those who have been executed and the dozens more - including many Indonesians - who live in limbo awaiting a similar fate.
The Herald understands that many angry Australians will want retribution, but blaming the Indonesian people will not achieve anything. Notably, punishing the people of Bali, who themselves remain in conflict with Jakarta and rely so much on the goodwill of Australian tourists, will do little to sway the President and his cabal. Punishing the people of the broader archipelago, when so many lives depend on trade and economic support of nations such as Australia, will merely lessen any chance for democratically driven reform to the nation's institutions.
The Indonesian government, by contrast, deserves to suffer swift and serious consequences. This is an issue beyond the niceties of regional diplomacy, Australian financial self-interest and respect for national sovereignty.
Withdrawing the Australian ambassador from Jakarta is warranted until the Indonesian government agrees to a framework for further negotiations on how to develop a more trusting, constructive relationship. Part of that should include protocols for the treatment of any Australians faced with execution in future.
If anything good is to come of this sad day, the Herald hopes repulsion at these executions among Australians will translate into lasting change globally.
The Australian government has to make a stand by using global institutions to apply pressure on every nation to end capital punishment.
And let every individual repulsed by these acts unite to fight for an end to state-sanctioned murder wherever it remains a blight on civilisation.