If there is a persuasive rationale for the privatisation of the state's land titles registry, the government has yet to articulate it.
The Herald has no blanket objection to privatisation. It makes little sense for governments to run businesses that can be operated more efficiently in private hands. NSW Premier Mike Baird's program of strong fiscal discipline and "asset recycling", including the partial privatisation of the state's electricity assets, is paying for long overdue infrastructure, particularly transport, while reducing the state's net debt to long-term lows. That's good.
The public has tolerated privatisation if the benefits are clearly explained and the process is transparent. But the long-term leasing of the Land and Property Information Unit (LPI) to contribute to $1.6 billion worth of sports stadium spending does not meet those criteria. It lacks the logic of the poles and wires privatisation and appears high risk.
It seems highly unlikely that private providers will do a better job of running the land titles system, given that the existing one run by public servants is the envy of the world. Thanks to its impressive budget position, it's questionable how much the state needs the sum to be raised (estimated up to $2 billion, compared with $10.23 billion gross from the sale of Transgrid). The old adage applies: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
NSW Premier Mike Baird and Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian want to privatise the land titles registry. Credit: Peter Rae
One of the things governments must do is make wise choices between competing demands on the taxpayer's purse. Selling the land titles registry doesn't stack up on that score either. How many taxpayers will benefit from an upgrade of ANZ stadium and rebuilding Parramatta Stadium? Yet how many more benefit from maintaining the reliable and accurate land titles system we now enjoy, and which underpins public confidence in the real estate market at the core of so much of the state's economic activity?
It is hard to find anyone outside the government who thinks it's a good idea. It can be assumed that JP Morgan, which is being paid a reported $4.5 million to facilitate the 35-year lease, does. The "powerhouse consortia" of local and international companies reportedly teaming up to bid for the LPI presumably think it's a good idea too, with an eye to eye-watering profit projections in the scores of millions.
But developers, real estate agents, surveyors, lawyers and experts have all voiced strong concerns, warning that the privatisation could lead to higher costs, the need for title insurance, worse service and a fraud risk. The Law Society of NSW says the LPI belongs "wholly within government" and its privatisation could lead to "irreparable" damage, including loss of public confidence in the system and loss of the skills required to operate and maintain it. The Law Council of Australia chief executive Jonathan Smithers has warned it is a "very bad idea" and "everyone will lose in the long run".
It can be assumed that the more than 200 families who unwittingly bought properties in the path of the future F6 freeway also think the privatisation is a bad idea. The Herald has reported that, earlier this year, when the LPI was divided into five units and 70 staff were made redundant to prepare it for privatisation, the person or people responsible for updating the registry which alerts people if the government is interested in acquiring a property were let go. In the office's 150-year history there was no precedent for the error which exposes the government (and so, taxpayers) to a potential multimillion dollar class action for compensation.
Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian has argued the private sector is best placed to invest in new technology for the land registry. Premier Baird has invoked the privatisation mantra, that a sale will boost innovation, efficiency and service. He cited Canada's privatisation of land registries as a successful model, but that "success" is strongly contested by people with experience of it, one of whom has warned that access to records has become difficult and expensive and that we are headed for disaster. The British government has abandoned its second attempt at privatising its registry after strong public objections.
In light of such concerns, the government should rethink this privatisation. It should release the scoping study including the business case and cost benefit analysis and allow for a period of appropriate public consultation with genuine transparency. It should then decide whether or not to proceed with the sale.