

This was published 8 years ago

Baby steps towards the gigantic step of a stable Syria

The anger is perhaps strong enough now for all sides of geopolitics to cast aside their long-held differences and find a political solution to reducing terrorism fomenting in Syria and Iraq.

With baby steps, the chances of reaching a political solution to the Syrian crisis are increasing. US Secretary of State John Kerry says the "gigantic step" of a ceasefire within weeks is doable.

Without success in Syria, where the Alawite- Shiite regime of President Bashar al-Assad has provoked both peaceful and violent Sunnis into revolt, the threat of global terrorism will only grow along with the human toll of refugees.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has provoked both peaceful and violent Sunnis into revolt.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has provoked both peaceful and violent Sunnis into revolt.Credit: AP

But the Paris tragedy last Friday has at least provided much-needed momentum to a political process that has been struggling for unity to eradicate Islamic State and fellow terrorist groups for nearly five years.

The anger is perhaps strong enough now, though, for all sides of geopolitics to cast aside their long-held differences; to avenge and prevent repeat of the Paris attacks and the ones in Beirut and Ankara in recent months. Crucially, President Vladimir Putin has admitted an IS bomb destroyed a Metrojet plane over Sinai last month. As such, Russia is more likely to compromise and commit to an anti-IS coalition with the West.

Russia and France have separately stepped up military strikes against IS strongholds in Syria and Iraq. They, the US, Australia and other allies are all taking part in strikes, but the level of co-ordination is low and the Russian targets extend beyond IS.

Mr Putin met US President Barack Obama on the weekend and agreed on UN talks, a ceasefire (excluding at least IS) and a transitional government. Mr Obama and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull have wisely expressed a preference for UN-backed solutions that co-ordinate any further military expansion at the same time as seeking a timeline for a political outcome. Only then can all energies be focused on erasing IS.

Many will argue, as the Herald has, that this push for a political solution should have come far earlier. They will seek to demand more military strength against the terrorists. One way to do that is for Australia to commit more ground troops, as former prime minister Tony Abbott suggested this week. He is correct to say that some sacrifice may be required to stop IS.

France has taken a crucial step towards greater military engagement by invoking Article 42.7 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty, which carries for EU members "an obligation of aid and assistance by all means in their power". The next step would be to invoke NATO Article 5, which allows allies to wage war as an act of self-defence with United Nations backing. That has only occurred once, after 9/11.

Instead of a rapid expansion in military operations, we place great hope in the political process. On the weekend 19 countries – including Shiite Iran and Wahabi-Sunni Saudi Arabia – signed a UN statement to pursue a January 1 deadline for the start of talks between Mr Assad and the rebels. Jordan will choose which rebel groups. The aim is a ceasefire by May and elections a year later.


None of this can occur without unity against IS and military force to support a peacekeeping operation. This would protect civilians and stop IS operatives simply rushing out of Syria to a new base. Mr Turnbull has left open the possibility of Australia contributing to a such a peacekeeping operation. But the obstacles to that coming about are still enormous.

Russia and Iran insist Mr Assad be allowed to contest new elections. The US, Europe and Syria's Western-backed Opposition, the Syrian National Coalition, want Mr Assad out after a short transitional period. In the meantime Russia wants to rid Syria of anti-Assad forces, be they terrorists or merely downtrodden civilians and democracy activists. While it is positive that Saudi Arabia will holds talks soon to determine which Syrian Sunni opposition groups will meet Mr Assad for peace talks, it will not appreciate any multinational targeting of Sunnis and especially al-Qaeda associate the al-Nusra Front.

The Saudis will likewise oppose the presence of Shiite foes from the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, and the Shiite powerhouse of Iran. While Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has pledged support for a multinational anti-IS coalition, he faces internal pressure from the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to stop engaging so willingly with the West.

Meetings between French President Francois Hollande, Mr Obama and the Russians in the next fortnight will determine whether Mr Kerry's optimism is well founded. "If we can get that (ceasefire agreement) done ... we're weeks away conceivably from the possibility of a big transition for Syria, and I don't think enough people necessarily notice that," Mr Kerry said this week. "But that's the reality."

It is not reality until it happens. Still, the chances are improving.

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