

This was published 10 years ago

Schools going backwards, even after Gonski Review

By Chris Bonnor and Barrie Shepherd

Time heals most things. Trauma. Tragedy. After the short term response, the event fades into the background.

Governments know this. Some would even say the odd crisis, or moral panic is created to distract us from the problems hardest to solve.

Has the Gonski review of schools met this fate? Over three years its proposals have been watered down to the point they now face an uncertain future. What were once agreed to be serious issues are no longer regarded with any great urgency. The attitude is: Gonski was then, this is now - and schools continue to function. If there is a crisis, it is all very gradual. Under-funded schools don't blow up, their kids are still around year after year. Well, some of them.

But there is an incremental crisis and it is getting worse in ways which can now be measured.

What the Gonski review found – and what it warned about – has been vindicated by mounting evidence paraded each year on the My School website. My School was born around the same time as the Gonski review. It is now five years old and is giving up its secrets about our schools.

Gonski found Australia needs to lift the achievement of students, particularly the lowest performers. My School shows that we haven't done this, and that the gap between our higher and lower performers - especially in the secondary years - is widening.

The review said we should direct resources to where they are needed most. Yes, government funding, whether sufficient or not, has been generally directed in this way. But the combination of public and private funding increasingly goes to students who already achieve at quite high levels. And they are not doing much better.

The review found school funding lacks logic and consistency. My School data shows anomalies and absurdities in where government funding ends up. Around 500 public and private secondary schools alone receive less government funding than at least one nearby more advantaged private school - in the same federal electorate. Go figure!

The Gonski review was worried about imbalance in funding. There are now large variations in state and territory funding per student. If you want to go to a state-supported public school you'd best go to one in Queensland. If you want to go to a private school head for Victoria. As for capital funding, Queensland has provided almost as much to private school students as South Australia has to public school students.

Gonski recommended an Independent National Schools Resourcing Body to sort this out. It hasn't happened.


The review found that funding should aim to ensure that differences in educational outcomes are not the result of family disadvantage. Socio-educational gradients constructed from My School data show that our 'equity slope' is worsening over just five years.

The review found that increased concentration of disadvantaged children in certain schools is affecting educational outcomes. My School suggests that this concentration has increased, something which helps explain the growing achievement gap between the achievers and the strugglers.

Of course it is always possible that next year's My School might reveal that the trickle of equity funding from what's left of Gonski's recommendations is turning things around. Don't hold your breath. Business as usual won't cut it. Our deteriorating equity in schooling, tracked by My School data, has not just taken place over decades. It has occurred across the very same years that the Gonski review reviewd and reported on, then was variously ignored, cherry-picked, partially implemented – and in relative terms largely abandoned. What the Gonski review panel found to be bad, we now find to be worse.

Things will continue to worsen to the point where pressure will build for a review. Don't bother; the work has been done, a way out of the morass has already been mapped.

The crisis is still with us. It can be fixed. Just get on with it.

Chris Bonnor and Bernie Shepherd are retired school principals. This is an extract from two papers presented at the Need To Succeed symposium.

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