

This was published 8 years ago

Malcolm Turnbull starts pulling the big policy levers

The cautious approach was a bad look for the PM. That's why bold policy ideas are now tumbling out.

By Mark Kenny

It was just a few weeks back that Malcolm Turnbull was being smashed for being little more than "Mr Smiley" – a friendlier version of Tony Abbott wearing a better suit.

Having disavowed tougher climate policies, refused to accelerate Abbott's obstructionist go-slow on same sex marriage, and poo-pooed any renewed republican zeal, the Turnbull government looked strangely cautious rendering his extraordinary action of knocking over Abbott pointless as a result.

Not any more.

As bold ideas tumble out and big levers are pulled setting up a serious double dissolution threat, there is a genuine sense of colour and movement. Personally stung by the criticism, Turnbull read the changing risk equation for his government in which being seen to proceed too slowly – no matter what important work was being done behind the scenes – was doing more harm than good, especially given the heightened expectations that accompanied his arrival.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will have to use his well known powers of persuasion to sell his state taxes plan.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will have to use his well known powers of persuasion to sell his state taxes plan.Credit: Andrew Meares

Now, the unflattering comparison some critics are making is closer to the early-middle days of Kevin Rudd. This is something of an irony given that Abbott too is being compared to Rudd although for completely different reasons.

It is also unreasonable. Rudd's penchant for reviews and announcements, which was not always matched by an appetite for the less glamorous grind of program delivery, is mirrored in the low-level concern starting to emerge about Turnbull. And there are mumblings also from long-term internal antagonists that the old Turnbull is coming back – the one notorious for running a one-man show when he was opposition leader in 2008-09.

It is way too early to sustain the argument that the Turnbull government cannot deliver. Besides, that is a second-order question after establishing what it is that the Turnbull government actually intends to do. In any event, it has already made more progress than Abbott on several fronts, and without the animus.

As well as the defence white paper, and his innovation agenda, Turnbull can point to tax reforms – albeit modest – to be unveiled shortly, and to the prospect, one way or another, of success on Abbott's union watchdog and registered organisations bills. Turnbull may also have dealt with the unmanageable Senate crossbench.


More legitimate fears, however, centre on the back story to some of Turnbull's pronouncements, with this week's bombshell plan to give states income taxing powers being a case in point.

What Turnbull characterised as potentially the biggest reshaping of Commonwealth state responsibilities since World War II, was announced in the car park of the Penrith Panthers in Western Sydney. It came with little fanfare, virtually no prior warning to media, and no supporting documentation.

Even in the confidential COAG papers, the proposed epochal change is listed on the working agenda at item number 9 as "language to be circulated separately".

That he chose the spot for its announcement immediately across the road from where Abbott had uttered his improvised, and ultimately self-destructive, promise of no cuts to SBS and the ABC, is at the very least amusing.

But given the weight of the reform, even if that heft is measured only in terms of its political importance to Turnbull's pre-election positioning, there was a premature, even gimcrack feel about the announcement, imparting the very opposite of the methodical policy formulation process Turnbull wants.

And immediately, the gaffer tape construction was exposed. In an interview on Sky's business channel Treasurer Scott Morrison placed an altogether more hypothetical spin on the "idea" of state income taxes, tending to hose down enthusiasm as he said it was merely being "explored" with state and territory leaders at Friday's COAG meeting.

Premiers were caught between complaining about a lack of the most basic details in their private conversations with Turnbull before the announcement, and having some of those questions answered off the cuff when the PM fronted media just hours later.

According to a senior federal government source, Morrison's understanding was consistent with the broader cabinet intent that had licensed the PM to explore the state income tax power at COAG. Yet from the get-go, Turnbull had appeared to be speaking more definitively than that. So much for his thinly veiled admonishment of Morrison last week for "front-running" and thinking out loud on policy.

Logical as it may be, Turnbull's improvising has again exposed the functional distance between the government's two most senior economic figures following last week's extraordinary revelation that the budget had been moved forward from May 10, to May 3, without properly looping in his treasurer.

This time, Morrison found himself inadvertently contradicting his PM by declaring the state taxation power would not lead to any overall increase in the tax base, because states would not be empowered to increase their income tax surcharge to meet higher health and education costs. Turnbull had expressed the opposite view, concluding that in the end, such discretion, goes to the central logic of the change which is to make states responsible politically for funding their own schools etc.

It is all grist to the mill for Labor with a senior figure describing it as "f****** Christmas".

But if Turnbull can make the argument to premiers that this policy change would provide states with a growth tax – something the dwindling GST cannot claim – and that this will give them better funding security and the discretion to more adequately fund their essential services, he will have a major reform to pursue.

That is by no means impossible given the merits and the PM's well known persuasive powers. And it will further dispense with the claim that his government lacks a purpose.

Mark Kenny is Fairfax Media's chief political correspondent.

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