

This was published 8 years ago

Moore Park Stadium: scandalous government vandalism

By Elizabeth Farrelly

I'm strolling the soft earth under a great rainforest canopy, cussing at the dusk through the filigree of immense horizontal boughs and their stiff, ribbony beards of aerial roots. My fury is not despite but because of the grandeur, which seems to demand a whole new word, for this pocket paradise for this pocket paradise, this inter-city sanctuary, is the Baird government's idea of a multistorey car park. The word I want is scovandalous; scandalous government vandalism.

I thought we were better than this. I honestly thought Sydney had finally outgrown its worship of the infrastructure gods, its urge to trash itself repeatedly for speed and concrete and money, its valuing of everything hard and fast over anything soft and yielding like a place or a tree. I was wrong.

It wouldn't be so bad if the new improved upon the old: if the omelette justified the eggs. But everywhere you look, beauty is being turned to ugliness, the gently daggy to the wildly unsustainable, public delight to private profit. Why are we OK with this?

Barangaroo. Darling Harbour. Parramatta. Bridge Street. Powerhouse. Westconnex. Public land, private land grab. This government will surely go down as the most scovandalous in history.

<i>Illustration: Rocco Fazzari</i>

Illustration: Rocco Fazzari

In land-grab terms, then, it's not so unusual that over a billion of our poles-and-wires dollars will go to rebuild the underused and badly located Allianz stadium and its attendant car parks on public parkland. Sure, the land-grab of Moore Park is scovandalous. But it's not what sets this nutty scheme apart.

The standout strangeness of Sports Minister Stuart Ayres' pet stadium is, no-one wants it. The NRL doesn't . They'd rather play at Homebush. The locals certainly don't. They'd rather be jailed for protesting. The only people who want the development are the grandees of the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust.

Yet the government's cloak-and-dagger hijinks in promoting this unpopular stadium constitute a whole new sport, an elaborate sacrificial hunt whose covert rituals pretend to benefit the many but in fact favour the very, very few. Duping the Public.

Who's the victim? We are. Whose history will be dishonoured, whose territory turned to dust, whose heart ripped out and offered to the infrastructure gods? Ours.


It's our money wasted; our parkland devoured; our streets bridged and made ugly ; our ancient avenues woodchipped. Disrespect? You bet.

We had our suspicions. The trust has been grabby about Moore Park for years, and lately there were signs, strange and inexplicable occurrences like that crazy footbridge, the Tibby Cotter. A wildly over-engineered gold-anodised two-lane roller-coaster of a thing, it dropped onto the grass like some forgotten voodoo doll, full of sinister but undeclared import.

Built by Lend Lease without tender, it has massive cycle-loops that even the bike lobby didn't want, cost a full 50 per cent over contract ($38 million instead of $25 million), destroyed century-old fig trees at both ends and turned a 75-metre road-crossing into a 300-metre trek. Plus it goes nowhere, one grass patch to another. Even footy crowds would rather jaywalk.

That was strange. Then it got stranger, with the secret lopping of the rainforest giants. Anzac Parade is one of the oldest, longest and grandest avenues in the country. Flanked and arcaded by scores of magnificent 130-year-old fig trees, it was named for the World War I diggers who'd march from their barracks at (what is now) UNSW to Sydney Harbour troop ships.

Now, two weeks from Anzac Day, Anzac Parade is a sad and moth-eaten gesture. Dozens of mature figs have been taken, leaving gaps up to 70 metres wide where square wounds of fresh-dug earth mark the extractions. But that's just the start. An estimated 31 more fig trees will go south of the dreaded Tibby Cotter Bridge; altogether some 1200 trees impacted.

But the government still refuses to say exactly which trees, where or when. Back in February, with 28 fig trees already destroyed and dozens more earmarked, I contacted Transport NSW asking for a map or project plan. They pleaded ignorance, insisting decisions were made on site and that I'd need a full briefing from "the most senior people" which would take at least three weeks to organise. Yeah, I said. Right.

What information the government has published is patchy and misleading, with trees that were already destroyed marked "potential to be transplanted" and hundreds of others marked for branch and root "pruning" – although none of the figs "pruned" for the 2003 Eastern Distributor survived.

In February, arborist Kathlene Hennessy estimated 395 significant trees still to be destroyed; a further 134 mature trees relocated (unlikely to survive), and a further 427 significant trees "pruned".

I guess they thought it pretty clever. Work in secret, admit nothing, pretend it's all necessitated by public transport, whop the trees and then, too late, "leak" the real reason. Not transport after all, but sport. Clever? Hmm, maybe, as cowardice goes.

But suddenly we get it. The useless bridge is really linking (future) car park to (future) stadium. The dead trees are really because it's sport, and sport is never the bad guy.

Never mind that a trust is supposed to be trustworthy. Never mind that the SCG was only ever given public land to provide "public recreation" but is in fact wholly professional and quarantined for special interest.

In sport v trees, sport wins every time. The trees along Alison Road went because the (private) racecourse wanted to expand; the tram was moved, the park shrunk. Moore Park will be colonised, denuded and undermined because the Trust wants "Sports Central" with its pools, hot dogs and giant video screens. "Sport" – be it racing, footy or dogs – may be just another excuse for gambling. But sport is sacred.

What should be sacred – for their age, beauty, symbolism, irreplaceability, place making, carbon sequestration and staunch resistance of the heat island effect – are parks and trees. This is not soppy nostalgia.

In Penrith (Mr Ayres' electorate), footpaths reached 50 degrees over summer after clear felling of planes and figs for "urban growth". These are killer temperatures. Trees and parks can save us – unless and until we stuff 'em in the woodchipper.

Twitter @emfarrelly

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