

This was published 9 years ago

Martin Place Lindt cafe siege: Muslim leaders brace for backlash

By Anne Davies and Tim Elliott

A coalition of Muslim groups has issued a statement expressing their "utter shock and horror" over the siege at Martin Place and "urging everyone to stay calm".

"We reject any attempt to take the innocent life of any human being, or to instil fear and terror into their hearts," the statement says.

"Any such despicable act only serves to play into the agendas of those who seek to destroy the goodwill of the people of Australia and to further damage and ridicule the religion of Islam, and Australian Muslims in this country.

"We remind everyone that the Arabic inscription on the black flag is not representative of a political statement, but reaffirms a testimony of faith that has been misappropriated by misguided individuals that represent no one but themselves."

Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed condemned "this criminal act unequivocally".

Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed condemned "this criminal act unequivocally".Credit: Janie Barrett

Community leaders were bracing for a backlash against their communities in coming days and warned mosque members to head straight home on Monday evening.

One fringe right-wing organisation, the Australian Defence League, was using its Facebook page to urge supporters to prepare to descend on Lakemba, a strongly Muslim area of Sydney.

"If one person is harmed we are calling on all Australians to converge on Lakemba tonight. Who is ready?" the organisation posted mid-afternoon.


The Muslim community has been united in their condemnation of the events and community leaders appear puzzled by both the identity and motivation of the hostage taker.

One of the women held hostage inside the cafe for several hours runs into the arms of police after being freed.

One of the women held hostage inside the cafe for several hours runs into the arms of police after being freed. Credit: AP

The Grand Mufti of Australia, Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, said he and the Australian National Imam Council condemned "this criminal act unequivocally and reiterate that such actions are denounced in part and in whole in Islam".

"We along with the wider Australian community await the results of the investigation about the identity of the perpetrators and their underlying motivations behind this criminal act."

Police at the scene of the siege Monday afternoon.

Police at the scene of the siege Monday afternoon.Credit: Daniel Munoz

The chief executive of the Arab Council of Australia, Ms Randa Kattan, expressed horror at the events.

"We are extremely concerned that this is happening in multicultural

"Our thoughts and great concerns are with the hostages who are caught up in this terrible situation, their families and all the

Parramatta Islamic Cultural Association chairman Neil El Kadomi said his organisation had already met with local police to discuss the situation.

"We have told the kids at the mosque not to go around Parramatta because this event will inevitably raise the temperature in the community. They should go straight home after prayers."

Mr El Kadomi said it was particularly terrible that these events had happened around Christmas. He said his own daughter, who worked at David Jones, had been caught up in event and had not been allowed to leave the building, he said.

Rissalah College in Lakemba was flooded with calls from "panicked parents" according to principal Afif Khalil.

"It was our end of year presentations today, and I took the opportunity to talk about the Islamic State," said Mr Khalil. "The parents are shocked. Most of our school community is from war-torn countries. They have come here to escape that, and then to find that this stuff has followed them here is terrible."

Mr Khalil said he has not put on any more security for Tuesday, which is the last day of school. "It will be business as usual. We have a very good relationship with Campsie police, who make their presence known at time like these."

Sydney's Muslim leaders were already meeting with police on Monday morning when they heard about the Martin Place siege.

Keysar Trad, from the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, said: "The police were just informing us about charges that were going to be laid against two men who were involved in the raids in September," Trad said.

"When news of the siege came through there was speculation in the room that it could be linked to that, that perhaps it was a parent of one of the men who was being charged. But we really don't know."

Muslim community figure Rebecca Kay said the siege would probably intensify anti-Islamic sentiment. "You are already seeing stuff on social media, with people saying 'Deport all Muslims'," she said.

"After the new security laws were introduced, we tracked attacks on Muslims through Sydney, and we found that there were five to seven attacks per day in a three week period. Cars being vandalised, women being punched, being spat on or verbally abused. That will probably increase now in the lead up to Christmas. It's all people are going to be talking about."

Muslim leaders say they do not recognise any of those inside the cafe including a man being reported to be the gunman and cannot discern his motivation.

"He's certainly no one that I recognise," says Mr Trad, from the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia. "And the flag he has held up is not a jihadist flag, it's the kalimah, which translates as 'There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his messenger.' "

Kuranda Seyit from the Forum on Islamic Relations and Ms Kay also remained in the dark on the possible identity of the man. Mr Seyit said: "I know many people in the community, but I don't recognise this man."

But in this climate of fear and uncertainty, Australians banded together to show their support for the Muslim population.

The #illridewithyou hashtag amassed more than 22,000 tweets on Monday evening, as Australians took a stand against anti-Muslim sentiment in the wake of the Martin Place siege.

A young Sydney woman, Rachael Jacobs, appears to have inspired the campaign after posting a moving Facebook status about her encounter with a Muslim woman earlier in the day.

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