

This was published 7 years ago

It's always everyone's fault except white Australia's

By Mostafa Rachwani

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton just can't help himself. Having already offended and blamed large swaths of refugees and asylum seekers, as well as heaping blame onto everyone from Labor to refugee activists, he just had to find a new target.

This time, it's the migrants who came to Australia under relaxed immigration laws enacted under former Liberal prime minister Malcolm Fraser. A large percentage of these migrants came from Lebanon, which was suffering through a brutal 15-year civil war.

"The reality is Malcolm Fraser did make mistakes in bringing some people in the 1970s and we're seeing that today," he told Sky News last week.

"We need to be honest in having that discussion. There was a mistake made."

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announce the refugee deal on Sunday.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announce the refugee deal on Sunday.Credit: Andrew Meares

To engage in a discussion on the plight or credibility of these migrants, though, would be to buy into Dutton's fantasy of a white Australia wiped of any responsibility for the struggles of these communities. In said fantasy, the blame is placed at everyone's feet but the feet of the country, society and government that these migrants arrived to.

No one ever wants to talk about the deeply rooted racism Fraser's migrants had to face. No one ever mentions the aggressively uninviting society these communities arrived to, and nobody ever wants to talk about the residual effects of having to battle these issues for so long.

This is the same society that subjected Indigenous communities to unparalleled cruelties and violence. The same that was still, in the '70s, taking children from their homes.

The same society that had discriminated against and hated so many different generations of migrant communities. In what imagined world does this society quickly accept and tolerate any further foreign communities? In what imagined world does this have no deep-rooted impact on the generations growing up among such hate?


These communities have faced cultural, political, economic and physical violence from a society that was hostile to any kind of encroachment on their grip on what it means to be Australian.

Dropping any pretensions, we must accept that a majority of the challenges facing minority and migrant communities in Australia are rooted in this hostility that is systemically imposed, never having abated.

After Fraser's migrants, we had Pauline Hanson in Parliament, spouting rhetoric all too familiar to any minority community. And we've never quite moved forward, with John Howard leaning into Tony Abbott leaning into Dutton and so on.

Fundamentally, this violence strips communities of their humanity and their self worth. To have your opportunities taken from you, to have your culture or religion demonised in the media, and to have no say in political machinations that deeply impact you is to be told your life holds no value.

It is this dehumanisation that pushes people to seek worth elsewhere. Whether it is expressed in gang violence or in foreign fighters, these people are inherently just seeking what society was unwilling to provide them: their humanity, their worth being recognised.

Moreover, Dutton's interrogation of migrant communities reveals the toxic sentiments that sit at the heart of our political discourse: that white Australians are inherently superior to everyone else. Not that they are better off or better at certain things, but are inherently better at being human.

The implications in Dutton's statements about migrant communities is simply that they are not human enough for Australia; they do not meet our sensibilities or standards, they will never fit in. It's a remarkably frank admission, but unsurprising from Dutton, in that it admits the weakness in the veils white Australia creates to alleviate itself of responsibility.

He didn't question the socio-economic state of these communities, but the fact that they were "allowed in" in the first place. In blaming immigration policies from generations ago, Dutton has sought to maintain that dehumanisation.


Looking past that however, and Dutton's own policies are exposed for their indefensible brutality. The veil of humanity is maintained though, to ensure no threat is ever made to the fantasy of a blameless white Australia.

Mostafa Rachwani is a Muslim community advocate and works at the Lebanese Muslim Association.

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