

This was published 10 years ago

HSC hard road is the higher road

By Jenny Allum

We need, as a society, to encourage high levels of intellectual rigour. We should value academic pursuits - and be telling students that it is OK to attempt hard work.

I don't think that academic work, the extending of skills and knowledge should be easy. I want students to experience complex work and demanding, intellectual challenge. I want them to enjoy that challenge - to strive and fail, and fail, and fail again, and then experience the real joy of getting it, of finally being able to do it.

"In a school community and in our broader society, we need to encourage academic resilience in our young people."

"In a school community and in our broader society, we need to encourage academic resilience in our young people."Credit: Craig Abraham

Yet I see a trend against this - a growing tendency to choose the easy option.

I see this trend in mathematics and English, physics, chemistry and history, for example. I see it in senior students preferring to memorise a few generic English essays than to truly apply their intellect to answer the actual question posed in the HSC exam - with all its nuances and subtlety.

We need to encourage all students to understand that academic work at school is challenging, and that this is good. There are things (a great many things, indeed) which Google or Wikipedia can answer, but you don't really learn anything that way. You learn by puzzling over, by grappling with things deeply. The joy of mastering something which has taken real time and effort is unsurpassed.

I have seen in the Herald the suggestion that a number of students in some schools have decided to drop from 2-unit mathematics to general mathematics because of the difficulty of this year's 2-unit paper. I would be appalled if any of my students did that. I want my students to be more ambitious, more determined, more resilient than that.

Having said that, I don't think the 2-unit mathematics paper (or any other paper for that matter) should be so hard as to discourage students who have worked seriously at their course for two years.

Students who have made a solid attempt at the course should feel it was ''fair''. I know the Board of Studies would want the same things for the students, too. This year's paper might have been harder, but it would not have been intentionally so, and we don't want to encourage students to think that their choices should be re-evaluated as a result of one examination.

If a young person says quickly ''I can't do that'', then they will definitely be right. You will not be able to do it if you start with that attitude. I want students to say ''I'll have a go!'' and to strive and work hard, again and again.


You never know, in the end, you too might be able to say: ''I can easily do that.''

In a school community and in our broader society, we need to encourage academic resilience in our young people, so that they are not put off by a hard HSC paper, or the difficulty of learning French verbs, or the complexity of sophisticated scientific ideas.

I know that most students work hard - really hard. I know they are ambitious and determined. But I worry that there has been an increase, over the 18 years that I have been head of school, in girls' fear of getting things wrong in tests and assignments, an aversion to taking risks in their learning, in wanting a formula instead of grappling themselves, in worrying more about the answer than the process of getting there. You learn more by getting things wrong. It's about the doing, not the answer at the end. It's about the intellect, not someone else's generic recipe.

I recall one of our teachers who, in explaining to girls about why it was really important to struggle with the particular area of algebra with which they were having difficulties, said ''You know when you go to the gym, you try to exercise each of the muscles in your body? Well, if you don't do this area of algebra, how are you going to exercise that bit of the brain, right there?''

My granddaughter used to proudly say ''I can easily do that'', when she had finally learnt how to use a key in the door, or how to tie her shoelaces, or remember her phone number for the first time after a long struggle. Of course she didn't mean it was easy - she meant that she knew that it was hard, but that she was proud of the fact that she now felt confident in that ability - that she could do it each time.


Students should not practise the bits they can already do. They need the resilience and strength to do the bits they can't do, each and every day. That is how you learn and grow.

Jenny Allum is head of school at SCEGGS, Darlinghurst. This is an edited version of her address at the school's 2013 Speech Day, delivered on Tuesday at Sydney Town Hall.

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