

This was published 9 years ago

Details matter in the battle to get transport right

"I thought this was going to be a simple case," said Supreme Court judge Michael Adams.

Justice Adams was on the bench on Christmas Eve, presiding over a last-ditch effort by Newcastle community groups to prevent the removal of the rail line in that city from Boxing Day.

Limbo: Central Newcastle's rail line is quiet, but the dispute over its future is a hot topic after a court ruling on Christmas Eve.

Limbo: Central Newcastle's rail line is quiet, but the dispute over its future is a hot topic after a court ruling on Christmas Eve.Credit: Peter Stoop

It did look like it might be a simple case. Thanks to a 1988 law, the NSW government is not allowed to remove a rail line without first gaining the consent of Parliament.

Yet the government had been expressing supreme confidence that it would be acting within its legal rights. Of course it had sorted these details out. How could the government's whole policy for the state's second largest city be predicated on an illegal act?

And when the matter hit court two days before Christmas, the extent of the legal manoeuvring Premier Mike Baird's cabinet had approved to side-step its way around the Transport Administration Act 1988 finally became apparent.

The government was transferring the rail line, the power lines, the signalling systems and the boom gates, out of RailCorp and into another government agency, the Hunter Development Corporation. This agency, it claimed, was not bound by the 1988 Act.

Two high-priced senior counsel, Adrian Galasso and Tim Robertson, were hired to convince the court of the legality of the scheme.

According to Adams' judg

And now the people of NSW are left with a situation where the government has stopped running trains into central Newcastle - visitors have to change to a bus - but nothing else can be done with the rail corridor, which the government had hoped to remove to better connect the city to the foreshore, and which Baird has already said was to be open for redevelopment.


There are two ways around this. The government can win in the Court of Appeal. Or it can gain the approval of Parliament to remove the line, which would be more in keeping with what the 1988 Act had in mind, not to mention more democratic and less overtly tricky.

When he took over as Premier, Baird also took on the ministries of infrastructure and western Sydney. He's no doubt confident he's got a good story to tell in infrastructure.

The Premier's big pitch at the March election will be the roads and rail lines he is promising with the $20-odd billion he'll raise by selling off electricity assets.

Two high-priced senior counsel, Adrian Galasso and Tim Robertson, were hired to convince the court of the legality of the scheme. They failed.

But as the example of Newcastle demonstrates, the details matter when it comes to infrastructure. It is not enough to draw a line on a map and promise a bold new regeneration. The details can get you into trouble.

Baird's predecessor, Barry O'Farrell, never really seemed comfortable talking about the nuts and bolts of transport policy.

(Once, when asked about spill-over congestion on the City West Link from the proposed WestConnex motorway, O'Farrell suggested it wouldn't be a problem because the south-west rail link would soon be open - a rail line 30-odd kilometres away in a completely separate part of Sydney.)

But the tendency to gloss over details in favour of big-picture congestion busters is just as much a feature of this government under Baird as it was O'Farrell.

Take, for instance, the way Baird talks about the planned second Sydney harbour rail crossing. This crossing - worth $10 billion or so - would certainly be the biggest public transport initiative in the city for many decades.

According to Baird, it would also lead to a 60 per cent increase in capacity on "every rail line in Sydney".

But this claim is just wrong. Apart from anything else, the line will have no impact on the eastern suburbs and Illawarra lines, which mostly operate independent of the rest of the network.

The new line might enable 60 per cent more trains to operate on other lines. But the impact, particularly on the over-crowded western and east hills lines, has never been demonstrated and quantified. On the face of it, the new harbour crossing would not do much at all for the western line.

Under John Robertson, NSW Labor never really seemed to appreciate the public disgust with its transport failures over 16 years in power. Its attempts to hold this government to account, therefore, always seemed hamstrung: why should we think you would do any better?

If nothing else, a change of Labor leader might engender more accountability in Baird's government, if the Coalition wins, as it is expected to, in March. Which would be no bad thing. They're spending our money.

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