By Jonathan Bradley
- Scalia's death sets up battle that could reshape US politics
- Justice's death sets off hysteria, conspiracy theories
Forget Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. The defining figure in the US presidential election is now Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court justice whose death shifts the focus of the race from political outsiders back to the very centre of American power.
Over the coming year, Americans will be given a vivid demonstration of just how important the president is, and how much he or she can change the country.
Because US Supreme Court appointments are for life, the composition of the bench changes only when a justice dies or steps down. Justice Scalia was a deeply conservative judge on a court whose nine members have been split precariously between the left and right: contentious cases are frequently decided by a single vote.
Appointing judges to the court is one of the president's most important and too often underappreciated constitutional duties. By appointing a young justice, a president can shape American jurisprudence for decades to come: Scalia was appointed by Ronald Reagan in 1986.
Partisans on both sides of politics had already been talking up the importance of the coming election in terms of future Supreme Court vacancies. With some justices in their late 70s or older, it was entirely likely the winner of the 2016 election would be given the opportunity to reshape the court for a generation.
That is of no small concern. As final arbiter of the constitutionality of American laws, the Supreme Court plays a decisive role in settling some of the most contentious issues in US society.
In recent years, the court has issued rulings on whether Americans have an individual right to own guns – in 2008's District of Columbia v Heller, Justice Scalia wrote the majority opinion that they did – to what extent the government can regulate political donations (Citizens United), and whether states could deny same-sex couples the right to marry (Obergefell).
In coming months, the court is expected to issue judgments on the ability of the government to regulate carbon emissions, how far states can go in restricting a woman's access to abortion, and how to apply the principle of "one person, one vote" when drawing electoral boundaries.
If it wasn't clear before to Americans how much the court mattered, it will be now. A vacancy on the court is no longer a theoretical concern for the next president to deal with, but an immediate and pressing issue.
The constitution requires President Barack Obama to nominate a replacement for Justice Scalia, and he has affirmed he will do so forthwith.
However, any justice Obama proposes will shift the balance of power in the court far to the left, a deeply unappealing prospect for the Republican-dominated Senate that must approve the President's choice.
After Scalia's death was reported, leading Republicans were quick to insist his replacement should be picked by the next president and not by President Obama. Texas senator and presidential hopeful Ted Cruz tweeted: "Justice Scalia was an American hero. We owe it to him, & the Nation, for the Senate to ensure that the next President names his replacement."
Florida senator and fellow White House contender Marco Rubio concurred, while Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement that the vacancy "should not be filled until we have a new president".
Opposition parties often become more reluctant to confirm appointments as a presidency comes to an end, but this represents an extraordinary departure from precedent. The Senate can and has rejected presidential appointments in the past, but Senators Rubio, Cruz, and McConnell are not opposing any specific nominee – as Democrats did with Robert Bork in 1987 – but any nominee whomsoever President Obama might put forward.
The longest gap between nomination and confirmation in US history was that of Justice Louis Brandeis, which took 125 days in 1916 – also an election year. With more than 11 months remaining in Obama's term, the Senate has plenty of time to give any nominee he puts forward due consideration.
An informal and inconsistently applied tradition within the Senate is the "Thurmond Rule", which holds that lifetime judicial appointments should not advance during the final six months of a presidency. Even taking this into account, however, the Senate will not reach that point for many months.
Supreme Court nominations are one of the highest-stakes ventures in US politics, and regardless of precedent and propriety, most Republicans have little incentive to allow Democrats the chance to push the US judiciary to the left this close to an election that might well put a Republican in the Oval Office.
Democrats will not simply roll over, though: they will use every opportunity available over the coming year to threaten, cajole, and campaign against recalcitrant senators holding up Obama's pick.
And presidential candidates from both parties will use the furore to remind their supporters exactly how much it matters which party ends up winning this election – as well as the Senate, where Democrats could well regain power, diminishing Republican influence over a nomination in the next term.
The liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 82 and the next president could serve for up to eight years. As Scalia's passing demonstrates, death can arrive suddenly for those in their advanced years.
When Americans go to the polls in November, they will have witnessed a vicious fight over one empty seat on the court. If it weren't already apparent now, it will be by then: there is more than the presidency at stake in this election.
Jonathan Bradley is publications editor at the US Studies Centre at the University of Sydney.