

This was published 10 years ago

China's propaganda infiltrating our shores

Beijing's clandestine intrusion into our local Chinese press will have an impact on national security if it is not rooted out.

By Paul Monk

Over the past decade or so, something disturbing has been happening in the Chinese community media in this country. The Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda bureau has been buying up radio stations and newspapers across the country and channelling the voice of Beijing into them from editorial offices in China. Increasingly, topics on which press discussion is forbidden in China have vanished also from the Chinese language media in our own country.

What used to be a highly diverse set of platforms for community news and commentary is now characterised by a strange and disquieting conformity to the worldview dictated by censors and editors in a foreign country. All this has been happening quietly under the noses of media regulators, with the wider Australian public being entirely oblivious to it. The implications are disquieting and it's time the matter was more thoroughly looked into.

This question of Beijing’s systematic intrusion into the community media of Australia’s Chinese citizens is, of course, a sensitive matter in more ways than one. It’s important, therefore, to emphasise that this has nothing to do with race and should in no way be seen as a reflection on the loyalties of the overwhelming majority of Chinese Australians to this country. The questions at issue are liberal values and sovereignty. My sources include well-informed members of the Chinese community who, in the nature of the case, do not wish to be named.

What Beijing is doing is of a piece with its more general drive to extend its sway in the region in terms of both hard and soft power. But this particular initiative is blatant interference in Australia’s internal affairs of a kind that would never be tolerated on the receiving end by China and is, in fact, rendered impossible there by the Party’s tight monopoly of news media. It is a strategic move on Beijing’s part to create what can only be described as a fifth column inside our borders. It should be scouted out and the Party sent packing.

The problem we have in this matter needs to be understood in both historical and strategic perspective. There has been a Chinese community in Australia since the 1850s. Until recently, its community media were diverse and free of any co-ordinated control from Beijing. Only recently has that changed. For over a hundred years, Chinese language newspapers have been providing forums for unfettered discussion of all kinds of subjects, from white Australian racism to prospects for political and social change in China.

In 1901, for example, the exiled Chinese reformer Liang Qichao gave weekly lectures in the reading rooms of Sydney’s Tung Wah News, in which he called for constitutional reform in China, criticised the excessive tendency to hierarchy and deference in Chinese society and called for equality of civil rights and citizenship in China. There are strong indications that, if he was to visit Australia today, he would be denied access to the leading Chinese language radio stations and refused space in the majority of Chinese language newspapers.

Pre-communist regimes in China tried to keep tabs on the Chinese diaspora to some extent, but what investigators are now seeing is unprecedented. The chief media groups to watch are the Chinese Newspaper Group, based in Sydney, which owns nine east coast newspapers; and the Austar International Media Group, based in Melbourne, which controls eight print outlets and several radio stations.

Both are instruments of China Radio International and the World Chinese Media Forum, which co-ordinate foreign outlets on behalf of the Party in Beijing. The key here is that it outlaws any criticism of the Party, advocacy of political reform or freedom of speech on its Australian radio and press networks. It is seeking to impose Communist Party standards on Australian media outlets.

Of course, even in China, tens of millions of people take the Party’s relentless propaganda with more than a grain of salt. They get what honest information they can from other sources. In Australia, where there is far greater liberty to read other materials and engage with people who think differently, this is done even more. But the Party is working both hard and clandestinely to restrict the coverage of critical reflection in the Chinese language media and to extend its influence through those same channels.

All this is taking place at the very time when there is a growing chorus of voices in this country for us to abandon the American alliance and draw closer to China. It is taking place at a time when China is, in fact, in bilateral forums now urging us to do exactly that; arguing that a deepening trade relationship might even require that we take that momentous step. It is taking place as China pressures its neighbours over a far-flung set of contentious maritime territorial claims and keeps pushing the envelope by creating new outposts and demarcation lines in the East and South China Seas.


For decades now, we have welcomed Chinese dissidents and those seeking a freer life than is available in China. And what is now happening? The Party is following them here and seeking to implant its propaganda apparatus in their midst, along with informers and other agents. In all these circumstances, one of our most important national security challenges in the next few years will be to force all this out into the open and encourage a revitalisation of the best and freest traditions of Chinese language media in this country – of the kind Liang Qichao would recognise and Liu Xiaobo applaud.

Paul Monk is an author, former senior intelligence analyst and commentator on public and international affairs. He is the author of Thunder From the Silent Zone: Rethinking China.

What Beijing is doing is of a piece with its more general drive to extend its sway in the region in terms of both hard and soft power.

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