

This was published 9 years ago

Bronwyn Bishop is Tony Abbott's latest 'captain's pick' failure

By Peter Reith

Tony Abbott was just too slow in dealing with Bronwyn Bishop. When even the public could see that Bishop did not have support from key ministers, Abbott kept backing Bishop. And he should have announced an inquiry into entitlements reform weeks ago

Politicians received huge salary increases under Labor, so why not make politicians pay for their expenses up front and then require them to seek reimbursement? This is standard practice in many parts of the economy. Why not have an independent body, not just some bureaucrats, making the decision on who gets what?

Of course, the start of the Bishop saga goes back to when she got the job of Speaker, thanks to Tony Abbott. It was a captain's pick. Just about every one of his picks has been a disaster for him, including paid parental leave, knighthoods and local government recognition. And although he has been better at managing the backbench since February, the Bishop saga has been a win for Labor.

The simple point for Abbott is that he has been solidly behind in the polls for more than a year and he can't afford too many more obvious mistakes. The public want some sense of where he is going on economic reform. The public liked his small business package but, in politics, yesterday's success is never enough.

The next big policy issue on the agenda should be industrial relations. The productivity commission hands down its draft report on workplace relations on Tuesday. With few exceptions so far, Abbott's approach is to say as little possible about workplace relations policy. But this is becoming more and more frustrating for business and many want Abbott to start to lay the grounds for a serious debate about industrial relations reform. If he says little of consequence this week, his standing will be undermined.

Bronwyn Bishop was another of Tony Abbott's failed "captain's picks".

Bronwyn Bishop was another of Tony Abbott's failed "captain's picks".Credit: James Brickwood

Two continuing issues also need careful handing. One is Indigenous recognition in the constitution. It is one of Abbott's favourite "captain's picks" but is now becoming more difficult as Indigenous leaders demand more substantial change for which, over time, there will be less and less support in the Coalition party room. At least Abbott has pushed the issue past the next election but he needs to decide how he is going to handle the issue between now and the election.

The other is women's issues. And just for starters Abbott should be linking the falls in women's participation in the workforce to the need for a more flexible industrial relations system.

Labor and the Coalition promote the cause of equal treatment for women. That's a good thing but Labor also sees women's issues as a political opportunity to attack their opponents. The worst case of using women's issues for political advantage was Julia Gillard's attack on Abbott about sexism and misogyny. Not only was her speech riddled with hypocrisy, her claims were untrue and full of venom. She did herself a disservice.

Clearly, attitudes have changed and, importantly, are still changing. For example, there are many more women doing law than when I was a student at Monash in the early 1970s. I don't think anyone suggested that women should be given quotas; there are more women today doing law because they are good at what they do. The same should apply to doctors and politicians. If merit is not the principal characteristic for deciding who should be an MP, then the Parliament is denied of having the best possible politicians.


Labor is promising that 50 per cent of all Labor MPs should be women and that outcome should be achieved by quotas. After repeated failed attempts, Gillard was pre-selected thanks to the quota system. According to the Labor party Gillard's ascension as prime minister was a victory for the ALP's quota system. Maybe over time, Labor might realise quotas can get an MP to the prime ministership but not necessarily produce a prime minister who is up to the task.

The Liberal party has a good record on these issues but some say women Liberal MPs are not in safe seats. Yet, of the top 10 safest Liberal seats, women hold four. By contrast, women hold only two of the top 10 safest Labor seats. It is also said that women tended to be pre-selected for marginal seats and that "when we lose government, we lose our pipeline". But in the 27 marginal seats held by the Liberal Party, women hold 10. In the 29 marginal seats held by Labor, women hold 11.

Of course, more needs to be done to encourage women into politics. I proposed and ran a mentoring program back in 2010. My recommendation for a permanent system was not implemented. Maybe the Liberal executive should look at the idea again, as recently suggested by the very successful new minister Sussan Ley.

Peter Reith was a former Howard government minister and is a Fairfax Media columnist.

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