

This was published 5 months ago

Teal transparency crusader Sophie Scamps fails to declare new company

By Kishor Napier-Raman and Noel Towell

Along with their feelgood approach to tackling climate change, and not being Scott Morrison, improving transparency in parliament was one of the main battle cries of the teal independents who swept through the Liberal heartland in 2022.

Which of course makes it even funnier when they fail to meet the pretty meagre transparency provisions already in place for our elected representatives. In January, Mackellar MP Sophie Scamps registered a new company, Cherry Street Investments, with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. She’s the sole director and shareholder.

Credit: John Shakespeare

The rules are pretty clear – MPs must declare such directorships, like gifts and property, within 28 days, or risk being found in contempt of parliament. But there’s no sign of Cherry Street anywhere on Scamps’ register of interests. Scamps’ office did not respond to questions about the purpose of the company, or why she’d failed to declare it.

It’s not the first time the MP has faced a few pointed questions about her own pecuniary interests. Shortly after being elected, Scamps was grilled about reconciling her zeal for transparency with the fact that she’d declared assets in a family trust. She soon revealed the details of the entities held in that trust, which included a financial interest in Tesla – right after she was in parliament talking up electric vehicles.

It’s one thing to face gotcha questions about your pre-political investments when you’re new in Canberra. But Scamps has been in parliament for nearly two years now, and last we checked, “doing politics different” didn’t mean ignoring well-established rules.


In NSW, it’s not often when racing and rugby league honcho Peter “Showbags” V’landys fails to get his way. But that’s what happened late last year when, after a long and farcical debate in state parliament, the Minns government dumped its own legislation to extend the term of Racing NSW chair (and V’landys ally) Russell Balding rather than pass amendments that would put greater scrutiny over the body.

Twice the previous Liberal government had changed legislation to extend Balding’s term. But last year’s aborted extension was bitterly opposed by some in the racing fraternity, and its collapse left V’landys incensed.

But now that the dust has settled, Balding has the consolation prize of a race named in his honour. On Tuesday, Racing NSW announced that the $3 million Winners Stakes, held at Rosehill during the Everest Carnival, would now be called The Russell Balding Stakes.


“It is only befitting to honour Russell’s extraordinary contribution to the NSW thoroughbred racing industry through such recognition via this feature race name,” his successor Saranne Cooke said.

After Balding’s bafflingly long tenure, it was the least they could do.


Back to teal territory, this time Kooyong, where Liberal Party is pinning its hopes of winning back disaffected yuppies on Amelia Hamer – a Millennial female renter from blue-blooded political stock.

But Hamer has other experience that might make her relatable to younger voters in that former Liberal stronghold – she’s come through the tawdry world of student politics and social media pile-ons and lived to tell the tale.


A decade ago, while studying at Oxford (where else!), Hamer was an editor of one of the university’s more imaginatively named rags, The Oxford Student. That was, until she wrote an article headlined “Oxford Union rape victim knew her claim was false”, concerning an allegation made against the debating society’s former president Ben Sullivan.

A week before the piece was released, local police and Crown prosecutors dropped charges against Sullivan. But Hamer’s piece, which included correspondence between Sullivan and his alleged victim, was accused of “victim-blaming” and after a petition began circulating calling for her resignation, Hamer was dumped as an editor by the student union, publishers of the paper.

Hamer didn’t take her removal lightly, and accused the student union of compromising press freedom. Speaking to British youth publication The Tab, Hamer labelled her critics a “small, disgruntled pressure group”, and accused the union of having “gagged the paper from reporting stories … in the public interest”.

And it’s a stance she maintained when the decade-old incident resurfaced during her recent preselection.

“Public interest journalism is important, which is why I actively told preselectors I stood by the decision to publish the evidence,” she told CBD.


CBD reported last week that Garry Crole, CEO of ASX listed financial services group Sequoia, had survived a boardroom push against him, amid fears that hundreds of the group’s financial advisors might follow him out the door.

But Gary isn’t yet in the clear, with investors Glennon Capital and Melbourne businessman Tony Jones officially signalling their intention on Wednesday to vote both Crole and non-executive director Kevin Pattison off the board, at the company’s next general meeting.

This is all happening as the messy fallout from Sequoia’s $5.1 million acquisition in 2022 of a group that included the sites ShareCafe, Informed Investor and Corporate Connect Research makes its way through the Victorian Supreme Court. The firm is suing former ShareCafe chief executive Tim McGowen for $3.5 million, alleging breaches of the 2022 share purchase deed agreed between the parties.


It’s not clear why the insurgents want Crole gone – Glennon Capital’s Michael Glennon declined to comment on Wednesday and Jones couldn’t be reached.

But opinion is divided about whether investors should be happy with Sequoia’s 54¢ share price, up from 18¢ four years ago, and those who reckon it might be closer to 70¢ under different leadership.

Crole wouldn’t comment, but don’t bet against the Glennon-Jones camp pushing for an extraordinary general meeting to force a vote on the two directors’ futures.

Should be a cracker.

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