

Victoria Devine is an award-winning retired financial advisor, best-selling author, and host of Australia's number one finance podcast, She’s on the Money. Victoria is also the founder and managing director of Zella Money.

Bigger but not cheaper: SUVs are burning a hole in your hip pocket

Bigger but not cheaper: SUVs are burning a hole in your hip pocket

After mortgage or rental payments, vehicles are easily one of the biggest expenses we now have. And bigger is not always better.

  • by Victoria Devine


We are living and spending like it’s 2017 – and not in a good way

We are living and spending like it’s 2017 – and not in a good way

Australians have had a marked dip in the amount of spare money we have, while other nations have been flourishing. Why?

  • by Victoria Devine
Card surcharges are costing us billions, but can they be avoided?
Bank fees

Card surcharges are costing us billions, but can they be avoided?

The government estimates that major banks and card providers netted a whopping $4 billion in the past year from Australians, all thanks to surcharges.

  • by Victoria Devine
Earn a lot, but don’t feel rich? You might be a HENRY

Earn a lot, but don’t feel rich? You might be a HENRY

Before you pull out the world’s smallest violin for people bringing home the financial bacon, hear me out.

  • by Victoria Devine
Yes, your super has fallen, but you don’t need to freak out

Yes, your super has fallen, but you don’t need to freak out

If you’re currently googling questions like “Should I withdraw my super?” stop what you’re doing because we need to talk.

  • by Victoria Devine
What should you do with your savings? Nothing at all

What should you do with your savings? Nothing at all

To utilise your money and truly get the most out of it, right now, you actually don’t need to lift a finger.

  • by Victoria Devine
Can you put a price on having kids? For many, the answer is yes

Can you put a price on having kids? For many, the answer is yes

Birth rates in Australia are declining, which, given the exorbitant cost of having children, should come as no surprise.

  • by Victoria Devine
A scourge on our society: We need to talk about financial abuse

A scourge on our society: We need to talk about financial abuse

Economic abuse can take many forms and, like all forms of abuse, impacts people from all socio-economic backgrounds and across many different relationships.

  • by Victoria Devine
Who wants to be a millionaire? You should read this first

Who wants to be a millionaire? You should read this first

Personal wealth in Australia is predicted to boom in the coming years, with the number of people joining the millionaire club set to skyrocket.

  • by Victoria Devine
You might be earning more, but is it really a ‘pay rise’?

You might be earning more, but is it really a ‘pay rise’?

Employees covered by EBAs are lucky enough to receive a guaranteed annual wage increase. Just don’t call it a “pay rise”.

  • by Victoria Devine
Boomers, don’t say you had it worse, even if you mean well

Boomers, don’t say you had it worse, even if you mean well

The problem with the generational measuring contest between who did it tougher and lived to tell the tale is that it’s deeply, deeply flawed.

  • by Victoria Devine

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