

Malcolm Turnbull was prime minister of Australia from 2015-2018.

Neither Dutton nor Pezzullo convinced me to set up Home Affairs

Neither Dutton nor Pezzullo convinced me to set up Home Affairs

I must correct my former colleague. I was persuaded to set up the Department of Home Affairs, in the end, by my own team.

  • by Malcolm Turnbull


Voice lessons for republicans? Don’t give up on constitutional reform

Voice lessons for republicans? Don’t give up on constitutional reform

The cause of the Australian republic should not be abandoned because the Voice referendum failed. But there are lessons to be learnt.

  • by Malcolm Turnbull
Why my government didn’t back the Voice, but I’m now voting yes

Why my government didn’t back the Voice, but I’m now voting yes

The scares and diversions whipped up over the Voice have been utterly predictable. Let me deal with a few of them.

  • by Malcolm Turnbull
Murdoch succeeded where Putin failed. Time for a Fox hunt

Murdoch succeeded where Putin failed. Time for a Fox hunt

We believe a royal commission into media concentration is now needed to defend our democracy. For the Coalition parties, this is a crucial moment.

  • by Malcolm Turnbull and Sharan Burrow
We mourn Shinzo Abe as a friend, but the world will miss his wisdom
Shinzo Abe

We mourn Shinzo Abe as a friend, but the world will miss his wisdom

We mourn Shinzo Abe today, as does his family and his nation, but in these tense and troubled times over months and years ahead we will miss his wisdom more than ever.

  • by Malcolm Turnbull
I would vote for the new republican model - but it’s got little chance of getting that far

I would vote for the new republican model - but it’s got little chance of getting that far

What’s needed is a national advisory plebiscite in which Australians are asked what mode of appointment they support for an Australian head of state.

  • by Malcolm Turnbull
Australia will have to go nuclear to keep nuclear subs running

Australia will have to go nuclear to keep nuclear subs running

Safety and sovereignty dictate that we will need to develop nuclear facilities in Australia to maintain and support these submarines.

  • by Malcolm Turnbull

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