

Ed Coper is a director of Populares, the communications agency responsible for the digital advertising for the major teal independent campaigns. He is the author of Facts and Other Lies: Welcome to the Disinformation Age.

It’s our first social media referendum. The rules of engagement have changed

It’s our first social media referendum. The rules of engagement have changed

The Voice campaign will be dominated by posts, not posters. But the algorithms favour those with the loudest voices, which benefits the No case.

  • by Ed Coper


Secrets from the teals’ digital war room: we created a direct line to voters and now TV political ads are dead

Secrets from the teals’ digital war room: we created a direct line to voters and now TV political ads are dead

The director of the communications agency responsible for the major teal independent campaigns reveals the revolutionary nature of the social media advertising strategy.

  • by Ed Coper
Convoy to Canberra protest has its origins in Trump’s falsehood-fuelled campaign

Convoy to Canberra protest has its origins in Trump’s falsehood-fuelled campaign

The organisers of many of the private Facebook groups co-ordinating these convoys have fake accounts, run from overseas. The groups themselves may have also lived many lives, with name changes to suit the crisis of the day.

  • by Ed Coper

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