

Charlotte Mortlock is a former Sky News anchor, and founder of Hilma’s Network, which encourages women to join the Liberal Party.

So what if Kamala is big on TikTok? You don’t have to yuck young voters’ yum

So what if Kamala is big on TikTok? You don’t have to yuck young voters’ yum

If politicians want Gen Z and Millennials to get excited about politics, they have to meet them where they’re at, and that’s exactly what Harris is doing.

  • by Charlotte Mortlock


Shame, humility and tennis balls: Going to the dog park is like church, but better

Shame, humility and tennis balls: Going to the dog park is like church, but better

God is God. At the park, God is a ball. Priests are dog groomers or walkers. Holy bread is chicken (unless you’re an oodle with an allergy).

  • by Charlotte Mortlock
‘I don’t know’: Why opting out of conversations has become a social media crime

‘I don’t know’: Why opting out of conversations has become a social media crime

Some people do powerful work on social media. But they’re usually not the ones pressuring fitness models to provide insight into global conflicts.  

  • by Charlotte Mortlock
The world wants to support women – but is the Liberal Party ready?

The world wants to support women – but is the Liberal Party ready?

Historically, we in the Liberal Party have been quite woeful when it comes to picking women, but this time I have faith.

  • by Charlotte Mortlock
During high school, I used to roll my eyes at feminists. Then I joined the Liberal Party

During high school, I used to roll my eyes at feminists. Then I joined the Liberal Party

During high school, I thought feminists were attention-seeking drama queens with little-to-no resilience. When I entered journalism and politics, the patriarchy hit me like a slap in the face.

  • by Charlotte Mortlock

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