

This was published 2 years ago


Why ‘quiet quitting’ is bad (mostly because of the ‘quiet’ bit...)

It’s the 17-second video clip which has gone viral on TikTok and sparked a global debate about work-life balance in the post-pandemic era.

Set to gentle piano music, the clip begins with the image of a young man sitting quietly on a bench in a New York subway station. Cut to sweeping shots of the green sunlit canopy of Central Park, along with other iconic streetscapes from the city that never sleeps.

A video promoting ‘quiet quitting’, in which a worker pulls back on expending energy at their job, has gone viral on TikTok.

A video promoting ‘quiet quitting’, in which a worker pulls back on expending energy at their job, has gone viral on TikTok.

Overlaid is the voice of creator Zaid Khan, a 24-year-old software engineer and musician, who explains the trend of “quiet quitting”.

“You’re not outright quitting your job, but you’re quitting the idea of going above and beyond. You’re still performing your duties, but you’re no longer subscribing to the hustle-culture mentality that work has to be your life. The reality is it’s not and your worth as a person is not defined by your labour.”

End scene.

Cue sighs of relief from burnt-out Millennial and Gen Z workers newly inspired to leave work at 5pm and pause work notifications. Cue also a backlash from some employers who have slammed the trend as a bad idea which will ultimately see advocates bow out of future career progression.

I think “quiet quitting” is a bad idea for most workers, though not for the reasons cited by bosses or because I necessarily disagree with anything in Khan’s video.

What I object to is the “quiet” nature of the movement, when what we need right now is an assertive and noisy discussion of the appropriate boundaries between our home and working lives.


Clearly, the COVID-19 pandemic threw our working and home lives into disarray. Almost overnight, our homes became offices, school yards, shopping centres and cinemas. Lines blurred and our mental health suffered.

A major upside for some workers, however, was the elimination of the daily commute. A study by the NSW Innovation and Productivity Council found the average daily commute for a NSW worker had blown out to 77 minutes immediately prior to the pandemic.

On average, employees who worked from home during lockdowns reallocated this time towards 19 extra minutes of “caring”, 49 extra minutes of “personal time” and 13 more minutes of “work”. Professional office workers, however, spent a supersized 25 extra minutes a day working.

I suspect this was simply an acceleration in a long-standing trend among white-collar workers towards longer working hours, thanks to smartphone technology.

Our phones were supposed to make us more productive (able to produce more output per minute worked). And that may be so. But I suspect they’ve also encouraged us to spend more time working, whether it’s checking work messages or reading work-related materials or posts in our “off” time.

At some point, however, we must reach our limits as human beings who require a certain number of hours each day to allocate to sleep, exercise, time with loved ones and preparing nutritious food for optimal health, both physical and mental.


I think “quiet quitting” strikes such a chord because as individuals we are starting to realise we’ve safeguarded too few hours of the day for non-work time, in which we can optimise our overall health and wellbeing. The pandemic gave us a glimpse of what life would be like with a few more precious hours of non-working time a week.

The only choice for some workers in precarious employment may be to quietly pull back from some of their employers’ more onerous expectations to protect their mental health.

But for most workers, I think the healthier approach would be an open and honest conversation with managers about the limited number of hours in the day and how best they can organise their working lives to produce the required outputs.

Collectively, a noisy push-back against the infiltration of work into our traditional home hours would benefit all workers, even more so for female workers who still bear the disproportionate share of caring duties.

It’s time that both employees and employers began to reframe workers as caring beings who work, rather than workers with caring responsibilities, says associate professor and deputy director of the Gender Equality in Working Life Research Initiative at the University of Sydney, Elizabeth Hill.

“The pandemic revealed what every working parent already knew – that workers are also carers who have things they like and need to do outside of paid employment,” Dr Hill says. “Current workplace and care policies treat care as a bit of an irritant that needs to fit around rigid working hours, days and locations. We need to flip this around to acknowledge the essential nature of care, and design work to fit around employee’s care and general life responsibilities.”


Whether that care is extended to children, elders, friends, neighbours or pets, we all have duties that go beyond the realm of work. And those duties can bring great joy and connection. It’s important that we all get to strike the right balance between our work and home lives. Happy people make more productive employees, after all.

So, if you are beginning to draw better boundaries between your work and home life to take better care for your family or friends, or just to care for your own mental health, don’t be quiet about it. This is exactly the conversation we need to be having right now.

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