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Three things your boss wants you to stop doing at work

Ever wondered what your boss really wants? Maybe you were stuck in a Zoom waiting room contemplating this exact question right before your annual performance meeting. If so, you’re not alone.

Figuring out what your boss wants is a challenge many workers face. It’s often easier to start by working out what they don’t want.

Are you too defensive, entitled, or apathetic at work? You could be making things harder for your employer and yourself.

Are you too defensive, entitled, or apathetic at work? You could be making things harder for your employer and yourself.Credit: Shutterstock

I’ve worked with hundreds of managers and over time, I’ve observed three common frustrations leaders have with their employees that can hold you back in your career.

So, here are the three behaviours your manager wants you to stop, and what you can start doing instead to strengthen your working relationship.

1. Defensiveness


Defensiveness to feedback stops you from learning and growing. And, it’s a common frustration for managers. To understand why this is a problem, let’s take a look at it from your boss’s perspective.

I’m yet to meet a manager who wakes up in the morning and thinks, “I can’t wait to have that tough conversation today”. Delivering constructive feedback is already a challenge for most people. It requires your manager to overcome their fear of conflict, brave the awkwardness and talk about areas for improvement.

In the lead-up to these conversations, they tend to overthink and overanalyse what they are going to say, in the hope that it lands well for you and improves the team’s performance. Do they get the delivery right all the time? Absolutely not. Do they want to deliver the feedback well? Most of the time.


So when an employee gets defensive and dismisses their manager’s feedback, it damages the trust in the working relationship. But more than that, when we get defensive to feedback stops us from learning. The more resistant a person is to feedback, the less feedback they get, and the more they stagnate and stop growing. Over time, it becomes a big pain point for teams.

But here’s the challenge: it’s natural to feel defensive towards constructive criticism. As Glen James said on a recent episode of my podcast: “I like criticism the same way I like my vegemite: in small amounts”. So how can we disarm our defences and become more receptive to these conversations?

By responding to feedback with curiosity, you’ll build a better relationship with your boss and have more opportunities to progress.

Well, the antidote to defensiveness is curiosity. When your manager gives you feedback, regardless of how well (or not well they deliver it), the best strategy is to activate your curiosity.

You can do this by asking open questions before you respond. Here are some go-to curious questions that can change the dynamic of a feedback meeting:

  • Tell me more about…
  • Help me understand
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • What do you need from me?

By responding to feedback with curiosity, you’ll build a better relationship with your boss and have more opportunities to progress.

2. Entitlement

Entitlement gets thrown around as a problem plaguing Millennials and Gen-Z employees, but entitlement is less of a generational issue and more of an expectation issue. An entitled mindset is the expectation that you are owed something, without having to work to achieve it.

Imagine being asked to play on a professional sporting team (for me, this is a huge stretch of the imagination, but go with me for a moment). You sign the contract, get the jersey, and the season is about to kick off. But, you decide to skip mid-week training and only show up on game day. You’ve got the contract, so why bother training during the week?

This is what entitlement does, it seeks out the glamorous parts of the job and avoids the hard yards behind-the-scenes needed to get there. When this mindset shows up on teams, it undermines overall performance.

So what’s the cure? The antidote to entitlement is gratitude. Building a practice of gratitude is a career superpower. According to psychologists, gratitude increases your happiness at work and lowers stress. Good for you, your boss and the people you work with.

To show up with more gratitude at work, start small. It might be sending a thank-you email to one person you work with each week about something you’re grateful for. Taking small steps to show appreciation can reduce the impact of entitlement at work, and bonus: you’ll feel happier too.

3. Apathy

Apathy kills team performance. It’s when team members have a low care factor and consistently do the bare minimum. Earlier this year, we saw the trend of “bare minimum Mondays” and “lazy girl jobs” on social media. But for many managers and small business owners, glorifying the bare minimum is as infuriating as it is unfeasible.

No manager goes into a job interview and thinks: you know what, I’m really looking for someone who’ll do the bare minimum. High-performing teams take initiative and care deeply about the quality of their work.


Let’s be clear, I’m not suggesting people prioritise their work over well-being. Hustle culture sucks and it’s a good thing people are pushing back against it. But just like hustle culture damages people’s careers, so does apathy. And as it turns out, a low care factor isn’t good for your well-being either.

Research from McCrindle’s book Work Wellbeing revealed that people need a healthy level of growth and challenge in their jobs to achieve increased wellness at work.

So, what’s the antidote to apathy? It’s ownership. Managers want team members who take ownership. They don’t wait for other people to tell them what to do, they are proactive in finding solutions. Managers want people on their team who take initiative, BYO energy and care about the quality of their work.

Shelley Johnson is the founder of HR agency boldside and hosts the podcast my millennial career.

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