

This was published 2 years ago


Space life sciences one giant leap for next generation workforce

By Virginia Kilborn and Bruce Thompson

If we talk about humans breathing in space, the topic of asthma might not be the first thing that comes to mind. But lung conditions are a key area where space research could deliver a breakthrough, both for astronauts and back on Earth.

Space medicine has the potential to lead to innovative treatments for neurological conditions, visual and other sensory problems, cancer and cardiovascular and lung conditions.

The moon and other places in space are dusty environments high in silica – which can cause a severe and deadly condition called silicosis. People in space may breathe in dust that lands on their suits or equipment. It’s important to figure out how to prevent exposure, and these lessons can be applied to people exposed to nasty particles on Earth.

Space research has many applications.

Space research has many applications.Credit: NASA

Most people will be familiar with the 2020 Australian bushfires up the eastern coasts of Australia, which caused a visible smog and increased asthma admissions to hospital by 30 per cent. If we learn how to protect our people in space in a microgravity environment, we can take those lessons about particle deposition throughout the lung and apply them to Earth.

On the other side of the coin, some of our medication is gravity dependent – like inhalers for asthma. As more people travel to space, such as with a rise in space tourism, we are going to need these medications to work beyond our atmosphere. And for those on Earth, incorrect application of gravity dependent medications is a major problem, so making it easier to administer these treatments could save lives.

It is not easy – or cheap – to conduct sensitive biological research in space. With the known challenges, such as thermal control and radiation exposure, researchers are investigating ways to safely increase efficiency and control of microgravity experiment platforms. This is something that Swinburne scientists are looking to explore in Victoria.


In Australia, we have world-leading experts working across biomedicine research. We are also strong in our advanced manufacturing capabilities. Combining our expertise in advanced manufacturing, surfaces and coatings, sensor technology and computing with experience gained from running experiments on the International Space Station, we could create Victoria’s very own microplatform on which biomedical experiments could be conducted.

The Australian government, and many others around the globe, are investing in space life sciences technology development in the coming decades. We know that government funding is just the first step, but it will bring with it private investment. A study from NASA shows that for every dollar they spent, their investment attracted over three further dollars in private research and development.


Our rapidly developing start-up ecosystem is well-placed to expand the Australian industry. In Victoria alone, the value of the start-up economy tripled from $2.3 billion to $7 billion in the years prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.


There is an opportunity here for a robust next-generation space workforce in Australia. We are projected to triple the number of people working in the national space sector, adding 20,000 jobs in 10 years.

Training and upskill of the next generation of diverse space workers is essential for us to capitalise on the opportunities in space. Workers already have the fundamental skills required for the space industry – now is the time to grow. Universities can upskill existing professionals from related industries, from engineers and scientists to IT and business development.

We must also encourage women to take up STEM education from an early age. Space programs are particularly effective in attracting women and girls to science. Half the participants of the Swinburne Youth Space Innovation Challenge – which sees high school students compete to design the best microgravity experiment, with the winning experiment sent to the International Space Station – are girls, and most of the Swinburne mentors are women, giving young girls female role models who are talented astronomers and space scientists.

Who wouldn’t want to work in space? Space life sciences are an outstanding opportunity to transform humankind, and we don’t have to travel into the stratosphere to do it. In the next decade, we could see space science blast off in our own backyard.

Professor Virginia Kilborn is Swinburne chief scientist. Professor Bruce Thompson is former Swinburne dean of health sciences and now the head of the Melbourne School of Health Science at the University of Melbourne.

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