The full-time gender pay gap is trending down, but men still take home $26,527 a year more than women on average, and the pay gap is even larger at $89,516 for top management.
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency has released its annual gender pay gap data covering more than four million employees across Australia's private sector, which measures the difference between women's and men's average weekly full-time equivalent earnings, expressed as a percentage of men's earnings.
Based on 4621 reports submitted on behalf of over 11,000 employers between April 1 2016 and March 31 2017, the report looks at women's overall position in the workforce. It does not compare like-for-like roles.
The biggest pay gap for all categories (manager and non-manger) was for technicians and trades at 26.7 per cent (a $28,042 annual salary difference).
Workplace Gender Equality Agency director Libby Lyons says there's no more excuses for pay gaps.Credit: Louise Kennerley
Men favoured in every category
At the base salary, gaps have declined year-on-year since 2013-14. But women's average full-time base salary across all industries and occupations is 17.3 per cent less than men's, or in dollar terms $16,183 less.
When you take into account total remuneration, including bonuses, women's average full-time total remuneration across all industries and occupations is 22.4 per cent less than men's – a $26,527 difference.
The report found that every manager category and non-manager occupation shows a gender pay gap favouring men.
Women were seven times as likely as men to leave the workplace during parental leave, which also worsened the pay gap. The report said 8.6 per cent of women on parental leave ceased employment (down 1.2 percentage point since 2015-16).
But other factors for the big gap was "discrimination and bias", the fact that women and men work in different industries and jobs, women's disproportionate share of unpaid caring and domestic work, women's under-representation in senior roles, and a lack of workplace flexibility.
Best and worst industries
Financial and insurance services still have the highest gender pay gap at 31.9 per cent, but it has declined year-on-year since 2013-14.
The total remuneration pay gap for rental, hiring and real estate services has increased, and is close behind at 31.4 per cent. The difference between the total remuneration (31.4 per cent) and base salary (20.9 per cent) gender pay gap in this industry suggests additional payments such as commissions are a factor.
While women are mostly disadvantaged in the workforce, some sectors favour women over men. The female-dominated industries of healthcare and social assistance (gap increase of15.7 per cent), and education and training (10.6 per cent increase) each saw a growing pay gap, but again, at the top of the management chain it was men still leading the show.
Lion CEO Stuart Irvine who has led changes to reduce the pay gap. Photo: Louise KennerleyCredit: Louise Kennerley
WGEA director Libby Lyons said a priority in the coming year was to "target female-dominated industries that don't think they've got a gender equality problem. They need to start attracting men". She gave the example of Lion, led by CEO Stuart Irvine, that had undertaken pay gap analysis and then actively worked to reduce it.
Women's slow progress
Women are just 38.4 per cent of all managers; but with 43.4 per cent of manager appointments in 2016-17 going to women, gender balance in leadership is set to continue improving.
But the big problem is at the top: the most senior roles are heavily male-dominated (Chief Executive Women data released earlier this year shows that the ASX 200 has just 11 female CEOs, and 41 have no executive women leaders).
Female representation on boards has remained static at 24.9 per cent and few management teams are reporting pay equity metrics to the board.
The proportion of female directors in 2016-17 was 24.9 per cent, a slight increase from 24.7 per cent in 2015-16. The proportion of female chairs in 2016-17 was 13.7 per cent, up from 12.9 per cent.
'Not good enough'
"We're seeing no movement of women on boards and it's not good enough," Ms Lyons said.
"Men [in power] have to look beyond their traditional networks. To me, they're peddling excuses."
Those that continued to run the same line that they appoint on merit, while having no women on their boards, would be left behind their peers, she said.
There was increasing evidence showing more diverse boards lead to better business performance. "They [boards with no women] will be forced there [to change] kicking and screaming," Ms Lyons said.
More pay gap audits
More employers are analysing their pay data for gender pay gaps – it was up nearly 11 percentage points in 12 months to 37.7 per cent of employers.
While that means that more than 60 per cent of employers still don't do gender pay gap analysis, those that do are starting to see results.
More than half of organisations (55.7 per cent) reported actions following a pay gap analysis including identifying cause/s of the gap (32.3 per cent); reporting pay equity metrics to the executive (25.6 per cent); and reviewing remuneration decision-making processes (24.4 per cent).
About one in five organisations that conducted a gender pay gap analysis corrected like-for-like gaps (up 4.2 percentage points to 21 per cent). But fewer than one in 20 organisations set targets to reduce organisation-wide gaps (4.6 per cent).
Ms Lyons said it was important organisations measured and regularly monitored pay gaps across their organisations so that it doesn't creep back up over time. "You've got to analyse your own data and then take action," she said.
More employers are also linking financial rewards to gender equality outcomes. Those setting Key Performance Indictors that link bonuses to gender equality outcomes, jumped 5 percentage points.
And more are implementing formal policies and strategies on remuneration with specific pay equity objectives. The report said 58.5 per cent of organisations report having a formal policy and/or strategy on remuneration, an increase of 5.4 percentage points over 12 months.
Flexible work and policies
Policies or strategies for flexible working have increased (up 5.3 percentage points to 68.3 per cent), but only about a quarter offer manager training on flexibility.
Fewer than half of employers offer paid parental leave in addition to the government scheme. In 2016-17, 45.9 per cent of employers offered paid parental leave for primary carers.
Primary carer's leave is most commonly available in large organisations: 67.2 per cent of organisations with 5000+ employees offer it, compared with 39.7 per cent of organisations with fewer than 250 employees.
Women utilised 95.3 per cent of all primary carer's leave, while men utilised 94.8 per cent of all secondary carer's leave.
The most common non-leave based measures for supporting women with children returning to work included breastfeeding facilities (32.9 per cent). Just 3.4 per cent of employers offer employer-subsidised childcare and 3.7 per cent offer return to work bonuses on return from parental leave.
More employers have a formal policy or strategy to support employees who are experiencing family or domestic violence, up 3.8 percentage points to 43.1 per cent over the past year.