

This was published 5 years ago

'It was like watching a slow motion car crash': The growing toll of mental illness

By Anna Patty

Matthew Johnstone was a block away from New York's twin towers when they collapsed in 2001, leaving him covered in a thick layer of ash.

As the high-flying advertising creative director dusted himself off, he thought about the fragility of life and finally confronted his depression.

Matthew Johnstone had a dramatic realisation when he was a block away from the twin towers as they collapsed on September 11, 2001.

Matthew Johnstone had a dramatic realisation when he was a block away from the twin towers as they collapsed on September 11, 2001. Credit: Nick Moir

Now aged 54, he has written several books on how to deal with depression, but remembers how difficult it was to first admit he had a mental health condition.

Mr Johnstone is now working with the insurance industry in Australia to raise the profile of mental health in Australian workplaces.

"There was a realisation that life is very short and we don't have control over what can sometimes happen," he said.

New research has found fear and anxiety are sabotaging the productivity of many Australian workplaces and mental health needs to become a top priority for business.

Helena Nguyen, a psychologist and lecturer at the University of NSW Australian School of Business is among authors of research published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry which has found that mental illness is now the leading cause of long-term sickness absence among Australian workers. This has come with significant costs to the individual, their employers and society.

Mental illness has overtaken physical problems as the leading cause for the disability support pension.

The research found that workplaces need to make a priority of minimising harm and building resilience through good management to help reduce the burden of mental ill health. Managers also need to encourage employees to seek help early and support recovery and return to work.


"The issue of mental health in the workplace is rising in significance and prominence," Dr Nguyen said. "The way work is designed plays an important role particularly from a prevention point of view.

"Things like the quality of supervision that a person has, the quality of the interpersonal relationships such as the support they have from their peers.

"Having a micromanager who is constantly looking over your shoulder and having low autonomy and control over your workplace decisions lead to anxiety and stress in the workplace. If there is little reward for high effort, that can also lead to high levels of stress in the workplace."

Matthew Johnstone.

Matthew Johnstone.

Mr Johnstone had been working hard and playing hard in what he says is a fast-paced and "ego-driven" industry. Giving himself virtually no time for relaxation, eating well or exercise, he failed to recognise he was stressed and overwhelmed.

"It was like Mad Men and like a lot of males, I wasn't good at looking after myself," he said.

"Probably a big part of it was that I was a perfectionist. Nothing was ever good enough."

The stress led to not sleeping well and, over time, depression set in.

"It was like watching a slow-motion car crash happen."

A new report by the insurance industry has also found a significant rise in mental health conditions as a proportion of overall injuries in the workplace. It comes as the industry grapples with spiking claims and scathing criticism over its covert surveillance of claimants suffering from anxiety and depression.

The financial services royal commission heard that life insurance giant TAL hired a private investigator to follow, film and photograph a mentally ill former nurse as she bushwalked and swam at a public pool, as it tried to build a case to cancel her income protection insurance payments.

The report, Awareness Into Action: A Holistic Approach to Cultivating Mentally Healthy Workplaces in Australia by insurer Allianz, found that a vast majority of Australian workers have experienced symptoms of mental illness at work, yet many are too scared to report it to their employer. Many believe their managers are more likely to believe they need to take time off if they are suffering from a cold or flu rather than stress or anxiety.

The report says there is a growing need for employers to make having a mentally healthy workplace a business priority.

"In Australia, employees with mental ill-health are more likely to be absent from work and less productive when at work; with one in five taking time off work each year due to feeling mentally unwell," the report says.

"Claims for mental injury also have a far greater residual impact than physical claims (all other claims) in terms of cost to the organisation."

Between 2010 to 2015, the average compensation payment per claim for mental injury was $24,500, compared to $9000 for all other claims. The average time off work was 15.3 weeks compared to 5.5 weeks for all claims."

The report said 7020 Australians are compensated for work-related mental health conditions each year. Workers with depression take 20 times more sick days than other workers. The payments for mental injury claims are 80 per cent higher than they were 10 years ago.

Allianz said 40 per cent of its workers compensation claims were related to mental illness.

Dr Nguyen said workplace bullying has also been linked to anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. And some people had a greater tendency to fear failure than others.

"People who are high on this trait tend to avoid performance situations where they might fail," she said. "They only take on tasks where they feel they can perform well and avoid learning based tasks where there is a high failure rate but high opportunity to learn."

Asked if the insurance industry needed to take some responsibility for its contribution to the mental illness of claimants, Helen Silver, Allianz Australia chief general manager workers' compensation said: "I think of course it will take responsibility for the actions that it would be doing."

American human behaviour expert and business and leadership consultant, John Demartini, says fear is sabotaging the productivity of many workplaces. The fear of not knowing enough, fear of failure and rejection was paralysing many people and preventing them from taking risks.

Those fears could lead to people going into hyperdrive and working too hard or becoming immobilised by a feeling of futility.

"It can lead us to extremes of behaviour. It subjectively biases our perceptions and decisions and actions and we over and underdo things and we are not efficient and focused. We get distracted and our performance is lessened," he said.

Dr Demartini said attachment or infatuation with a job that someone fears losing can result in fear.

"Any time we have something we resent and withdraw from we have a fear of gaining," he said.

“Fear is an assumption that you are about to experience more pain than pleasure, more loss than gain, or more negative than positive – all of which are illusions since life’s experiences always provide a balance of these factors."

Common fears Dr Demartini says can plague workers:

1. Fear of not knowing enough

2. Fear of failure

3. Fear of poverty or loss of money

4. Fear of social rejection

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