

This was published 4 years ago


It's the economy, and you are not stupid

By Jonathan Rivett
The impact of the coronavirus on the economy and our working hours can be perplexing.

The impact of the coronavirus on the economy and our working hours can be perplexing. Credit: Jamie Brown


This might be the stupidest question you ever receive, but what do people mean when they talk about “the economy”?

Last week my whole team had a Zoom meeting with our head of department and he said something like, “You all need to go to less days a week. That’s just the reality of the economy at the moment.”

I’ve heard other pundits talk in the last months about “wrecking the economy” and “saving the economy”.

This has got me to thinking I don’t really know what it means. Online definitions only confuse me more. Am I just dumb?

Work Therapy

Work TherapyCredit: John Shakespeare


I have to disagree that your question is unintelligent and the expert whose help I’ve sought on this subject agrees. Saul Eslake is an independent economist and Vice-Chancellor's Fellow at the University of Tasmania.

“I don’t think it’s a stupid question at all. I suspect it crosses more than a few people’s minds from time to time,” he told me.


“There are, of course, any number of dictionary definitions which do not, in my opinion, fully capture what economists understand by it.”

Saul offered one of his own, but said it was important to look at each component of the definition to get a good sense of what an economy really was.

“It’s the set of arrangements by which people, and entities established by people, are able to create, acquire and exchange things that they value.”

The people in this definition might be individuals or groups of individuals, such as families. But it could also refer to much larger groups – the populations of entire regions, states or countries.

Entities refer to organisations such as unions, clubs and societies, as well as governments and businesses.

As for the things in Saul’s definition, they come in two main categories: goods and services. Goods might be food and drinks, clothes, books or paintings. Examples of services are health, education, travel, entertainment, cleaning and haircuts. Saul reminded us that it’s important to count a person’s own services – his or her labour – in the “things” definition, as well as investments such as stocks, bonds and other assets.

Creating, Saul explained, refers to producing things by any means – it might be “physical labour, mental effort [or] artistic endeavour”.

Acquire usually refers to purchasing or renting, although in some circumstances you might acquire a thing thanks to an act of benevolence or because it’s funded by tax.

Exchange might refer to purchasing and renting, as well, but also to selling and leasing. Most exchanges are voluntary but some, such as the payment of taxes, are not.

Value in an economy is “usually, but not always, expressed in monetary terms ... But there can also be direct exchanges of goods and services, sometimes called bartering. And in some cases, the value may be spiritual, emotional or in some other way intangible.”

Finally, there are the rules, regulations, customs and protocols that govern the creation, acquisition and exchange of things. These are the arrangements of the definition; they “may be established by Parliaments which pass laws, regulators, police forces and courts which interpret and enforce laws, and by habits and modes of behaviour built up over long periods of time”.

I think this last point gets to the heart of your question. In Saul’s words, it underscores the important point that "the economy" exists with both a human – or social – and a physical – or natural – construct.

What is “the economy”? Saul said there isn’t really one. And when you settle on the one you want to talk about, it's often not something you can point to or easily conjure a picture of in your mind.

“Every society – that is, every group of people – has an economy. Economies vary enormously in terms of sophistication and complexity, just as human societies do. Like human societies, economies are constantly changing, exhibiting both short-term fluctuations and longer-term trends. Like human societies, they can be influenced, for better or worse, by conscious human actions, usually undertaken through collective entities such as governments, although sometimes also by individuals or groups of individuals who are able to exercise significant power.

And, as we are again being reminded right now, like human societies, economies can be influenced, again for better or worse, by completely random or unpredicted turns of events.

You’re definitely not “dumb” because you're unsure about what people mean when they use this term. Perhaps, though, others need to be more careful and not quite so presumptuous when discussing such an intricate and involved subject.

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