

This was published 3 months ago


How to give (and receive) feedback at work without upsetting people

What’s the wildest feedback you’ve ever received at work?

I asked this question on my business’ Instagram page and the responses came flooding in:“You’re too ambitious”,“You’re too focused”, “You need to speak up more”.

Employees may cringe at the idea of getting feedback, but reports indicate many of us would like to get more than we do.

Employees may cringe at the idea of getting feedback, but reports indicate many of us would like to get more than we do.Credit: iStock

Feedback at work – just hearing the term might make you cringe. But reports indicate that 65 per cent of employees would like more feedback than they currently get. What’s key is learning how to give and receive feedback so that it helps everyone improve and thrive.

First things first: What’s the point of feedback? It’s not just about pointing out what went wrong. It’s about communication and growth.

Good feedback shines a light on both what’s working and what’s not, giving you a road map for improvement. It helps you see your blind spots and highlights your strengths.

The most critical part of feedback is timing. Too often, feedback comes too late or at the wrong moment, catching the receiver off guard. The best time to provide feedback is soon after the event you’re addressing while it’s still fresh in everyone’s mind.

Good feedback is specific, neutral and actionable.

But be mindful of the setting. A quiet, private space where you can have an uninterrupted conversation works best. Public criticism can feel like an ambush and lead to defensiveness and a hostile work culture.

Remember, feedback shouldn’t be reserved for annual reviews. Regular check-ins and an open dialogue can make feedback feel like a normal, non-threatening part of work life.


Good feedback is specific, neutral and actionable. Instead of saying, “You need to speak up more,” try “In the last meeting, I noticed you didn’t share your ideas. I would love to hear your thoughts next time.”

Vague feedback can be confusing and demotivating, so it’s important to give specific comments with concrete examples to give the other person a clear idea of what to change.

Keep the conversation open and encourage the other person to share their thoughts and ask questions. Providing feedback should be a dialogue, not a lecture. Having a two-way conversation helps build understanding and shows that you value their perspective. It’s also a great way to uncover any issues you might not be aware of.

Don’t forget to check in with the person later to see how they’re doing and offer any support or resources if needed. This follow-up shows that you’re invested in their success, not just ticking a box.

On the other hand, receiving feedback can be just as challenging as giving it. It requires an open mind, a willingness to improve, and the ability to separate personal feelings from professional growth.

When you receive feedback at work, make sure to listen actively and openly. Even if the feedback is difficult to hear, remember that it’s an opportunity for growth. If anything said is vague, unclear, or you believe it is untrue, don’t hesitate to ask for further explanation or specific examples.


Not only does this show that you are engaged and committed to improvement, but it also ensures that you take the appropriate action to address it.

It’s natural to feel defensive or disheartened when receiving constructive feedback, but it’s important to take time to reflect on the feedback. Instead of seeing it as a failure or deficiency on your part, reframe it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Téa Angelos is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and founder of Smart Women Society, an online education company providing innovative products and tools for women to grow their independence with money, career, wellbeing and love.

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