

This was published 5 years ago

Foodora rider wins unfair dismissal case in landmark ruling

By Anna Patty

The Fair Work Commission has set a new precedent in deciding a former Foodora deliver rider was unfairly dismissed from employment and was not an independent contractor.

Commissioner Ian Cambridge said in his judgment that Josh Klooger had been an employee of Foodora. Mr Klooger's abrupt dismissal by email without any warning was found to be "plainly unjust, manifestly unreasonable, and unnecessarily harsh".

Commissioner Cambridge said there was no valid reason for the dismissal which was "not sound, defensible or well-founded".

Josh Klooger, who was sacked as a Foodora food courier, voted in favour of the offer.

Josh Klooger, who was sacked as a Foodora food courier, voted in favour of the offer. Credit: Eddie Jim

Mr Klooger was found to be an employee and not carrying on a business of his own. The control Foodora exercised over his shift work including the place of work and start and finish times of shifts contributed to the relationship being one between an employee and employer.

Mr Klooger, who was represented by the Transport Workers’ Union, said he was "quite happy" about the decision that had found him to be an employee.

"Foodora were in control of my working and my employer. I wasn't working for myself," he said.

University of Adelaide professor of law Andrew Stewart said the decision was a significant win. But it was "one battle and certainly doesn't end the war" in that the decision does not necessarily apply to other online platforms.

"This is going to be an important precedent, but it is not going to tell us anything definitive about the status of people doing similar work for the likes of Deliveroo or Uber Eats. There are going to have to be cases involving those companies which investigate their particular arrangements. From what I understand, their contracts are somewhat different to Foodora's," he said.

A spokeswoman for Uber Eats said it offers delivery partners a flexible way to make money on a schedule that works for them.


"Delivery partners work when they want, and choose how they want to deliver, from driving a car to riding a bike or scooter," she said. “We are committed to building a long-term, sustainable business in Australia and continuing to invest in our relationships with delivery partners.”

A spokeswoman for Deliveroo said it “will not comment on this story at this time”.

Foodora's contention that Mr Klooger was not an employee because he was sub-contracting work and swapping shifts with other riders had operated with its knowledge. Commissioner Cambridge said this arrangement had resulted in a "bizarre position whereby Foodora effectively sanctioned the work that it had previously forbidden".

"Consequently the substitution scheme operated in clear breach of the service contract and in one case at least, it apparently facilitated the performance of work contrary to Australian law. Foodora should not have permitted the operation of the substitution scheme".

Joellen Riley, the Dean of Law at Sydney University.

Joellen Riley, the Dean of Law at Sydney University.Credit: Edwina Pickles

University of Sydney professor of Law Joellen Riley said the decision was based on a careful application of the multifactorial test, most recently articulated by the High Court in Hollis v Vabu.

"The way in which this decision explains the clauses in this so-called ‘independent contract’ relating to delegation show a willingness for the Commission to see what is really happening here – these are just ‘shift swapping’ provisions," she said.

Foodora creditors on Friday also accepted an offer of $3 million, which is less than half of what is owed to food delivery riders in wages, superannuation and tax.

German parent company Delivery Hero proposed a deed of company arrangement under which it will pay $3 million.

The Australian Taxation Office and Revenue NSW were unsuccessful in voting down the offer put to creditors on Friday morning by voluntary administrator Worrells.

Foodora rider have been underpaid an estimated $5.5 million.

Foodora rider have been underpaid an estimated $5.5 million.

The Australian Taxation Office has lodged a proof of debt for $2.1 million in unpaid tax. Revenue NSW reported it was owed more than $550,000, according to the creditors' report, while Victoria and Queensland Revenue may potentially claim an estimated $400,000.

Mr Klooger, who was among of group of former Foodora riders at the creditors meeting, voted in favour of the offer and urged other Foodora riders to make a claim for unpaid wages.

Transport Workers Union representative Tony Sheldon, who is standing for election as a Labor Senator at next year's federal election, said riders had no choice but to accept the $3 million towards Foodora's debts to avoid waiting indefinitely to retrieve their entitlements.


He urged the ATO and Revenue NSW to pursue the company in the courts and said it was "critical for the government to stand up for the community's interest by pursuing unpaid taxes" from gig companies "who think they can flaunt the laws".

"There is capacity for the Australian Tax Office and for ASIC to pursue these directors and the German company," he said.

The administrator estimated workers had been underpaid $5.5 million based on its conclusion "that it is more likely than not that the delivery riders and drivers should have been classified as casual employees instead of contractors".

Worrells noted in its creditors report that any successful claims against Delivery Hero would need to be enforced in Germany and "the costs and time to resolve any claim will have a large impact on any distribution received by creditors".

The Fair Work Ombudsman in September dropped its case alleging Foodora engaged in sham contracting by classifying workers as contractors instead of employees in response to the company's collapse.

Labor's Employment spokesman Brendan O'Connor said the Foodora case exposes a failure to deal with the employment issues associated with the changing nature of the labour market”.

“Labor expects the government to do everything in its power to pursue the parent company in Germany to make sure workers receive their full entitlements,” he said.

Jobs and Industrial Relations Minister Kelly O’Dwyer said the Fair Work Act has clear provisions that prohibit sham contracting.

“Foodora’s German-based parent company, Delivery Hero, must do the right thing and meet all the entitlements owed to riders,” she said.

“There are no excuses for companies treating genuine employees as contractors.

“Delivery Hero has a moral obligation to ensure all Foodora riders receive their full entitlements and I’ve asked my Department to look at all legal options to hold them accountable for payments due to any riders found to have been employees.”

Voluntary administrator Worrell's Simon Cathro said the creditors' vote to take the $3 million offer meant that once the deed had been executed, "creditors including riders that have now been classified as employees will have their claims against the company accessed and can participate in a distribution to creditors."

He advised creditors to lodge claims they may have against the company as soon as possible.

With Cara Waters

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