By Nassim Khadem
The Australian Institute of Company Directors target for 30 per cent of board seats to be filled by women by the end of 2018 is unlikely to be fulfilled, so the ASX 200 will likely have to face mandated quotas, says its chairman Elizabeth Proust.
In an interview with Fairfax Media, Ms Proust said the progress on promoting more women to boards and senior management had happened at a "glacial pace", and she was not confident listed companies would reach the AICD's voluntary target by 2018.
The latest AICD figures on diversity, obtained by Fairfax Media, show that in the ASX 200 there are still 20 boards that have no women on them.
'We will be talking about the need to review negative gearing': AICD chairwoman Elizabeth Proust.Credit: Simon Schluter
There were 35 women appointed to ASX 200 boards so far this year, bringing the total rate of women holding female directorships to 23.6 per cent, well below the 30 per cent target.
"The trajectory is not fast enough," said Ms Proust, who is the chairman of Nestle Australia and Bank of Melbourne, and a member of the JP Morgan Advisory Council.
"My maths tells me it [rate of board appointments] needs to be higher than current rate in order to reach 30 per cent by 2018."
Norway's 'unintended consequences'
A failure to hit the target would mean the government would have to consider mandated quotas, similar to some European countries.
Independent Senator Nick Xenophon introduced a bill so that the 40/40/20 formula would become mandatory for all Australian government appointments, but it was rejected.Credit: Pat Scala
In Norway a failure to have at least 40 per cent of female company board members leads to the company being delisted. As a result, Norway now has the highest proportion of female non-executive directors in the world.
"The government will say, 'this isn't an equity issue'," Ms Proust said. "They'll say, 'this is a business issue' and mandate it [quotas]."
In Norway a failure to have at least 40 per cent of female company board members leads to the company being delisted.
But Australia would have to be careful that quotas did not result in "unintended consequences".
While Norway succeeded in promoting women to the top, its policy left an absence of women at lower managerial levels.
In the ASX 200 there are still 20 boards that have no women on it.
Australian Institute of Company Directors
"You have to be careful what you wish for," Ms Proust said.
"But quotas will have to be on the table. We will have to have a debate and I would like to broaden it from being about gender to all aspects of diversity."
No pipeline, cultural biases
A report by KPMG for the ASX Corporate Governance Council released last month found companies are still largely paying lip service on gender diversity.
Among the top 100 companies, the percentage of women in CEO and COO/deputy CEO roles did not change between 2011 and 2016, while female representation at CFO level reduced.
Ms Proust said it was up to those heading company boards to ask senior management to set diversity targets and to ensure women were appointed to CEO, CFO and COO roles. They also had to match these targets with KPIs.
"The pipeline [of senior women] is not there," Ms Proust said noting that without senior management experience, women would not meet the job descriptions that are often advertised when board positions become available.
"If women look up and all they see in the senior management team is men, then it's no surprise they go and do other things rather try to battle through a hostile culture," she said.
Australia faced a "deeply cultural" problem where the concept of women working at the same time as raising children was still frowned upon.
But higher divorce rates and a higher number of single women raising children by themselves meant attitudes had to shift to match reality.
"The 1950s and 1960s model of mother at home with two children and father in the workplace hasn't been true for a long time," she said.
Women were graduating at higher rates than men, "so why would we only chose to hire and promote half of the population?"
Public sector quotas
Ms Proust has held senior positions in the Victorian Government, including as secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and secretary of the Attorney-General's department.
She said during her time there a requirement for women to be on interview panels and on shortlist had helped create a greater pipeline of women, although there still was not 50/50 representation today.
"Katie Lahey [who sits on the board of Echo Entertainment] and I used to joke that we spent most of the time on interview panels, but it really did open up the public service to a wide range of women.
"People hire in their own image."
Victoria has set hard quota of a 50/50 for all courts and paid public sector board positions by 2018. And the federal Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet now has had a gender equity target of 40 per cent male, 40 per cent female and 20 per cent of either gender for all government boards.
In July last year independent Senator Nick Xenophon introduced a bill so that the 40/40/20 formula become mandatory for all Australian government appointments to boards and that each government department be required to prepare an annual report on the gender composition of its board.
But in November a Coalition-controlled Senate Committee rejected the bill. It could be brought back on to the agenda after the July federal election.