

This was published 9 years ago

More women equals more profits, so why are we still lacking diversity on boards?

Diversity in the workplace leads to better outcomes so we need a push to get more women into board positions, writes Nassim Khadem.

By Nassim Khadem

Want to make more money? Put more women on your boards.

The latest research proving this theory comes courtesy of the Centre for Gender Economics and Innovation and Infinitas Asset Management.

Fighting for diversity: ANZ CEO Mike Smith, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick and  Commonwealth Bank CEO Ian Narev.

Fighting for diversity: ANZ CEO Mike Smith, Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick and Commonwealth Bank CEO Ian Narev.Credit: Arsineh Houspian

Its new index, released on Thursday, found companies with gender-diverse boards (which the index defines as at least 25 per cent female boards) performed an average of 2 per cent better per year than ASX200 companies, and more than 7 per cent better per year than companies with no women on their boards.

Yet the composition of our boards does not reflect diversity among wider society. The percentage of women on ASX 200 boards remains at 20 per cent (although it's up from 8.3 per cent in 2009).

Corporate Australia, fearing government mandates, is already moving with its own voluntarily targets.

Corporate Australia, fearing government mandates, is already moving with its own voluntarily targets.

More worryingly, 34 boards among the top 200 largest publicly-listed companies have no women on it.

Despite the statistical evidence proving diversity is good for business, Centre for Gender Economics and Innovation chairwoman Susanne Moore says that in most Australian companies, women are still seen as a cost.

The reality is women often leave work to have babies. Or, if they already have children, they often have to leave work at odd times to take care of them.

So when women leave (or are not hired in the first place), there's no pipeline coming through to reach the top, regardless of how many targets are being set.

The public sector is also lacking female representation at the top.

The public sector is also lacking female representation at the top.

The bosses at the big four banks – people like Commonwealth Bank chief Ian Narev​ and ANZ boss Mike Smith – have been out spruiking the diversity cause, but even they admit that moving to more flexible work arrangements is a slow process and that the pipelines are still not there.

One option to help with the pipeline is tax-deductible childcare. If women have nannies that can look after their kids, or accredited places to leave their children while at work, then they are more likely to return to work and stay there.

Leading businesswomen including non-executive director of Toll Holdings Nicola Wakefield Evans, Transfield chairman Diane Smith-Gander, non-executive director at Commonwealth Bank and former Billabong chief Launa Inman, deputy chief executive of Rice Warner Melissa Fuller, and Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia chief Pauline Vamos​, all want the Abbott government to introduce tax-deductible childcare.

Most of them acknowledge there may need to be some sort of income limit on who could claim the tax deduction, so that it doesn't just become another tax break for the super rich.

It still remains a mystery why Julie Bishop is the only female in cabinet, and why Minister for Women Tony Abbott, won't elevate talented women on his back bench.

Aside from new policies promoting women, there's also much the government can do within its own sector. It still remains a mystery why Julie Bishop is the only female in cabinet, and why Minister for Women Tony Abbott won't elevate talented women on his back bench.

The public sector is also lacking female representation at the top.

Greens Senator Larissa Waters, who launched the new investor index on Thursday, points out the Abbott Government is failing to meet its own target of 40 per cent women on government boards. And that boards within the Minister for Women's own portfolio, Prime Minister and Cabinet, are among the worst with 70 per cent of new appointments in 2013-14 being men.

Waters suggests the federal government – via its procurement guidelines – give companies with gender balanced boards preferred supplier status.

Corporate Australia, fearing government mandates, is already moving with its own voluntarily targets. Earlier this month the Australian Institute of Company Directors set a target for 30 per cent of board seats to be filled by women by the end of 2018.

AICD chief executive John Brogden said that target – which also applies to small ASX entities, private business and not-for-profit organisations – was chosen because the presence of three women on a typical 10-member board is the "critical mass" point "where the voices of the minority group become heard".

Workplace Gender Equality Agency data shows that last year only 18.8 per cent of the ASX 200 organisations that report to the agency had set a target for their board.

But it's not just gender that's the issue. Ethnic and religious diversity, while celebrated in multicultural Australia, is also missing at the highest levels of our nation's biggest companies.

There's also still discrimination against old people. The results of the nation's first survey of age discrimination at work released on Thursday, found that over a quarter of Australians aged 50 years had reported experiencing some form of age discrimination in the last two years.

Consulting firm McKinsey​ has found that companies that had more diverse staff – be it in terms of gender, age, ethnicity or sexual orientation – were typically more successful.

Having input from more people with differing viewpoints, challenges the norm, and can lead to better job satisfaction and outcomes.

McKinsey's report, Diversity Matters, found that companies with greater gender diversity were 15 per cent more likely to have financial returns above their "respective national industry medians". Similarly, companies with greater racial and ethnic diversity were 35 per cent more likely to have better financial returns.


Then there's Catalyst research that showed US Fortune 500 companies with more women on their boards tend to be more profitable. Its study looked at three financial measures: return on equity, return on sales, and return on invested capital. It found, on average, companies with the highest percentages of women board directors outperformed those with the least by 53 per cent.

The evidence is there. Diversity leads to better outcomes. We just need to back targets with actions.

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