

This was published 8 years ago

Adele Ferguson on the cost of whistleblowing and need for a bank royal commission

By Adele Ferguson

Over the past three years, my stories at Fairfax Media and the ABC's Four Corners, covered serious failures and misconduct from our biggest companies.

Household brands such as Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank, Macquarie, IOOF and 7-Eleven have broken our trust and ruined the lives of thousands of people.

Sadly, such things will continue to happen without a serious change in the culture of these companies, better laws and penalties and a stronger backbone from our corporate regulator to use the powers that it has.

This is now an election issue with Labor promising a royal commission and the Liberal Party against it. With the polls showing the majority of Australian's are in favour of a royal commission, politicians need to remember it doesn't matter if you're from the left or right, voters from both persuasions have been victims.

Adele Ferguson

Adele Ferguson

None of these stories would have come to light without the brave contribution of whistleblowers. Without them, the bright light we shone on the financial planning arm of CommBank, systemic wage fraud at 7-Eleven and misconduct at CommBank's life insurance arm CommInsure, could never have taken place. We and the public owe them an immense debt of gratitude.

But for some perverse reason, whistleblowers are often portrayed as lonely and disgruntled employees who spilled the beans out of malice.

In 1971 Harvard trained lawyer Ralph Nader, who blew the whistle on the US car industry, told a conference in Washington DC that whistleblowers were seen as "squealers" "stool pigeons" and "informers" who "ratted" on their bosses.

Consumer advocate, whistleblower and former political candidate Ralph Nader.

Consumer advocate, whistleblower and former political candidate Ralph Nader.Credit: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite


As well as wearing a 'badge of shame', whistleblowers were often sacked, bullied or sidelined.

This is still the case in Australia.

Jeff Morris, who was a financial planner at CommBank, is one of those people. He came to me in March 2013, a week after I had been served with a subpoena from billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart to reveal my contacts.

Here I was going up against Rinehart, a major Fairfax shareholder at the time, and about to take on the biggest bank in the country.

Jeff came to me after he and two other whistleblowers had gone to the corporate regulator to expose forgery, fraud and a cover up of management in the bank's financial planning arm.


.Credit: Eddie Jim

What was exposed was an aggressive sales culture in the bank, which encouraged its planners to take risks with other people's money while turning a blind eye to practices that may have amounted to criminal acts. Signatures were forged, documents doctored and victims given minimal compensation and forced to sign confidentiality agreements.

Exposing wrongdoing in this division proved that the bank's ruthless profit-first culture was widespread. A dying man, Noel Stevens, was refused a life insurance payout after being talked into swapping from one that was always guaranteed to pay him out. The switch was made so that the teller and the planner could earn a commission. The bank fought the action but eventually lost, with the judges saying the bank had been "misleading and deceptive" in their scathing judgement.

The joint investigation with Four Corners, Banking Bad", showed how Don Nguyen, a notorious financial planner at the CBA, was being rewarded inside the bank despite management knowing he was putting clients' money at risk. Dodgy Don was allowed to resign in 2008 and has so far received hundreds of thousands of dollars from income protection insurance paid by CommBank. We tracked Don down at his family's dry cleaning business where he blamed lax oversight for his actions.

CBA promotes itself as a trusted institution which puts the interests of its clients first. The joint investigation exposed the ugly truth behind this facade – a hunger for profits which destroyed lives and a culture of cover-up – that continues to this day – to avoid exposure at all costs.

Astonishingly, the corporate regulator, ASIC, would take 16 months before it officially investigated and when it did the bank embarked on a wide scale witchhunt for the leakers.

It is hard to imagine how stressful that would be. All three whistleblowers were interviewed by CBA Group Security in an effort to identify the source of the leaks.

One of the three whistleblowers died in his sleep at the age of 35 after leaving the company.

A second remained anonymous but suffered considerably from the atmosphere of suspicion and intimidation and also left the company.

Jeff Morris remained on his own in this hostile environment in an effort to continue feeding information to ASIC. After becoming aware of a possible death threat and receiving no assistance or protection from the regulator, he was eventually diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

This also had an impact on his family. Jeff's children were only two and four when he made the fateful decision to become a whistleblower. The full extent of his sacrifice became apparent one night when he came home to an empty house. Eventually, his position in the company was made untenable. In 2013 he quit the bank.

Fairfax Media first published Jeff's story in June 2013. It triggered a senate inquiry that recommended a royal commission into CommBank on the basis that the regulator couldn't be trusted to do the job properly. CommBank staved off a royal commission by agreeing to set up a compensation scheme and writing to hundreds of thousands of customers offering to review the advice they had been given.

Jeff has now dedicated his life to changing the financial services culture. He has appeared at many senate hearings, advocated strongly for a royal commission, and helped victims successfully fight the banks for compensation – sometimes for free and sometimes for a fee.

Jeff has also been a mentor to other whistleblowers. But he says of the potential whistleblowers he talks to, very few will go ahead and pay the high personal price to do the right thing under the current system.

Taking on the financial services sector is fraught. The banks play tough using all their legal and commercial might. Brutal put-down techniques are used to intimidate journalists into not covering some controversial issues. Journalists who write something negative about the banks are denounced to their editors as anti-business.

Bank executives, public relations personnel and lobbyists have been in overdrive using "back channel" techniques to confuse and misdirect politicians and the media. Off-the-record whispering campaigns about Jeff Morris to some journalists and politicians have been a disgrace. These started when the first story ran three years ago and have continued to this day.

The most recent was around the time CBA announced that it aspired to being Australia's most ethical bank. The bank, having agreed to pay Jeff Morris's advocacy fees for some victims he was representing, tried to portray it differently. The implication was that he was an extortionist when in fact he was charging for services rendered, a far smaller fee than most lawyers charge.

But Jeff isn't the only whistleblower to suffer a smear campaign.

An IOOF whistleblower, inspired by Jeff Morris, decided to take his concerns to the company instead of ASIC. Big mistake.

IOOF is an ASX100 listed financial services company with thousands of shareholders and customers. The IOOF expose I did with a colleague revealed insider trading, cheating on exams that were supposed to be training staff in ethics, financial advice given without proper educational credentials, misrepresented performance figures to get customers to invest in IOOF funds, and faulty research reports that included baseless buy and sell stock recommendations.

An employee who reported the scandal to the company, hoping to make a difference, was bullied, sacked, and told he was vindictive – and not a whistleblower!

He then came to me with thousands of documents. So together with a colleague, we sorted through the maze of lax compliance inside IOOF.

The smear campaign that followed was disgraceful. I received an email from a senior representative at IOOF and my jaw dropped: It said my "so-called whistleblower" was a blackmailer and had threatened to kidnap the children of several staff members.

The email went on: You have been sucked in by a person who has mental problems and in doing so you have grossly abused the privileges given to journalists to report fairly.

My colleague and I met the IOOF officer who made the accusations against the whistleblower. He had no proof of any of his allegations.

Its the most common tactic – to discredit the whistleblower to try to detract attention from the main game: misconduct.

The IOOF whistleblower hasn't got a hope in hell of getting a job in the industry. His reputation has been destroyed. Was it worth it, I asked him just the other day?

He said a few times he had thought about that question and if he was placed in that situation again. "I would go straight to the media and not to the company. That's the regret."

He is also disappointed with the regulator. He said he had been contacted once for a 35-minute chat and that was only after he sent an email to the chairman Greg Medcraft and Cc-d me in it, complaining that nobody had contacted him or had asked about the 59,000 documents or how to navigate them. He is still waiting.

ASIC chief executive Greg Medcraft speaks at a Walkley lunch with  Adele Ferguson in Sydney in 2014.

ASIC chief executive Greg Medcraft speaks at a Walkley lunch with Adele Ferguson in Sydney in 2014.Credit: Ben Rushton

Another whistleblower who I have dealt with is CommInsure whistleblower, Dr. Benjamin Koh, who was the chief medical officer at CommBank's life insurance arm CommInsure. When he joined CommInsure trade magazines wrote him up as a big coup for the bank, due to his seniority and credentials.

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He opened a pandora's box into the $44 billion life insurance industry when he exposed how sick and dying people were being treated by CommInsure. Some had their claims delayed for years, some were denied on the basis of medical definitions that were out of date. Employees at CBA claiming on their life insurance policy weren't immune. One employee, Helen Polydropoulos had multiple sclerosis and was medically retired by the bank. When she lodged her claim she was knocked back on the basis she could work. She fought for four years with mounting legal fees but was paid out after she appeared on Four Corners.

Dr Koh could see what was going on inside the insurer and decided to speak up. He alleges claims managers were cherry picking doctors or leaning on doctors to deny claims. In the case of victim Evan Pashalis he was terminally ill, yet they gave him the runaround and denied him, until he appeared on Four Corners.

Dr Koh decided to speak out for the greater good. It is a measure of his courage that despite being warned about the likely consequences for himself he still went ahead. It was very emotional for him. I remember him saying to me a few nights before Four Corners went to air "I have put my life in your hands". That sentence has stuck in my brain!

CommInsure was one of the biggest challenges of my career. As I was dealing with Dr Koh, I knew if this story was to have an impact I needed to get him to speak out on the record. Having the chief medical officer speak out about wrongdoing would be more powerful than an anonymous employee. It wasn't easy. He didn't want to be seen as a hero and taking on a big bank isn't for the faint hearted.

His speaking out has had massive ramifications. The bank has paid out the victims on Four Corners, it has set up a panel to review complex claims, ASIC is investigating the industry and most importantly it has played a key role in the federal opposition's call for a royal commission into the sector.

The banks have also come out and said they will review whistleblower policies and pay compensation.

When I think about the stories I have covered and the role of the whistleblowers an interesting pattern emerges. Jeff Morris went to ASIC and was thrown to the wolves and left to negotiate his own exit from CBA. The IOOF whistleblower went to the company and was sacked and smeared. Dr Koh went to the company as well, and he too was sacked and his professional integrity impugned.

The ones who suffered the least were the 7-Eleven and NAB whistleblowers. Both had decided to go straight to the media to tell their story.

The 7-Eleven whistleblower emerged when I was half way through filming with Four Corners. It was a story about systemic wage fraud against foreign students on visas, with some paid as little as $5 an hour. The investigation showed how the business model of 7-Eleven forced many of the franchisees to underpay workers to make ends meet.

After writing to 7-Eleven for an interview, management held a meeting with staff to warn them that Four Corners and Fairfax Media were about to do a hatchet job. One employee decided to help. He provided internal documents that showed willful blindness by head office and agreed to go on camera in disguise. He said all stores were underpaying workers and the company knew.

When the story came out, it had an immediate impact. 7-Eleven announced an independent compensation scheme, changed its business model, heads – including the CEO and chairman – have rolled, and the company has agreed to fix up its compliance systems.

It still has a long way to go but hundreds of foreign students have received more than $12 million in back pay. It has changed some of their lives and empowered them. They feel the media and the public cares.

The whistleblower at 7-Eleven, who went on Four Corners in disguise, managed to keep his job.

I spoke to him just recently and he has no regrets about going to the media. He feels sorry for the plight of the other whistleblowers who went to the company or ASIC first.

Michael Smith, 7-Eleven chairman, and Russell Withers, 7-Eleven owner, at the Senate inquiry in February.

Michael Smith, 7-Eleven chairman, and Russell Withers, 7-Eleven owner, at the Senate inquiry in February.Credit: Andrew Meares

When the prime minister spoke at Westpac's birthday party recently, he said more whistleblowers should speak up. Yes, I agree, they should, but he needs to recognise that until laws are changed, many won't. Whistleblowing laws, similar to shield laws, lack teeth and uniformity. No one has ever been prosecuted for victimising a corporate whistleblower in Australia.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Westpac Chairman, Lindsay Maxsted, at a lunch in Walsh Bay, Sydney. 6th April 2016 Photo: Janie Barrett

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Westpac Chairman, Lindsay Maxsted, at a lunch in Walsh Bay, Sydney. 6th April 2016 Photo: Janie BarrettCredit: Janie Barrett

In the US, a reward system operates, allowing whistleblowers to earn up to 30 per cent of the money collected from penalties or legal action against government fraud. In 2014, whistleblowers received $435 million.

As I talk, three Frenchmen, one of them a journalist, who is a member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists have just finished a trial in a Luxembourg court over leaked documents known as the Lux Leaks scandal which lifted the lid on widespread tax avoidance by some of the world's biggest companies. The three whistleblowers face prison or a massive fine for releasing confidential information from PricewaterhouseCoopers.

One of the whistleblowers, Antoine Delatour a former auditor for PwC, said he acted in the public interest. Delatour copied confidential tax files of some of the biggest named companies while he was working at PWC.

He is seen by many as a hero. Last year the European Parliament presented him with the European Citizen Award for his whistleblowing exploits – one of 47 awarded each year.

When you think of the big exposes of the past few years, financial scandals, the Panama Papers, Leighton Holdings and Unaoil, none would have come to light without the help of a whistleblower.

The transformation of a whistleblower from stool pigeon and pariah is a welcome change. But we still have a long way to go. So too does the conversation about what motivates them. Do they have to be pearly white? At the end of the day, shouldn't their motivation be irrelevant?

Thanks to whistleblowers, the debate about a royal commission into banks has been put firmly on the table.

Their revelations have also put the spotlight on the regulator and highlighted its shortcomings. In most cases it has taken the media to expose corporate wrongdoing, not the corporate regulator.

The government says ASIC is the tough cop on the beat. It says it has greater powers than a royal commission.

In the past couple of weeks the government has increased ASIC's budget and lifted its powers. This sounds good in theory, but the extra money is merely restoring what was ripped out of it in the past couple of years. The increased funding and powers are only useful if they are actually used – something that hasn't sat well with ASIC. It is trying to do better but it has a long way to go.

Without a royal commission into the financial services sector, one thing is for sure, there will be more scandals and more whistleblowers wanting to do the right thing. But will they come forward under the current system that doesn't protect them, leaves them open to smear and innuendo and doesn't compensate them for the damage to their careers? Who could blame them if they fail to act in future if we fail now on the royal commission? Not me.

There is one more important point I would like to touch on.

Earlier this year Guardian Australian journalist Paul Farrell revealed the Australian Federal Police has a substantial file on him.

The heavily redacted 200-plus page dossier details the quite extraordinary lengths to which the AFP has gone, using new secrecy laws, to identify sources for a story he wrote on asylum seekers.

Whichever way you look at it, state-sanctioned spying on journalists is totally unacceptable, as are lengthy jail terms and heavy fines for taking on issues of public interest.

These laws are a threat to investigative journalism and deter whistleblowers from speaking out.

Once we head down this slippery path there is no telling where it might end.

As our current PM, a former worker journalist noted: 'We are one of the oldest democracies in the world. Our democracy depends on many men and women, on many institutions – all of them vitally important – but none is more important than a free and courageous press…'.

This is an edited version of award-winning journalist Adele Ferguson's speech to the Walkley Foundation's annual Press Freedom Dinner held in Sydney on May 6.

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