

This was published 14 years ago

Women forced to muscle in

Left to their own devices, companies have not appointed female board members. Now they may have to, writes Ruth Williams.

It took a woman to say it. When the Australian Securities Exchange announced this week that it would push listed companies to set targets for gender diversity, the acting director of the Government's equal opportunity agency, Mairi Steele, wryly observed: ''It may sound cynical, but it's amazing what talk of quotas can do in a short time.''

Steele was not the only woman to make that observation this week. Attitudes towards voluntary diversity targets for Australian companies have shifted in mere months, as moves in Europe to impose quotas for women on boards have attracted worldwide attention.

Once viewed as a tokenistic and even insulting gesture, voluntary diversity targets were this week embraced as the possible solution to a seemingly intractable problem: the small and static number of women in the highest ranks of corporate Australia.

It is a problem that has not been fixed by time, by public outcry, or even by the legions of female graduates who take their place in the workforce every year.

The long-held theory that it was simply a ''pipeline'' problem, that more women would reach the top as more women entered the workforce, has been well and truly debunked, says the federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick.

''I call it the trickle-up theory,'' she says.

''It is dead and buried.''

Others have come to the same conclusion. ''When I graduated 30 years ago I said to myself, 'In time this will correct itself,''' says Carolyn Hewson, a non-executive director of corporate and charitable boards. ''It's with considerable regret I say that time hasn't fixed it … I think we need a bold stroke.''

Under new corporate governance guidelines, unveiled by the ASX's Corporate Governance Council on Monday, companies will be encouraged to have diversity policies, to set diversity targets and to disclose the proportion of women on staff, in senior ranks and on boards.

But it has no weight of enforcement behind it; companies will set their own targets, and those that fail to set targets will not be penalised. However, they will need to explain their non-compliance under the ASX's ''If not, why not?'' requirement.


Reception was mixed. Some remained uncomfortable with the concept of targets, fearing it could create perceptions that women had advanced because of their gender, and not their ability.

''I'm not an advocate for a woman getting a position just because there's a target,'' said Jenny Seabrook, a Perth company director who has served on the boards of some of Western Australia's biggest companies. ''I think it's very demeaning of women, and I think if you speak with most women they would say that.''

But others were effusive. Claire Braund, the executive director of Women on Boards, described it as a historic development. ''It's an issue of accountability,'' she says. ''To actually have to set targets, measure them and report against them is the real key to achieving progress here.''

The ASX has itself threatened to wield a bigger stick if things do not improve. Eric Mayne, the ASX Corporate Governance Council's chief executive, said that if there was no sign of progress over two or three years the issue might be elevated to listing rule status, allowing the ASX to suspend from trade companies that do not set targets or have diversity policies.

As study after study has demonstrated, progress at the top of the corporate ladder has been excruciatingly slow and has even reversed in recent years.

A generation after federal sex discrimination laws were passed, just 8.7 per cent of directors on ASX200 boards are women. More than half of the companies in the ASX200 do not have a single woman on the board; among those that do, just 27 have more than one.

At the end of October there were five female chief financial officers in the ASX100, 10 female company secretaries and three boards chaired by women. Just one lone female sits among ASX100 chief executives. These figures compare poorly with Australia's overseas peers and with the Australian public service, where women comprise 37 per cent of the senior executive. Is it that women are not in the right networks? Is the female talent pool too shallow? Do women place too little value on career advancement, or do they have too many commitments outside of work?

Seabrook says there are women to take on the roles, ''but boards are loath to take on people who haven't had experience or had exposure or they haven't come across''. It is the chief executive experience that boards value, she said, and most chief executives are men. ''If the skill sets that boards were seeking were a broader template than just CEOs, I think they would find females put up much more.''

A report last year by Dr Hannah Piterman, a consultant and board adviser, shed some light on the question by anonymously quoting senior male executives. One said: ''When I employ someone it's got to be someone I trust. That's why I employ men. Blokes trust blokes.''

Late last year a report compiled by the consultant Egon Zehnder International revealed what it described as systemic bias against female directors, saying they were often viewed as token or symbolic appointments.

But why all the urgency now, after years of inaction? ''It's been an issue for a long time,'' Hewson says. ''But I do think that some of the recent international experiments with quotas have caused some of the peak regulatory bodies and peak company bodies to say if we don't want quotas, we have to act ourselves, and be quite aggressive in the targets that we set.''

This month came news that France was considering imposing quotas for company board seats, after similar action by Spain and Norway in recent years.

In Australia the ASX's move this week was preceded by a new policy from the Australian Institute of Company Directors late last month that, while opposing quotas, also called on companies to set voluntary gender diversity targets. A week later a Goldman Sachs report found that closing the gap between female and male employment across all sectors would boost Australia's gross domestic product by 11 per cent.

Victoria's Attorney-General, Rob Hulls, who has been pursuing the matter for some time, twice this year wrote to Australia's biggest listed companies, calling for a ''workable solution'' to an ''embarrassing situation''.

In September female directors heard first-hand how Norway's experiment with quotas had boosted the proportion of women on boards from 7 per cent to 40 per cent in five years.

Arni Hole, the director-general of Norway's Ministry of Children and Equality, spoke at the Women on Boards conference in Sydney, declaring that quotas had ''changed the mental images of women's abilities and possibilities forever''.

Broderick also spoke at the conference, in support of targets and quotas. She called the Australian situation a ''national outrage'', and dubbed the lack of senior women in corporate ranks a ''market failure''. ''Quotas are one way of bringing women's merit out into the open,'' she said.

Broderick told BusinessDay this week that when she spoke in September she had decided to ''come out really making a strong statement about quotas … to open up some safe space for others to speak out on the issue''.

She called on companies to set themselves three- and five-year targets for gender diversity, and for quotas to be considered if no progress followed.

Several female business leaders have called for, at the very least, a debate about targets and quotas. Margaret Jackson, the former Qantas chairwoman, spoke out in October, saying companies should set voluntary targets for female board members. ''If we don't get there let's set quotas,'' she told the ABC.

Helen Lynch, a veteran company director, recently reaffirmed her stance against quotas but said she respected the opinions of the ''growing number of women'' who supported them. The ASX's new corporate governance guidelines will be sent out for consultation, with the aim to introduce them on July 1. Their success, or otherwise, will be closely followed.


Isabel Metz, an associate professor at Melbourne Business School, has studied the lack of women in senior finance sector roles for a decade. She was always against targets and quotas, but changed her mind after watching the lack of progress since the sex discrimination laws were passed 25 years ago.

''Sometimes we have to do things that are not palatable, but maybe it's necessary to go through a bit of pain in the beginning, in order to see some change. We don't want to be talking about this topic in another generation's time.''

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