

This was published 8 years ago

Wall Street may have finally decided that a US rate rise is good news

Wall Street seems to have realised that a rate rise in the US is a long-term positive if it happens.

By Malcolm Maiden

Something unusual and encouraging happened on Wednesday. After deciding that the US Federal Reserve would raise its benchmark short-term interest rate next month, Wall Street investors bought shares with enthusiasm, handing the US sharemarket its best gain in two months.

Markets around the world followed the lead. Here, the ASX 200 index jumped by just under 77 points, or 1.45 per cent.

Perhaps reality is finally sinking in. There are many things for the markets to get in a frazzle about, but a rate rise in the US is not one of them. The really scary thing would be if the Fed was looking to go the other way.

Rate rises mean money costs more. The rate-of-return hurdle that companies must clear to make investments work is a bit higher.

In the short term, higher rates also pressure the pricing of interest rate securities that are already issued, and the pricing of shares, as their yield becomes marginally less attractive.

These adjustments don't mean that rate rises are bad news in a broader sense, however.

The world was pole-axed by the global financial crisis and the recession that followed in 2008 and 2009, and it continues to have problems.

Corporate debt is lower than it was during the crisis, but government debt levels were pushed up by crisis bailouts, and China's public and private sector debt has continued to expand aggressively.

In the opinion of some, the debt load is the reason record low rates since the global crisis have not been the catalyst for renewed investment and growth that central banks hoped they would be. Economies have not responded, the argument goes, because the world's credit card is maxed out: there is just not enough latent gearing capacity left to produce the borrowing and investing response that the central banks have been looking for.

The extrapolation of that gloomy analysis is that the world is in a low-growth, low-return rut for the foreseeable future. Central banks get a subdued economic response from the low-rate, high-liquidity regime they have engineered. The prospect of rate rises recedes into the distance, and the lethargy continues to throttle returns, pushing inflation down to a point where the price penalty for deferring purchases and investment decisions is minimal. As deflation begins to threaten, an even worse prospect emerges – that delays in investment and consumption will actually be rewarded, because future prices will be lower.


Now let's look at what's happening with rates in the world's most important economy, and why.

The Fed held its short-term Fed Funds rate at zero to a quarter of a per cent for seven years from the end of 2008.

Last December after false starts and year-long market speculation it raised the rate to between a quarter of a percent and a half a per cent. Its rate projections at that time suggested an average rate of 1.4 per cent by the end of 2016. That was about twice as high as the market itself was tipping, and the markets were right. There has been no more rate increases so far.

Last week's minutes of the Fed's April meeting convinced the market that a rate rise is almost certain in June, however. They revealed that most members of the Fed's rate-setting committee believed in late April that if the economy continued to show strength on three key points – growth, jobs, and accelerating inflation, "it likely would be appropriate for the committee to increase the target range for the federal funds rate in June".

Global markets sold off the news initially. "Market jitters as Fed flags rate hike." You know that script. The minutes of the April meeting also made it clear however that the Fed was inclined to raise rates because it believed the US economy could handle it. That point is crucial, and on the strength of Wednesday's trading it is being imported into prices now.

Most members of the Fed's rate-setting Open Markets Committee agreed that America's steadily improving job market was a pointer to "underlying pace of economic activity", the April minutes stated – and there has been nothing in the US data since the Fed's meeting to suggest that that view has changed. Tuesday night's Wall Street rally was fuelled by news that US home sales in April were running at the highest level for more than eight years.

The Fed's rate rise scenario is a fundamentally positive story in the world's most important market and economy. Positive for growth, demand, profits and dividends long term – in the US first, of course, but ultimately everywhere, because the world feeds off the US economy.

It puts the US where it it usually is, at the vanguard of the world's dogged climb away from the ruins of the global crisis. Those following include Australia, where rates are headed lower as the Reserve Bank tries to get inflation back up into its target range of 2 to 3 per cent growth a year. Our market will follow Wall Street up if the bounce continues.

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