

This was published 6 years ago

Why Australia's wages are stuck in a rut

By Eryk Bagshaw & Anna Patty

Wages are being kept down by workers refusing to leave their jobs and a growing skill mismatch between job vacancies and the unemployed, the Reserve Bank of Australia says.

Australia's wage growth has been stuck at historic lows at or below the rising cost of living, frustrating workers and creating a political and economic headache for policymakers.

Wage growth is in a hole, and the RBA has weighed in on the reasons why.

Wage growth is in a hole, and the RBA has weighed in on the reasons why. Credit: Erin Jonasson

Low levels of industrial action, technological disruption and increased casualisation have all been blamed by economists for the global state of flux.

But the Reserve Bank's deputy governor Guy Debelle said workers reluctance to take a risk and go after a better paying job was also playing a role.

"One of the factors contributing to this is the low level of voluntary job turnover. Workers tend to choose to leave their job for a better job – be it in conditions or pay," he said.

"The fact that little of this is occurring is likely to be contributing to the subdued wages growth."

Businesses are also finding ways to avoid paying wage rises to cohorts of employees by linking pay increases to individual performances, while also preferring to give bonuses over long-term wage hikes.

The RBA has pointed to a skill mismatch as a reason for low wages growth.

The RBA has pointed to a skill mismatch as a reason for low wages growth. Credit: James Davies

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show wages including bonuses spiked to almost 3 per cent in 2017-18 well above the wages-only measure at 2.1 per cent. The metric is typically driven by higher-paid professional industries.


"Some firms are attempting to retain staff by using non-wage incentives, including flexible work arrangements, shares, subsidised gym memberships, development opportunities and additional annual leave," said Dr Debelle.

The Reserve Bank board member said a widening skill-mismatch has also had a dampening effect on wages, as technology exacerbates the gap between skilled and unskilled work.


"Over the past few years, there has been a large increase in vacancies but only a small decline in the unemployment rate to date," he said.

"A possible explanation for this would be an increasing skill mismatch between unemployed workers and available jobs."

Dr Debelle said structural changes, technological shifts and lower mobility can also reduce the ability of firms to find the appropriate worker.

"Finally, it may reflect under-investment in training over recent years, including in technical skills" he said.

Despite the diagnosis, Dr Debelle said overall, the labour market was in pretty good shape - pointing to high participation rates and overall employment growth driving the unemployment rate down to 5.3 per cent - near a six year low.

"The near-term indicators suggest demand for labour remains above average and the expected growth in the economy over the next few years should gradually reduce the spare capacity in the labour market," he said.

Retailers have been struggling to remain optimistic, as low-wage growth reduces spending in-store.

The Reject Shop revised down its guidance for the first half of the 2018-19 financial year on Wednesday after sales fell by 0.5 per cent in the first seven weeks of trading.

"Despite strong marketing and merchandise plans, the extremely weak retail environment has seen sales deteriorate," it said in a statement to the ASX on Wednesday.


"The continuing absence of real wage growth and increases in the cost of many basic expenses, (including mortgage rates) ensures that competition for the discretionary spend of consumers remains high."

ACTU Secretary Sally McManus said people are holding onto the jobs they have because of the rise in insecure work.

"They aren’t demanding pay rises because they know that outsourcing, labour hire and shaming contracting are tactics employers are ready use against them if they do," she said.

“One of the ways to end the wage growth crisis is to give workers the job security they need. We need to change the rules so working people can lift the standards for pay and conditions across sectors and the whole economy.”

Independent economist Saul Eslake said statistical evidence does not support the assertion that work has become less secure. There was a significant increase in the proportion of employees who did not have paid leave entitlements in the 1980s and 1990s, but this had remained virtually unchanged since then.

The proportion of employees who have been with same employer for ten years has increased and those staying with same employer for less than one year has decreased.

Mr Eslake said the lack of job turnover in Australia could be because employers generally were not offering bigger wage rises.

"There is less on offer to tempt people to leave their existing employer," he said.

"The lack of wage increases is one reason for reduced job turnover."

Mr Eslake said a lack of voluntary job turnover had been observed in the US after the global financial crisis. Now, unemployment is at its lowest since 1969, wages growth has started to pick up and the number of workers voluntarily quitting their jobs had started to increase.

In a tight labour market, people increased their pay by finding a new employer willing to pay them more than their current employer. This typically happened during the peak of Australia's mining boom.

"One of the reasons why people change jobs is to get a pay rise," Mr Eslake said.

"If the job market is tight, people will sometimes quit their job and take a chance on being unemployed for a few weeks but feel reasonably confident they will find something.

"When the labour market is weaker ... then there will be less voluntary job turnover."

Australian Industry Group chief executive Innes Willox said the RBA's comments reinforced what it had been saying about the relative stability of independent contracting and casual employment as shares of the workforce.

"We have also noted that measures of job insecurity have not increased," he said. "The link between low wage growth and lower voluntary labour turnover is complex: it seems just as likely that employees are less likely to leave a job if wages in alternative positions are not rising."

Mr Willox said 8.1 per cent of the workforce changed their employer in the 12 months to February 2018 - up from 7.7 per cent in the 12 months to February 2017.

On this measure the number of people changing employers still looked relatively low.

"But we don’t know if that is because people are ‘nervous’ about changing jobs or because they are satisfied with their current employer and don’t need to move. It is also possibly a legacy of our ageing workforce in that we know that older people change jobs less often,” Mr Willox said.

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