

This was published 6 years ago

Why AGL is likely to rebuff any and all suitors to 'old lady Liddell'

By Peter Hannam

On the face of it, AGL should be happy to offload the Liddell power station to an eager buyer such as Alinta Energy. In fact, any buyer at all.

Here's an ailing plant, not far off a half-century vintage, that the company valued at zero dollars when bought from the NSW government in 2014.

And, although AGL rates Liddell's capacity at 1680 megawatts, one of its four units was down for most of the summer for urgent repairs - just when NSW needed power the most.

Visitors to the Hunter Valley plant expecting the company to talk up its assets are instead herded through a soot-laden labyrinth to be shown contractors toiling amid the boiler din to keep the generators spinning until its slated end in 2022.

Kate Coates, general manager of AGL's Liddell power station in the Hunter Valley.

Kate Coates, general manager of AGL's Liddell power station in the Hunter Valley.Credit: Janie Barrett

As Kate Coates, the plant's general manager, told a media mob last September that Liddell was "an old lady: we can't ask [her] to run a marathon a few days in a row without her falling over". 

And, for good measure,  the lunch break was leavened by fluoro-coated staff happy to explain a smorgasbord of pulverised or shredded piping the company had thoughtfully laid out for display.

A corroded pipe shown to visitors to the Liddell power station in September 2017.

A corroded pipe shown to visitors to the Liddell power station in September 2017.Credit: Peter Hannam


As if to underscore its unreliability, Liddell even put in a wobble on Wednesday:

Commercial view

But Liddell's commercial challenges may well exceed the engineering ones, not least because AGL would have to factor in the cost of selling to a competitor.

Enter Alinta Energy, which since last May has been owned by Hong Kong-based Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Ltd. Described as "the biggest jewellery dealer" in the Chinese territory, CTFE is now supposedly in the hunt for a diamond in the rough that nobody else noticed.

Or rather, as Alinta's chief executive Jeff Dimery said on Wednesday morning, it had become interested in Liddell after being contacted by the Turnbull government just before Easter.


Dimery told Sky News, Alinta was aiming for a "non-binding, indicative offer" for Liddell by the end of April, with the aim of taking over the plant by September.

It wants a "handover of the asset sooner rather than later" because it knows AGL's maintenance schedule is aimed for closure in four years' time. Alinta would want to extend its life to 2027 or 2029, or whenever.

But it is by no means certain that AGL will be a willing seller, notwithstanding Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull making another personal call. He rang AGL's chairman Graeme Hunt on Tuesday evening, the latest in a series of calls to company chiefs that have failed to budge AGL so far.

Alinta, it might be noted, shut down its Northern coal-fired power station in South Australia in 2016 with little notice, and did not - as far as anyone can tell - get Turnbull on the blower, pleading for a reprieve.

'Public interest'

However, Turnbull told reporters on Wednesday that it was "manifestly in the public interest" to keep Liddell going for a few years after 2022 - at least until the monster Snowy 2.0 pumped storage project can come online by "2024 or 2025".

(At a bill of $4 billion-plus - before the cost of extra transmission and the $6 billion federal takeover tab for buying NSW and Victoria's Snowy shares - Snowy 2.0 is itself far from a done deal.)

For its part,  AGL has indicated Liddell is "indivisible" from AGL's larger - and far more reliable - Bayswater power station nearby. The NSW government tried to separate the two and failed.

And Dimery says Alinta's interest is "just Liddell".

Federal Coalition politicians have hinted darkly that this "indivisibility" hides AGL's true intent to boost the wholesale electricity price for Bayswater (and all other generators) by reducing supply when Liddell's generators grind to a halt for the last time.

But, in any case, such changes are usually left to the market to sort out (which the Coalition would more typically support).

The PM noted, that Delta Electicity - owner of another ex-NSW government plant at Vales Point - may also be interested in Liddell, as Fairfax Media reported.

AGL's plans

But AGL counters it has done the right thing by the public, customers and shareholders alike by investing $300 million to ensure Liddell can go the distance to 2022. It also gave the market seven full years to prepare for its exit.

By contrast, France-owned Engie gave just six months before its abrupt scuttling of Victoria's similar-sized Hazelwood plant a year ago last week.

AGL has contracted, too, about 8 terrawatt-hours of electricity a year until 2022 that it planned to supply from Liddell and would need to source from elsewhere if it sold the plant.

And - partly to deflect haranguing from Canberra - AGL has been preparing to make up for Liddell's lost capacity.  Indeed, AGL said on Wednesday it needed the site "for our replacement plans into the future".


As Fairfax Media reported last week, those plans could include using Lake Liddell - which serves as the plant's default cooling towers - for a pumped storage site.

It would operate much like Snowy 2.0 - though on a smaller scale - using periods of relatively low-cost power to pump water to a higher reservoir and then releasing it when prices are higher, through a hydro generator.

The site is also earmarked for a range of other uses, from hosting synchronous condensors that help stabilise the grid to possible gas generation and storage.

AGL, in other words, has a lot of other ideas for Liddell.

And while it would have no choice to consider any formal bid - should one arise from Alinta, or anybody else - AGL has made clear that its intention remains for a scheduled and graceful retirement of "Old Lady Liddell".

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