

This was published 6 years ago

What Donald Trump's trade war with China means for you

By Jessica Irvine

It's fair to say free trade has received some pretty bad press in recent decades.

The very mention of the phrase now seems to conjure an image of workers being exploited in foreign sweat shops – just so you can have a fancy pair of sneakers - or video footage of the sombre faces of Aussie manufacturing workers, hanging up their overalls and walking out the factory gates for the last time.

Illustration: Dionne Gain

Illustration: Dionne GainCredit:

Concern over free trade seems to have leapt the political fence, uniting both left wing radicals and right wing conservative to produce a toxic political brew.

Such discontent, which has been a long time fermenting, is the deeper reason fuelling Donald Trump’s opportunistic trade war with China.

Economists are aghast that one of their most sacred notions - the benefits of free trade - has become so completely misunderstood in the popular mind.

So let's be clear: free trade improves society.


Don’t believe me? Consider the counterfactual: the world as it existed before free trade. Remember a time when all a household could consume was what it produced. Such a household might own a cow for meat and milk, some chickens for eggs and, occasionally, a pig to slaughter. They might spend their nights weaving floor mats from local reeds. Fun.

It didn’t take humans long to figure out that life improved immeasurably if they specialised at producing something that they were relatively better at producing, and then took that product to market to exchange for other goods.


Indeed, the idea spread like wildfire, becoming the defining feature of the global economy in the past century, as trade links were forged, deepened and liberalised to allow the increasingly free flow of goods and services across national boundaries.

Australian homes today are flooded with cheaply imported furniture, devices, electronics - not to mention that fancy foreign car sitting in the garage.


Access to cheaply imported foreign goods has been the most widely overlooked driver of improved living standards over the past few decades.

That source of continuing prosperity now appears under threat.

This week, the United States confirmed it will impose tariffs on roughly half of the goods it imports from China. China has since retaliated, with the US President having already threatened to extend tariffs to cover almost all of the goods Americans import from China.

It’s time to at least consider the question of what impact the escalating trade war will have here.

The chief economist at KPMG Australia, Brendan Rynne, has helpfully done just that. Bottom line: a trade war of the scale we’ve just entered into knocks 0.3 per cent off our gross domestic product in five years' time. If China and the US impose higher tariffs of 25 per cent, this rises to 0.5 per cent. If other countries join the trade war to protect their domestic industries from the dumping of cheap Chinese and American goods, Australia loses 2.4 per cent of GDP. Thousands of jobs are lost, and real incomes take a hit.

KPMG arrives at this conclusion by feeding a 10 per cent import price shock into a complex macro econometric model, comprising trade and other data. There are complex interactions with exchange rates and government bonds, but basically, if import prices rise, this reduces consumption, trade flows decrease, economies shrink, jobs are lost and incomes suffer.

It’s bad.

For Australia, the main way this washes up on our shore is by reduced foreign demand for our exports. If Chinese consumers have less money to spend - because they’re paying higher prices on US imports - they’ll have less disposable income to come to Australia on holidays or to send their children here for university. Australia's tourism and university sectors suffer.

Lower consumption and economic activity in China could also mean less demand for Australian mineral exports – although many contracts are long term and the Chinese government has shown a willingness to stimulate its economy to keep activity ticking along, to our exporters' benefit.

Rynne says the nightmare scenario is one in which the world is suddenly flooded with cheap Chinese and US exports looking for a new home. If other countries retaliate by erecting their own trade barriers, this could lead to a sudden seizing up of global trade.

So far, financial markets remain sanguine about such prospects. US share prices have rallied and the risk premium charged against US treasury bonds has not moved up greatly.

In addition to its diabolical trade policy, the US administration has also embarked on a massive fiscal stimulus package, including tax cuts, which is buoying the world’s biggest economy. US consumers and businesses will no doubt pay higher prices on imports from China, but it’s unlikely they'll stop buying them altogether.

Perhaps the most potent risk for Australians is that financial markets make a sudden reassessment of the risks flowing from a trade war, leading to ructions in global markets and a knock-on dampening effect on business confidence here.

Our Reserve Bank is watching closely for any signs of such contagion, but so far, such risks are yet to materialise.

However, it remains true that a widespread global movement to reject free trade and return to a system of mercantilism would have a devastating effect on the global and local economy. Donald Trump has proved himself much closer to desiring such a world than any reasonable person could have imagined.

Unfortunately, there’s not a lot that can be done from an Australian perspective to safeguard against such madness and the ripple effect it would have on us via reduced living standards.

Any significant global turbulence would mean Australian interest rates stayed lower for longer and the federal budget's return to surplus would be in jeopardy, again.

For now, all we can do is buckle up. We could be in for a bumpy ride.

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